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  1. probum non poenitet

    NDP calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan

    Since these oil pipeline conspiracies are so prevalent, maybe it's time Jack Layton and the gang answered this simple question: "Do you believe the U.S. Government planned and executed the attacks of September 11 in order to provide a premise for an invasion of Afghanistan?" I would have been...
  2. probum non poenitet

    TV reporter suspended for praising Canadian mission in Afghanistan

    Does anyone know where to get a full-text copy of the letter? Translated to English would be a bonus.
  3. probum non poenitet

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    That's funny ... ... from the people who brought you The Zimmerman Telegram, Hess' Flight to Scotland, and The Premature Recognition of Croatia ... ... it's Germany's Diplomatic Bloopers and Practical Jokes. Maybe Iran will attack Pearl Harbor, and Germany will jump on board three days...
  4. probum non poenitet

    Justin Trudeau - Timelines

    ... by latching on to a poorly thought-out but media-friendly soundbyte. Well done, son, you'll go far.
  5. probum non poenitet

    NDP calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan

    The more I think about this, the more I wonder what Jack Layton was thinking. Most politicians know that getting what you want is by compromising and making deals. So if the NDP wanted more development, etc. etc. they might have conceivably said "If we don't revisit our plan for redevelopment...
  6. probum non poenitet

    Fun with statistics

    "Smoke and Mirrors"?  :)
  7. probum non poenitet

    Debate about Foriegn Affairs intiated by the Bloc

    Sure, they only hate the part of democracy where those who have opposing views have a right to life. Bizarre logic. Though much as I hate her argument, she might notice I am not threatening to blow her up on a subway. I wonder if she catches that subtlety.
  8. probum non poenitet

    All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

    Dude, I'm still holding my breath waiting for the implementation of Corps '86 ~~  :D
  9. probum non poenitet

    NDP calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan

    Yes ... I think the Conservatives have been clear and consistent in what they want to achieve. Hats off. Their positions are available to the public, and I think the military who are enacting those policies by and large have a good understanding of them. Buuutttt ..... just over half of...
  10. probum non poenitet

    NDP calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan

    I think this opens a pretty important chapter in what will happen politically in Canada ... it's "Game on" for all parties now. I see two general directions this could take us - one terrible, and one not completely terrible. In the not completely terrible option, the NDPs calls for a clear...
  11. probum non poenitet

    NDP calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan

    Interesting development, to put it mildly: Reproduced here from the NDP Website under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act. http://www.ndp.ca/page/4117 Wrong mission for Canada: Layton calls for troop withdrawal Thu 31 Aug 2006 | Printer friendly OTTAWA – NDP Leader Jack Layton...
  12. probum non poenitet

    Propaganda and the need for Control.

    I think an interesting change is the media themselves. In the World Wars, reporters attached to the Armed Forces were unashamedly pro-military and pro-victory. If there are exceptions, I would be glad to see them. I know there was a media storm in 1915 due to the 'shell scandal' -- pre-war...
  13. probum non poenitet

    Kidney Stones

    Believe me, it's not the first time!  It takes a while, but the system usually comes around to reason. ;D Point well made and well taken. My response: armies adapt to changing realities or perish. I maintain that there may come a time in the next few years where we have simply run out of...
  14. probum non poenitet

    Kidney Stones

    Your argument: The testimony according to the article: Six years and no problems ... doesn't sound like a convalescent home to me. On the one hand you have a recruiting system and training system screaming for experienced people to keep the machine rolling in wartime. On the other hand you...
  15. probum non poenitet


    This thread has some hilarious posts! Here's my experience on the topic: EVERY instance I can think of where the man gave in to A 'Precious Moments Harpy' and quit the army (usually very early in his career), he cleared out, turned in his kit, went home to Domestic Bliss ... and got his ***...
  16. probum non poenitet

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Too Bond-ish? No way ... maybe the Iranians are shooting a remake of Diamonds are Forever? Any reports of a bald guy with a cat escaping the oil rig on a submarine, and I'm reassessing the whole thing.  ;D
  17. probum non poenitet

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    I agree ... they will probably get away with it, and I sincerely doubt they are trying to start World War III. But with the region as unstable as it is, and Iran being the U.S.'s #1 boogie-man, every time you pull a stunt like this you are playing "Wheel of Nuclear Fortune" I would file it...
  18. probum non poenitet

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Nobody knows the reasons for sure, but there are two things of which you can almost be certain: 1) This attack was carried out with the approval of the top levels of the Iranian government 2) The Iranian government is well aware of the diplomatic shockwaves it will send out, regardless of the...
  19. probum non poenitet

    French spouse moving to English Canada!!!

    I would contact the Winnipeg MFRC http://www.mfrc.mb.ca/. In Edmonton they arrange language courses and social clubs for personnel and spouses in your situation. Looks like they do in Winnipeg as well: http://www.mfrc.mb.ca/french/language.html
  20. probum non poenitet

    Cdn. Forces to accelerate enlistment of recruits

    I wonder if it's time (or nearly time) for that here ... the U.S. has activated several divisions of part-timers. Quickly ... to the Batcave!