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  1. probum non poenitet

    respect in general

    Sir, having read your eloquent response, I owe you a further apology. I said earlier that you touched a nerve - that is when you said that the 'stock' of a veteran goes down when he is no longer needed. I have been thinking of your post all day, and thinking of WW2 veterans I know, and how...
  2. probum non poenitet

    respect in general

    You are probably right, thus I am probably wrong ... I'm just weary of so many groups claiming to have the interests of our wounded at heart, when really they are grinding out their own agendas ... likely I'm shooting at the wrong duck on this issue. Apologies.
  3. probum non poenitet

    respect in general

    Forgive me for being blunt and cynical, but this touches a raw nerve: If you are advocating for more money for our Veterans' Hospitals, for Fisher House in Landstuhl, for prosthetics, therapy, and re-training for those currently wounded, for care of all injured vets, past and present, you have...
  4. probum non poenitet

    Myths and legends

    ... or "the Cougars will be replaced with Leopards if we ever do this for real."  :rofl:
  5. probum non poenitet

    How do RESERVIST'S families cope during a tour?

    Your unit will have a Rear Party, and that Rear Party should make itself known to you. Do NOT take "we're too busy" or "we're too small" for an answer. (Perhaps I'm jumping the gun, but sometimes you run across people who just don't get it. I know how frustrating it can be in the Reserves...
  6. probum non poenitet

    How do RESERVIST'S families cope during a tour?

    I am not sure what reserve unit your husband is with, but I encourage you to go down to the armoury and get to know some of the people there. Keep asking around until you find someone who will listen. The chances are that there will be other soldiers from the unit deploying, and they too will...
  7. probum non poenitet

    Berlin opera bans Mozart for fear of provoking Islamic extremists

    All I know is if the terrorists cause a ban of Miss Saigon, I'm switching sides. That's the biggest crap-fest I've ever had to sit through.  ;D
  8. probum non poenitet

    Sacrifice Medal Mega Thread

    There's a photograph I remember of the officers of a Canadian infantry battalion posing in France in 1917 or 18. It's a formal "course photo" format taken a bit behind the lines. It may have been post-Armistice. If you look at them, almost everyone had a wound stripe or stripes. They don't...
  9. probum non poenitet

    A moratorium on immigration and refugee intake from terrorist-exporting countrie

    This thread is interesting to me. Not so much the issue itself, but the 'meta-issue' if you will. That is, as this war develops, we will see Canadian culture change. How much, I can't say, but it will change. It is changing. I think ultimately the most important battle of our times will be...
  10. probum non poenitet

    Protesters display terrorist flag at Calgary war memorial

    I used to get those same feelings during certain O Groups. I've discovered it's frowned upon to act on those feelings ...  :D
  11. probum non poenitet

    Operation Medusa

    Graeme Smith has done some very good writing prior to this. From what I have read, he is not one to rip up the CF for the sake of ripping up the CF. How accurate is this report? I don't know - I'm not there. It could be full of errors, it could be accurate, it could be a mix. Enemy info ops, or...
  12. probum non poenitet

    M2 HMG Army Alphabet Game

    X axis controlled by transverse dial ... right forward, left back (go with it, it's 'X' for crying out loud)
  13. probum non poenitet

    Afghanistan: Why we should be there (or not), how to conduct the mission (or not) & when to leave

    Well, you see what you want to see, and hear what you want to hear ... according to the NDP, President Karzai gave a "stern condemnation of the military operation" yesterday. It's politics. Truth is secondary, you just need to twist the facts to score points, like a bad day in divorce court...
  14. probum non poenitet

    Protesters display terrorist flag at Calgary war memorial

    I'm pretty sure displaying a Carolina Hurricanes flag will get you killed on Whyte Avenue in Edmonton. Hospitalized at the very least.   :D
  15. probum non poenitet

    NDP calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan

    Interesting examples she uses. When the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam and Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge took over and annihilated almost half of their population. Not exactly a strong argument for reckless withdrawal and 'giving peace a chance.' In Northern Ireland, the British Government refused to...
  16. probum non poenitet

    NATO: Too Many Restrictions on Foreign Forces in AFG

    So you're a middleweight European power ... you can choose to join an alliance led by the U.S. and the U.K. ... the winningest duo in military history ... or by France and freakin' Germany ...  the not-so-winningest duo.   You could rename the alliances the NATO Yankees and the EU Red Sox...
  17. probum non poenitet

    Crap....and they let them get away.

    How about dropping leaflets ... we COULD have bombed you, but we are righteous, and have too much respect for your religion? etc. etc. Little PSYOPS head game? Probably a thick idea, but it wouldn't be great for morale.
  18. probum non poenitet


    If you don't grow up and change your attitude, I guarantee you'll wash out of training, if you ever start. Take that advice or leave it, I truly don't care.
  19. probum non poenitet


    When I was about 18 I was drunk and running in the darkness for some reason. I suddenly found myself clobbered by the invisible man, lying on my back, and looking up at the stars. I had run into one of those metal clotheslines you see on old PMQs, right in the bloody (literally) neck. For the...