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  1. F

    Quiting Smoking

    The first thing to say I think is: It ain't gonna be easy!!  But for sure you can do it!!!  I smoked for about 5 years and stopped 1 1/2 years ago..  I used the patches, it helped a lot, you can try to like, go for a run EVERY time you have a craving..  you'll get in shape pretty fast and after...
  2. F

    Camp de recru du 24 aout au 28 octobre

    Combien de temps ca t'a pris pour les procedures??  vas-tu comme Reg ou Res??  Ou fais-tu to BMQ??  St-Jean?
  3. F

    New Helicopter announcement tomorrow

    Ghost: it's good to dream...  if you're young enough, you might see that when retiring...  That's what they call a goverment..  nothing simple..  just BS!!
  4. F

    A Collection Of Army.ca Humour - including SKIPPY'S DAMN LIST AGAIN!!

    When I was working in a restaurant, the big joke was to water the plants..  for those who don't know, they all are plastic!!  :blotto:
  5. F

    Basic Trainig In St. Jean Que.

    I was wondering..  Is it possible to find BMQ easy??  like a walk in the park??  If you're in great shape and mentally prepared..  That was my objective before, but more I read here, more I see that it's impossible to do..  :-\
  6. F

    New Helicopter announcement tomorrow

    From http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/superhawk/index.html Sikorsky and Bombardier Aerospace have an industrial teaming agreement to offer the H-92 as a replacement for Canada's Maritime Helicopter. 28 helicopters are required and a selection is planned for the summer of 2004. By...
  7. F

    The Shoe Bomber - Judge's Comments

    I just have 1 word to say!! WOW!!!  :o that's awesome!!!  This judge really gave him all!!!  Life + 80 years + 5 years of supervised release  :blotto: and all his speech is very interresting..  That's the king of judge we would need here!!  :-\
  8. F

    'add urine and eat' rations

    hmmmm..  I'm hungry..  ::)
  9. F

    Favorite Military Film

    Anyone saw this miniserie, I think it's in Bosnia, there's a french guy that I can't remember the name, I think it was filmed in french..  yet again, not sure..  I saw a couple of episode (out of 4-5 I believe) about 5-10 years ago..  I know, it's not very precise, that's all I remember..  :-\
  10. F

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    Thanks for the info all of you..
  11. F

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    It's in Coquitlam..  on Ridge street I believe..
  12. F

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    I would like to volonteer for the RCMP and they are doing an enhanced security check..  Will it be valid for the CF or will they do their own?? Joining SigOp in Reg F. And for them who thinks so, No, I'm not volonteering just for the security check..  ::)  :dontpanic:
  13. F

    So you wanna be a cop?Women Join Iraqi Police Force-Article

    I didn't agree to Gunnar's statement until the last thing about the civil war..  that actually makes sense when you think about it..
  14. F

    CRTC approves Al Jazeera for Canadian viewers

    What???  you can watch 1 TV channel??  what a lucky one!!!  I don't even own a TV!!  ::) But I have to agree with you..  google news and slashdot rules!!  But for breaking news, I think the best is CNN.com..  it's up to date almost all the time..
  15. F

    Real Classy Dude

    It's "Parlez-en en bien, parlez-en en mal, mais parlez-en!!"  maybe you'll be better than me to translate..  I don't have my dictionnary with me!  ::)
  16. F

    After Action Report

    I'm not proud of me!!!  :'(  Actually, I read a little bit of that web site!!!  and I enjoyed!!!  :o Am I that bored??  :boring: ;D
  17. F

    Real Classy Dude

    If we continue to talk about him, that's what he wants..  Anyone know the proverb: Say it badly, say it nicely but say it (or something like that, I only know the french version  ;D ). So we should just close this thread and stop thinking about him.
  18. F

    Ideas In Action

    Sweeeeeeet!!!  Now, all I need is a dog!!  ::)
  19. F

    CRTC approves Al Jazeera for Canadian viewers

    The CRTC is just a real big fat joke!!!  They just closed CHOI-FM in Quebec city..  the only station that promote people to exercise, don't smoke and try to prevent suicide..  It was the #1 radio station in Qc City..  now, you cannot have an opinion on the air anymore?? Where are we going...
  20. F

    Unit Ghost's

    It is a tourist attraction..  I'm in Vancouver and I have to find the tourists attractions for my friends who are coming soon..  It IS on the map!!  just off of Stanley Park!! Maybe I'll try to go there at night...  with binoculars!!  I don't know if ghosts can be seen trhu binoculars...