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  1. medaid

    Buttstock reccomendations

    Oh jebus recceguy that thing'll just do anything won't it? Does it also make your coffee for you in the morning?  ;D How easy is it to slide the current stock off? I've got a CTR that I'd like to place on to the A2 which fits my needs that much more... Also, slight hijack. If you place railed...
  2. medaid

    personal relationships, chain of command and administrative intervention...

    However... At the same time, unless solid proof in wrong doing has occured, its not your damn business who, if anyone the MCpl may or may not be in a relationship.
  3. medaid

    PLA's new paint scheme...looks familiar?

    I have a better idea! How bout we just kill this? This thread isn't going anywhere, and it honestly didn't provide much insight into... well anything.
  4. medaid

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    Its a good thing that the public has no say over the presentation and awarding of the VC, and who it is awarded to, or what to do with it.
  5. medaid

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    He didn't expect it. I just tossed that in there :) since everyone else was talking about VC winners and Smokey :D
  6. medaid

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    I saluted Smokey... Out of respect for him.
  7. medaid

    Int to CSIS?

    The also have a Marine Corps, and Army Aviation! Maybe we should start emulating those practices too? The CF is slowly opening up opportunities for direct entry Int O and Int Ops. The results are varied, and although the Branch has produced some fine DEO and DE Int Ops... I for one am NOT...
  8. medaid

    Guys, I really need some advice about joining. Badly.

    A.Khan,     I applaud you for your desire to serve in the Canadian Forces. Unfortunately you didn't say where you are located, and this piece of information would have given me some inclination to whether or not to suggest the Co-Op program. The Co-Op program is not accessible to high school...
  9. medaid

    Intelligence cap badge

    Re read what I said please. This pattern of cap badge is obsolete, you cannot wear this on your beret! Now if you're getting it for purely the fun ha ha factor, then you can probably find them on eBay or local surplus shops.
  10. medaid

    Suggestions to a Junior Officer

    Do NOT.... Do NOT sleep with your fellow officers either. Do not lend money out or borrow money. Friendly yet firm attitude. Display confidence not arrogance. Listen to advice... They're worth their weight in gold.
  11. medaid

    Intelligence cap badge

    Because we haven't worn that in ages. They don't exist anymore.
  12. medaid

    ICE Tactical Direct Action Rig?

    DTDW, Get over yourself. You were the one that fracked up on LightFighter. Had you followed the rules of the forum, you wouldve gained much informatoon there. Now yoy can chose to continue being a spoiled brat and complain about another forum here, or you can go back there man up and learn...
  13. medaid

    5.11 VTAC LBE Tactical Vest

    5.11 = Junk
  14. medaid

    Intelligence cap badge

    There is no such thing as full metalic. If you're looking for gold and silver wire ones which is what most if not aLl of the Int Os have at my unit you can find it at Penny's of Thunderbay. I've made more then 1 purchase from them and they're all good to go in my books.
  15. medaid

    AAC Silencer Shoot 2009

    OMG... I have a little wet spot.... On my keyboard from drooling...
  16. medaid

    Recruiting lies?

    Really? You ran less then 15kms your entire course? Your PT mustve been a breeze!
  17. medaid

    Ship's Boarding Party [Merged]

    I don't agree with that sentiment. You should be concerned about the weapon systems you will be employing. Never having fired a shot in anger does not mean you will not, and the situation could not arise where you need to. Now, if you meant that don't worry about it for now, and concentrate on...
  18. medaid

    The current navy uniform

    Pffft you know you like it  ;D