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  1. J.J

    Soldier fined for mailing guns from Afghanistan

    It is actually a minimum, mandatory 3 yrs in the federal pen for importing a prohibited weapon under the CCC. He is one lucky guy to only get a small fine.
  2. J.J

    Joining Canadian army as an Asian

    No (reverse) racism in that statement....  ::)
  3. J.J

    Intelligence Officer / Operator

    In the military it is generally referred to as Int, but you may have heard intel used in a non-military context. CSIS and law enforcement agencies use Intel.
  4. J.J

    Significant Site Upgrade Complete

    Can I expect to get banned again?  ;D
  5. J.J

    Secret commandos accidentally detained at Tim Hortons

    I find that very disrespectful and I am surprised it came from you Strike. Members of the military are not the only ones who must follow orders they realize do not make sense, but do so as it is their job.
  6. J.J

    You've got to see this amazing video!

    If Technoviking was in another element.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTwq1_9VH68
  7. J.J

    Will this encourage more to call for the ban of the Hijab?

    I assume since you occupy the moral high ground your position would surpass my professional knowledge...
  8. J.J

    Will this encourage more to call for the ban of the Hijab?

    The criminal charge would be; Causing disturbance, indecent exhibition, loitering, etc. 175. (1) Every one who (a) not being in a dwelling-house, causes a disturbance in or near a public place, (i) by fighting, screaming, shouting, swearing, singing or using insulting or obscene language, (ii)...
  9. J.J

    Will this encourage more to call for the ban of the Hijab?

    When someone disagree's with YOUR view we all are wrong? When the majorities will rules, it is called democracy. If that is what is decided/determined the minority has to accept it or attempt to change the decision through (hopefully) peaceful means. It is my opinion and I do not appreciate...
  10. J.J

    Will this encourage more to call for the ban of the Hijab?

    Yes there is. Common sense says you do not walk into a public place with a balaclava or motorcycle helmet etc on. It will cause panic. A normal person does not feel the need to hide their identity. I do not agree with religious persecution, but I do agree with the will of the majority.
  11. J.J

    Will this encourage more to call for the ban of the Hijab?

    Michael, You seriously believe a person(s) walking into a public place with a  balaclava or anything covering their face, regardless the weather would garner attention? If you and a significant other were in a restaurant and  person(s) walked in with balaclava's you would not feel threatened and...
  12. J.J

    Border guards halt joint operations with police in shock move

    Clarification to the article.... Letters to the Editor 2010 Re: Border guard tribunal fight puts joint ops in question, July 26. I would like to clarify some points in the Ottawa Citizen article. The safety and security of our officers is one of the Canada Border Services Agency's (CBSA)...
  13. J.J

    G8/G20 June 2010 Protest Watch

    ??? (on the plus side there wasn't a link with your reply)
  14. J.J

    G8/G20 June 2010 Protest Watch

    Seriously, we get that the police are bad, we are one step away from the gulags and North Korea will complain to the UN about us.... Can you agree to disagree with everyone else?
  15. J.J

    The Legality of Self Defence In Canada

    The knife(s) you have interest in are illegal in Canada to posses or import. Even if your girlfriend doesn't have to use the knife she could be arrested. http://www.hideawayknife.com/main.php http://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/SOR-98-462/FullText.html [i]
  16. J.J

    What were they thinking?.....Dumb criminals.......add your dumb criminal story

    Not even sure what to say...check the link, she is a beauty http://current.com/1s4bb4c Meet Melissa Lee Williams. The West Virginia woman, 41, is facing assault and weapons charges after allegedly waving a knife at two men who declined her demands to engage in sexual conduct at a motor inn...
  17. J.J

    17-year-old dies in fiery Petawawa crash

    In Canada we have a legal system and not a justice system. You can rarely expect a fair and equitable sentence for a criminal act in Canada. I don't think we should swing to the way of some jurisdictions (ie Texas), but our courts are to forgiving and concerned with the rights of the individual...
  18. J.J

    CBSA management pulls Officers out of border patrol project

    PM inbound... If you know more of the workings of enforcement inland, please enlighten us....
  19. J.J

    CBSA management pulls Officers out of border patrol project

    You should probably stick to speaking about working at a port of entry, you have some knowledge there. It is obvious you don't know much about what happens inland.