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Search results

  1. NavComm

    Borden vs St. Jean

    +1 the infantry instructors were viewed by the platoon as more effective in every way.
  2. NavComm

    Borden vs St. Jean

    I suppose I should have put the little winky face at the end of my remarks. I do believe I had good training and I don't believe I'm inferior to anyone trained in St. Jean. I also believe that no matter where a person does their training it's what that individual puts into it that counts. I put...
  3. NavComm

    Borden vs St. Jean

    Well I guess you're all correct then. Borden sucks. Maybe I should file a grievance stating that I didn't get the best training available? Any mistakes I make in the future will undoubtedly be the fault of my poor training at Borden. I'll request to be put through the St. Jean course so that I...
  4. NavComm

    Art Johnson - Aye Dileas

    My deepest condolences to his family, friends and regimental family.
  5. NavComm

    Things you just shouldn't say to certain people in the army...

    Me, recruit walking to the smoke pit and not marching properly passes by a very french Master Seaman. MS: hey you! recruit!  have you got a chit for that? Me: *thinks: a s*hit? what on earth is she talking about* Yes MasterSeaman! MS: let's see it then Me: you want to see it MasterSeaman? I...
  6. NavComm

    Here I go again

    Good for you for hanging in there! Congratulations and good luck on the rest of your application process and bmq.
  7. NavComm

    Basic sept 4th

    That's good to hear. I tried to tell the other guy there was no shame in either, he should be proud to serve in whatever regiment he's put in to, but he had his little heart set on PPCLI. Good luck at bmq!
  8. NavComm

    Basic sept 4th

    Yeah there was a guy in my bmq that was told that too. He VR'd right after grad because he had gone around telling everyone he was PPCLI and making quite a fuss about it. A few days before grad all the reg f guys were taken to a room and given their orders. He got RCR. I heard he's now trying to...
  9. NavComm

    Basic sept 4th

    How do you know you're going PPCLI?
  10. NavComm

    Entering Infanteer into our Lexicon

    Soon we won't be able to call females women. Personally I voted for infanteer, not because it's PC, but because I like the sound of it, and the poll choices were limited. I'm an Ordinary Seaman now and it's never occurred to me that anyone will mistake me for a man because of my rank name. As...
  11. NavComm

    BMQ and Teamwork

    Yes, and when they hover under the radar of higher-ups, it can also be very demoralizing to the rest of the platoon. Question: Were some people already on the bus while others were doing the clean up? Shouldn't you all be either on or off the bus?
  12. NavComm

    Borden vs St. Jean

    The CF policies are the same in Borden and St. Jean. Our course didn't get unearned weekends off although we had a few MIR commandos, I'm sure they exist in St. Jean also. IMO it's the application and interpretation of standards that you are really talking about. It's tempting, but I really...
  13. NavComm

    10 000 Members

    Congratulations on the success of the site Mike. I've said before but I will say again, it's been a valuable resource for me since starting my military career. It even got mentioned by one of the Sgts at bmq...in an extremely condescending tone he said: If any of you fools thinks I'm not smart...
  14. NavComm

    Nijmegen Marches - Merged Thread

    The dnd website says we sent 220 members to this year's march.  My condolences to the family and friends of the two who passed away attempting the march.
  15. NavComm

    Cpl. Francisco Gomez, & Cpl. Jason Patrick Warren

    RIP, my condolences to the families, friends and regiments of these fine men. Speedy recovery to the injured.
  16. NavComm

    Army Life

    :rofl: that's very good! Welcome to the forums.
  17. NavComm

    Got my offer today

    Oh man, I disagree! You should have a long chat with the God squad every week!  Also, you should attend Sunday services. They give you cookies and coffee and nobody yells at you for at least 1 1/2 hours!  :blotto: Sorry Trinity :D
  18. NavComm

    Going for testing July 19

    congratulations! good luck at bmq.
  19. NavComm

    Question of the Hour

    sorry, guess I should have been more specific, 1939
  20. NavComm

    Question of the Hour

    OK, so I guess it's my turn to ask a question, I hope it hasn't been asked before. How many ships were owned by the Canadian Navy when Britain declared war on Germany? What class were they and what were they named?