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  1. JBoyd

    Word association (just for fun)

  2. JBoyd

    The Threat of Modern Piracy- A Merged Thread

    Updated 4 minutes ago Source: http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/africa/04/12/somalia.pirates/index.html
  3. JBoyd

    Tattoo Photo Thread

    LOL I can agree with you there.. http://newslite.tv/2008/10/08/tats-him-dumb-criminal-nicked.html I have also read about other idiots who have been caught on security tape with their name, DOB, SSN/SIN tattooed on the back of their neck.
  4. JBoyd

    Tattoo Photo Thread

    I have heard of some people who have had one tattooed on their back between their shoulder blades, so that when they pull their shoulder blades together it closes...
  5. JBoyd

    Word association (just for fun)

  6. JBoyd

    HMCS Iroquois' woes (merged)

    Navigation Data Distribution System I read something regarding this and the first ship trials aboard the HMCS Athabaskan in the winter. http://www.deagel.com/news/Canadian-Destroyer-Conducts-First-Ship-Trials-with-NavDDS-System_n000005227.aspx EDITed to fix term (thanks Occam :) )
  7. JBoyd

    Tattoo Photo Thread

    Quite true
  8. JBoyd

    Tattoo Photo Thread

    Can't you tell from his belly rocker tattoo.. he's 'Hard Core'    ::)
  9. JBoyd

    mediocre1 Re: Int Op course

    LOL nothing perks up a bad day like the incessant ramblings of a fool. mediocre1 please read my signature....
  10. JBoyd

    Easter plans 2009

    Personally I choose not to recognize easter, however the kids will have tiny chocolate eggs put around the house for them to find. My oldest son's birthday is on Wednesday so we are keeping this weekend minimalistic.
  11. JBoyd

    Word association (just for fun)

  12. JBoyd

    Medically unfit question

    There are unilateral flat feet (one arch collapses or never fully develops) and then there is bilateral flat feet (both arches collapse or never fully develop)
  13. JBoyd

    Merged Child Custody in CF thread (joint custody, etc.)

    WRT birthweight, my gf was told that at its current size if it continues on the same path it will be 11 pounds at birth and will most likely require a c-section. she isn't to happy about that so we plan on doing what we can to get it into check
  14. JBoyd

    Word association (just for fun)

  15. JBoyd

    Merged Child Custody in CF thread (joint custody, etc.)

    An update for those who are following this and have provided me with advice: While we have been talking to lawyers and getting everything into order for when the time comes, my gf (soon to be wife) was diagnosed with gestational diabetes today. I am not entirely educated on it so I cannot...
  16. JBoyd

    Texas war hero helps chase down suspects for police after his dog is shot

    I agree this is very twisted. I hope these fellas get sorted out real quick. as far as 'who does this?' I remember reading something at one time that indicated a connection between repeated animal killings and possible future serial killers. Either way it takes a twisted and malevolent person to...
  17. JBoyd

    Important Questions regarding vision!

    In the future please utilize the search function. http://forums.milnet.ca/forums/threads/31590.0.html I believe this thread will answer your questions (it contains a link to page that lists the required categories per trade)
  18. JBoyd

    Word association (just for fun)

  19. JBoyd

    can't find school records

    I would suggest calling the local school district office in the area you completed grade 11. They should be able to either send you a copy of your transcript or direct you to the people that can.
  20. JBoyd

    Yet another shoe thrown (guess who this time)

    In the words of Austin Powers