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  1. Daidalous

    Sworn In

    Good luck,  and enjoy your career. I  know when I joined  after my oath,  the Maj put the bible in his desk  looked at me and said "Pte, if you get into trouble from now on I will have you a** in irons before you can  Cr** your pants.  Now say  YES SIR"  i was  scared  to death at the...
  2. Daidalous

    Wait times for 031

    My wait time from  going to the recruiting office to being course loaded was 10 days (  although my course started  2 months  later)  I walked in, scored very high  on all aspects  and asked the recruiter,  what trades are you looking for right now, that can get me in yesterday.    3 years ...
  3. Daidalous

    Average Education?

    Go to school,  there is a guy at my unit that got his Cpl's  18 months early because he went to school.. thats  18 months at about 400  a month.    School  does pay
  4. Daidalous

    Fat troops on the street....

    it really boils down to everyone  should be doing PT at the same time(well  people like fire fighters, doctors, MP's  excluded)you know  the old 07:30-09:00  that way  there are no closed down shops during PEEK  working hours.
  5. Daidalous

    Desert Camo

    yes that would be me.  I say Hi  ;)
  6. Daidalous

    Traffic Technician ( merged )

    I just talked to my father in-law  in Winnipeg.  (Traffic tech)  he said  that they are planning to  post out  90%  of them  asap,  some people will stay till summer because of kids  etc..
  7. Daidalous

    Separation pay/benefits

    I know there was some change to the Separation pay for reg force.  I did a course in 2004,  the school  OR told us  Sep pay was cancelled for all domestic takings in Canada ie training not Operations.  Everyone  now gets  Sep pay added to there tour pay,  tax free  with a $10  increase.
  8. Daidalous


    I did 6 months at the Leadership coy in Pet.  Loved it 3 weeks at the Dart Warehouse prepping for Shri Lanka The best tasking is doing leadership/survival weekends with Cadets.
  9. Daidalous

    Dental Plan

    The best thing to do if your BOr is not on the ball is phone the dentist  first and explain that you have this type of coverage, and bring in your payment form,  i have never had a problem with any civy doctor once i started doing this.  (it is weird how a 49 year old Cpl told me this but never...
  10. Daidalous

    Desert Camo

    I work in Supply, Clothing stores.  I worked  Major kitting after Cpl Dannon retired.   
  11. Daidalous

    Are Canadian Forces equipped for Afghan mission?

    Ok I know I am jumping in a bit late but  I have some insight  on some of the questions being asked. Do civy companies maintain  military aircraft?  Kinda yes.  In the country where CM is located the US Airforce had  (Lock Matrin or Boeing  Can not remember) set up a maintains centre for...
  12. Daidalous

    Have you had the experience!!!!

    There are old horror stories about most of Canada's bases.  Like the old MP shack in Borden was used to conduct "information extration from German POW's" and the ghost of the ones that died used to haunt that place.
  13. Daidalous

    Hey ya'll-Any Grey and Foresters?

    Hey  was a forester  from 1998-2001 in good old Barrie.  Quick question  is there still a  Mcpl(maybe Sgt) Alfford there  and  Cpl Ron Imasin( think I spelled his last name wrong)
  14. Daidalous

    Jump Course Training

    I got a few buddys who went rigger,  I popped the question on them and they told me this.  Run and run some more, 8k+ a day at the course officers pace,  work on your pushups,  every mistake  you make with your gear is  25 push up(no longer on your helmet).  And work  on your chin up, ...
  15. Daidalous

    Hey, Reservists!

    I know all the reserve  units in my area are suffering a huge lack of Res support trades.  Problem here is we get tasked on tour after tour,  and we pulling in the res log's on class "B" to fill in while we are gone, only problem, is the second some gets back  someone leaves.      Ah what a world
  16. Daidalous

    Individual Meal Pack (IMP) [Merged]

    There are heater (bags)  packs  for IMP's, they are not given out 99% of the time because we cook  our IMP's  in the pressure cooker(don't drink the water :P)   My fav IMP is chicken  catcatori with rice  just drop the rice in and boom,    no poopy for 24 hours.
  17. Daidalous

    Loss of PMQ's, lack of PLD

    They really need to sort out the PLD.  I got very little in Borden,  I think it was around $80 a month.  I move to Trenton and I get $0.  Correct me if I am wrong,  but iIheard once that PLD  is calculated by the cost of the area verus  the average income for the base.    I guess all of the...
  18. Daidalous

    St. Jean Mail

    Do not write to many letters.    I know it sounds stupid but , when I went to basic I had to do 20 pushups for every letter,  they tend to save them up for 8-10 days and hit you with 4-10 letters.  My girlfriend  used to write everyday :(
  19. Daidalous

    Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

    Moring inspection  during battle school Pte  cuts himself while shaving.  the Mcpl walked up"  Is the pressure getting to you?  Cant hack it?  Do you just think deep down inside to end it?"  turns to the rest of us "We issued you a rifle and a bayoneet  and he uses a razor!"
  20. Daidalous

    Desert Camo

    Just so you guys know  the Arid Cadpat is operational kit only.  You get it just before you leave or when you arrive.  And as to why the Golan gets Arid Cadpat,  there is enough in the system.