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  1. Daidalous

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    Just to add to this discussion.  On the Ticker on CNN, All US military personal heading to Iraq or Afghanistan will no longer be allowed to use there own Body armor.  Seems a new company has won a contract to supply cutting edge body armor.
  2. Daidalous

    Let The Sucking Up Start- Defence Firms Converge on Ottawa

    What ever they decide to get they better get it soon.  There are now 2 Herc's fully retired on the tarmac in Trenton just this year.  I don't think we have 5-8 years to replace our aircraft.  I would not be surprised if we see a huge defence spending spree during the budget, in the 8-12 billion...
  3. Daidalous

    DND Details of New Afghanistan Kit

    Nice new sea containers.  About time we got some new ones and send the old long style to the NSE's so they can stop renting them
  4. Daidalous

    Would Mandatory National Service make the CF stronger?

    I still say conscription is very bad idea.  The CF will end up having to deal with the baggage oh any who are conscripted. Weather it be drugs, massive personal debt, how they conduct themselves and level of physical fitness.    It opens a massive can of work for suppervisors and money/resourses...
  5. Daidalous

    Would Mandatory National Service make the CF stronger?

    I voted "no" I do not want to work with someone who does not want to be in. And if they did they would have enlisted.  If you conscripted 50 you might get 5 that really come to work every day with drive, with 45 crying that they were "forced" to join and have XXX days left till they are done.
  6. Daidalous

    Supply Tech Ettiquette

    I have one simple rule. I don't give anything out I would not use myself.  If you actual apply that you do your job right. It scares me when common seance and the military gel together. Oh and the big kicker.  Respect, seems to work
  7. Daidalous

    MLVW Replacment

    I do not know if each base has money to buy it's own vehicles, but I seen what I believe was a Fright liner mini truck (might be wrong)  with a double cab in Borden carrying Recruits to the ranges and such.  It looks like it would be a good ride seats 6 in the cab, with the standard bed and tarp...
  8. Daidalous

    The airforce is cheap?

    I agree with Inch.  The military want to train there personal there way.  Why because the system says so.
  9. Daidalous

    Why we fight

    The movie reminds me a of a saying I heard once . There's nothing like a good war for a capitalist
  10. Daidalous

    DND Car Insurance

    I know they used to recommend The Personal, I do not know if they do any more, but just laugh, refuse the number and shop around.
  11. Daidalous

    Civvy Supply Techs

    From my experience ST 5 or civvy supervisors are generally retired military or people who have worked long and hard to be there.  I do not mind having a civvy for a boss, I found they usually give a rats ass about unit politics and advancing there own carear and care more about getting the job done.
  12. Daidalous

    Civvy Supply Techs

    Here is a question for you Vern. I think I know the answer but.  Civvies get no more training than what they are taught from the section they are in correct?
  13. Daidalous

    Civvy Supply Techs

    lucky you
  14. Daidalous

    Civvy Supply Techs

    Civy's working in supply might be a touchy subject for some, but not for me.  Alot are retired military with a vast amount of Knowledge. Or hard working people that do the best that they can.  While some are just a waste of space that have no desire to learn what they are doing and just want...
  15. Daidalous

    Cadpat Overboard?

    It's almost as bad as the New Ground Sheet smell. :(
  16. Daidalous

    T-Shirt Folding Video to Help you out in BMQ

    Now that is talent.
  17. Daidalous

    Will Canada respond to the Ivory Coast?

    The problem lies with the fact that the attacker, rebels or what ever they are know that the UN will keep a short and tight leash on it's loaned troops in the country.  They wouldn't be doing this if they knew the Un troops acted as they should be TROOPS.
  18. Daidalous

    I need uniforms

    http://crownassets.pwgsc.gc.ca/text/index-e.cfm Alright here is the link to crown assets. This is where we sell all of our obsolete non-controlled, clothing, equipment and other items.  If you do plan on buying from crown assets make sure that you read all the rules first.  Happy Shopping---
  19. Daidalous

    Cadpat Overboard?

    Well thank god they gave up the idea of a cadpat barret.  The way I see it.  If you have it issued.  And it's green.  It just might end up Cadpat. 
  20. Daidalous

    New RMC duty dress?

    You just figured out one of the biggest secrets.  I know that when I did basic, the MCpl would come through bark off about your kit being messed up.  Unless he brought the piece of kit right up to your face, you did a visual over it, and if you found nothing put it back.  Most of the time, on...