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  1. Daidalous

    weight loss = new pants?

    It is expected that you will lose weight during basic.  If you need to exchange your clothing just ask your MCpl and he/she will make it happen. 
  2. Daidalous

    Is the NY times left or right?

    The NY times is Left wing, just like the Toronto Star, did anyone see the pic of the day making fun of the CDS.  All you have to do is watch Glen Beck or the O'Reilly factor(I think I spelled it wrong) and listen to them complain about the NY Times.    ::)
  3. Daidalous

    Northern Tax Exemption

    To any clerks or people that have been to alert OK so here is the skinny.  I got a nice shinny piece of paper saying that I get $1297 for being in CFS Alert (Northern Tax Exemption)  The orderly room in Alert told me that this money was tax free. To my surprise I brought my paper work and my...
  4. Daidalous

    VR due to impossible issue of Sec Clr

    Wow 6 months for Secret clearance.  "Hurry up and Wait" is the only phrase I can use to describe the military. 
  5. Daidalous

    41 pounds less and counting :D

    Great job on losing the weight.  I dropped 25 pounds since July.  The only problem is that I keep on losing weight and it is costing me a pretty penny keeping my ever shrinking bum in pants that fit. 
  6. Daidalous

    NY Man Claiming PTSD Fom Vietnam Made Him An Internet Sex Addict

    I think he will lose his law suit for one major reason other than this is just a I hate you and I am going to hurt your pocket book job. I am very sure that IBM makes all employees sign a legal waver to have access to the internet, just like DND.  And I am also sure that if you read through all...
  7. Daidalous

    Georgia Army Base Opens Own Nightclub

    Ah the spirit of the "H" Club will always live on
  8. Daidalous

    Is there controversy over Latest Awards to AFG Troops ?

    A medal or award for a outstanding job, or heroic act is the best way to reward someone, although most people never get what they deserve. Reminds me of the conversation my old man had with me the day I joined up.  "There are 3 things that will effect the rank you retire at. 1. How well you...
  9. Daidalous


  10. Daidalous


    Are medals you earn for completing tours suppost to be on your MPRR?  ie SSM, GSM, etc...
  11. Daidalous

    ICE Combat Jacket - Front Lower Pockets/Straps and rear velcro?

    I love the ICE gear.  6 months in Alert and I was not cold once, although I would love to see them develop a glove insert for the  Arctic mitten.
  12. Daidalous

    The CC-130-J Hercules Merged Thread

    Has anyone heard if there going to put new engines on the stretch Herc's we have now and use them as there under 20 years old?  I had a AVN tech tell me a few years ago that when we bought them we took the engines off and put E model engines on.  It sounds like buying a F-350 and putting a...
  13. Daidalous

    Anyone taking the Deploma for Military Arts and Scince?

    Loyalist collage, it is offered on-line, the course book I have says it is run through the DND continual edgecation program, or what ever it is called, but once you complete this you can get a few years written off a RMC degree, also some of these course help towards your QL5B and 6A.
  14. Daidalous

    The CFS Alert Merged Thread

    Alert is the most jammy place there is, Every house(barrack bloc) has 1-2 computers with the internet or games, phones in every room, and you get 30 min every day, a TV in your room with 2 french and  4 English channels where they play DVDs movies 24/7, one live English and french channel where...
  15. Daidalous

    Anyone taking the Deploma for Military Arts and Scince?

    I am looking to take some more collage courses , this this one caught my eye. 
  16. Daidalous

    20 meter Beep Test -Merged

    I just jog around my block  twice for a nice 3.6km, on Fridays I sprint the distance of 1 light pole then jog the second then sprint....., it works for me, although I have seen people do no PT all year long, show up,  do the min and look like they are ready to have a heart attack.
  17. Daidalous

    Supply Techs and Naval Storesmen

    Stephen Clarke Cpl 5 years Reg  3 years Res 5 years Trenton Tours Op Athena Roto 0,  Alert Roto oh god who knows but the beer is cold
  18. Daidalous

    Triforce concept coming back??

    I personally think you will see trades people such as cooks drivers medics etc getting deployed more from Airforce and Navy bases and working as there trade.    The idea of making infantry Coy's out of support trades is a bad idea  why?? 1. Who d you think will train them     Cbt Arms 2. Who is...
  19. Daidalous

    HRC Challenge: Medical discharges thinning ranks & forcing unemployment

    Wow this is a really touchy one, but heck I will answer it.  I agree and disagree with this. 1.  You have to be fit, if you are not, you are not deployable thus you can not do your job. Which is spoken about in the CHRA about being able to do your job without  causing undo financial...
  20. Daidalous

    Base Housing Transformation

    I wish they would spend some money on the PMQ's in Trenton. I practically had to threaten them with legal action to fix the insulation on the 2nd floor.  Or the lack there of.  They didn't even flinch when I told them I had a 2 month old daughter and winter was just around the corner.  I was...