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  1. JBoyd

    Mounting a Brass Hat Badge For Display

    Canadian Tire has this product which may suit your needs. Peek Cream Polish
  2. JBoyd

    A Canadian Soldier-Good Poems

    I posted this on my facebook as a note quite a while ago, I know its not specifically about a Canadian soldier, but it is about a soldier none-the-less. You stay up for 16 hours He stays up for days on end. You take a warm shower to help you wake up. He goes days or weeks without running water...
  3. JBoyd

    Service Number allocation

    I rejoined the RegF and I was not issued a new SN, I have my previous one.
  4. JBoyd

    The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

    BASIC ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Be a Canadian citizen; -Citizens of another country who have landed immigrant (Permanent Resident) status in Canada may also be considered for enrolment when the CF has need of their skill, when the position cannot be filled by a Canadian citizen, and if the...
  5. JBoyd

    Receieved the Call

    Hehe, yeah I was surprised when I heard from the recruiter that the trade was closed for DE, but then again someone received a call to start in Jan already, plus I would trust the words of a SCWO over the recruiter :) Definitely something to look forward to :D nice to know of a light at the...
  6. JBoyd

    Receieved the Call

    Thats good to hear :) not sure what the recruiter was speaking about then, I know it was originally a 3 year trial and I believe it started Jan 09. I am most definitely excited for this experience and look forward to meeting more AES Op's after I complete BMQ
  7. JBoyd

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    A recruit actually makes the same amount as a Pte, which is $2624/month. 2009 Pay scale NCM regular force http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/ps/pay-sol/pr-sol/rfncmr-mrfr-eng.asp This amounts to $31,488 annually before taxes. 2009 federal tax rate for income up to $40,726 is 15%...
  8. JBoyd

    Receieved the Call

    Thanks EITS. I was told today by one of the recruiters that I was very lucky as AES Op recently closed the DE trial and is now back to CT/OT only, perhaps CDN Aviator can confirm this? Ceremony went by quickly and I am now eagerly awaiting the 14th of November
  9. JBoyd

    Receieved the Call

    Just getting ready to fly down to Vancouver to swear in. Been a long road indeed.
  10. JBoyd

    Got the call but have not recieved package?

    It sounds to me like you are taking your own transportation to the CFRC for your swearing in? Keep calling but you will most likely get all the information you need when you go to swear in. Either way, See you in St. Jean :) I leave on the 14th.
  11. JBoyd

    Got the call but have not recieved package?

    When and where are you swearing in? also do you live near the CFRC or are they flying you down to the ceremony? You should get your transportation instructions for St. Jean at your swearing in ceremony when you do the paperwork. Also, the line might have been busy now, but it may not be later...
  12. JBoyd

    Got the call but have not recieved package?

    I was given my offer about 2 weeks ago. The person that called me also told me he would sent out the enrolment package to my email and confirmed the address, have you checked your junk mail? The package I received was the CFLRS Joining Instructions .pdf (which can be found on the CFLRS...
  13. JBoyd

    U.S. Marine faces jail for allegedly faking injuries

    I believe there is already a thread regarding him. http://forums.milnet.ca/forums/threads/89276.0.html
  14. JBoyd

    Who is usually the Radio Operator?

    wouldn't Signal Operators?
  15. JBoyd

    Some facts about dogs

  16. JBoyd

    Punks Taunt Multiple Amputee

    Being from Kelowna myself I can say that we have quite a lot of people in the city that support the CF.
  17. JBoyd

    CDS Responds to Opponents of Recruiting in Schools

    I'm with Loachman, I would take CDN Aviator's word before someone that is not within the trade. Dean22, you seem to be making a connection between not being available to new recruits and needing a high school diploma. AES Op now being available as DE opposed to previously only being a CT/OT...
  18. JBoyd

    CDS Responds to Opponents of Recruiting in Schools

    What you linked was actually only flash links to the parent location, not the actual articles (click the links you will see what I mean), I did however navigate the flash site to the article in question in which two new trades are available to recruits. That article is referring to trades that...