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  1. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    I know.... my apologies for not getting it earlier. I have concerns that the decision could be used to restrict the use of searches for disciplinary vs. drug free purposes but I will have to read the decision to see if the court said anything about that aspect. (I should add that some...
  2. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    Duh... I should have thought to add this at the onset! Random searches can continue at schools in order to maintain drug-free environments.  The fruits of the searches can't be used as evidence to obtain a criminal conviction.  So, weed in a backpack not admissable in court.  Other evidence not...
  3. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    They never learn, eh?  The potheads are still using the parking lot? (I initially commented  about the use of video surveillance to obtain warrants but until I check the current status of the law, I will edit my comment) I suspect the days of random drug dog searches at OHS are over.  That...
  4. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    tess: Got it. No, they can't appeal.  The matter -- on these particular facts -- is settled.   However, rest assured, this decision isn't  going to change much.   By the way, someone asked earlier about public events:  the simple answer is people going into public events will continue to be...
  5. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    tess, I thought I had replied and I guess I didn't.  I hestitate to respond to your question because I feel like I am answering questions that require more sophisticated responses by drawing only on fundamental principles and not knowing the decision.  Let me read the decision and I will...
  6. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    Maybe I am jaded because I have so many LEOs in the family, but frankly, the vast majority of cops have excellant critical problem solving skills and are quite capable of finding the 'elegantly simple' solution to these problems. 
  7. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    According to the Court, kids enjoy privacy in their backpacks at school.
  8. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    I am not sure about your little burg but I have family (and we have many many mutual friends) that work for Fredericton police and I am pretty sure that they stopped several years ago.  Did they actually execute searches at your kids school (and our alma mater!) or just threaten to? I have...
  9. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    It can't be applied to airports because airports are subject to federal legislation that permits the searches.   Don't forget that the government CAN restrict your constitutional rights so long as they prove that it is 'demonstrably justifiable' in a free and democratic society.  (That is the...
  10. scoutfinch

    Want to lose weight? Go to prison!!

    He should start paying them... hell, don't weight loss clinics cost money?
  11. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    Vern: Let me read the decision and I'll tell you what I think.  I genuinely don't know how the Court distinguished the search from a RIDE search but  I am sure it did.  I just don't want to comment unless I have read the two decisions myself. For what it is worth, I have from good family...
  12. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    I would like to apologize to 2Cdo for the tone in my post.  It was inappropriate.  It shouldn't have been directed to him as it was.
  13. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    Precisely... people should 'suck back on their attitudes' .  Exactly what I said. Back to the subject matter of the thread.  I suggest any further 'off-topic' comments should be delivered via PMs so as to not distract from the discussion. As a member of a Canadian Bar, I am qualified to speak...
  14. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    Read what I said... I am not commenting on whether this was a good decision or not .  I haven't read the Courts written decision.  I also didn't comment whether I agree with the practical results of this decision.  I was commenting on the attitude that prevailed in this thread as people were...
  15. scoutfinch

    National Defence Act violate right to fair trial

    The only thing that was being challenged in the NDA by this case was the right to elect mode of trial... something that has been recommended for years.  I am not sure how having the right to trial by jury is 'touchy/huggy/feely'. Moreover, challenging the system demonstrates more stones than...
  16. scoutfinch

    Top Court rules sniffer-dog searches are unlawful

    The fact that the police didn't have probable cause until using the dogs makes it a random search.   Perhaps you should suck back on your attitude unless you know what you are talking about. I am not commenting on whether I think it is a good or bad decision.  But there are a whole lot of...
  17. scoutfinch

    Don't do it... it's addictive.

    You love it and ya know it, tess!
  18. scoutfinch

    Don't do it... it's addictive.

    I warned ya, Vern.   This damn thing is about as addictive as tetris... or my beloved rubiks cube.
  19. scoutfinch

    Don't do it... it's addictive.
