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  1. A

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    My personal opinions on Iran: To me, the real heads of state (not the nutbag Iranian President) sincerly do not believe that they want nuclear weapons. The IAEA in a February 2006 report reported that all declared nuclear materials in Iran are accounted for by the IAEA...
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    APAR and FELEX

    I am more than willing to be corrected by people who are more knowledgeable. I do admit that I am not a expert in ship-borne radar, and as such, would love to be corrected, but not in a degrading manner. There is a point where correcting someone becomes something more nasty, and frankly, some...
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    V 22 in Halifax...Very cool

    There is a similar airplane to the V-22, which is also from Bell, the Bell/Agusta BA609 tilt-rotor. It is smaller than the V-22, and is powered by a pair of PWC PT-6's. You can easily mistake the BA609 from a distance with a V-22, if they are painted the same way.
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    BAe Hawk as supplement to CF-18 Hornet

    To resurrect my old idea, since most of you all feel that the BAe Hawk is not suited for the task, there is another trainer/light combat jet that does have the performance that is similar to a CF-18 Hornet. The airplane is the South Korean KAI’s T-50 Golden Eagle trainer. Specifically, the KAI...
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    APAR and FELEX

    It means we can tie the radar in with another ship that is fully AEGIS equipped. Of note is the Australia's use of this radar on their Anzac class frigates, which will work with the future Australian AEGIS equipped destroyers. If you want our warships to be AEGIS equipped, you need at least the...
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    AAD and NGS (split from JSS Amphib Capability thread)

    I actually haven't seen the ships up close, or have been onboard them, nor have I talked to the sailors onboard the ship to ask their opinion on the ship itself and the systems onboard. In short, I have had zero contact with the frigates to see the equipment onboard, and how the crew think about...
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    AAD and NGS (split from JSS Amphib Capability thread)

    I am thinking that the Signaporeans have thought about this when they decided to procure their Formidable class frigates, with their reduced crew size. I have never had any experience with these ships as they are brand new, but perhaps the ships have some systems that allows a smaller crew to...
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    AAD and NGS (split from JSS Amphib Capability thread)

    I am not suggesting that we create a naval infantry specialty in the CF for purely boarding. I am suggesting that since we can drive down crew basic requirements to operate a ship, why not have extra crew members that could be utilized in roles around the ship (perhaps an extra shift on the boat...
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    A Black Mark

    Whoops... Did some digging into the National Defence Act, and this is what it says: 240.4 (1) The Court Martial Appeal Court may allow an appeal against an order made under subsection 202.121(7) for a stay of proceedings, if the Court Martial Appeal Court is of the opinion that the order is...
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    A Black Mark

    It means that if the person is in military service or is within 90 days after termination of or release from military service and has received notice of a civil action or proceeding, the court may on its own motion and shall, upon application by the servicemember, stay the action for a period of...
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    Let The Sucking Up Start- Defence Firms Converge on Ottawa

    Sorry for double posting, but according to this article, if we want C-17's, we better move within 3 months, as Boeing is starting to procure parts for the last C-17's comming off the assembly line. It mentions that Canada is going to make a decision on the C-17 in the 'near-term'. Ordering right...
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    AAD and NGS (split from JSS Amphib Capability thread)

    That was in short what I was suggesting in the first part, but I wasn't as direct. That would work. Have a crew size of around 90 excluding the air wing when in reality, just to operate the ship at peak efficiency would require less crew, meaning that crew can be temporarily used as boarding...
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    AAD and NGS (split from JSS Amphib Capability thread)

    That is quite problematic from any standpoint. A innovate solution will be required of some sort, whenever to sail with a crew of 70, and on top of that, have space so that an additional 20 people can be onboard to form a boarding party (when they are not boarding other vessels, perhaps add them...
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    AAD and NGS (split from JSS Amphib Capability thread)

    Dragoon, I acknowledge the fact that we would need more than 2 AOR's, but I was putting more of a emphasis on how many Tribals/Halifax replacements we need. And yes, the Martime patrol tasked frigates would be supplementing the standing task group. For the crew rest and rotation, we have two...
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    Electronics for 280 replacement

    I will shut my mouth for now, and throw in the towel, as I admit defeat.
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    APAR and FELEX

    Global Security has a good document on the SPS 49 VLR radar set: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ship/systems/an-sps-49.htm We are picking up the SPS-49(v)8 series radar, which can provide long range surveillance with better detection against severe clutter and has better ECCM...
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    Let The Sucking Up Start- Defence Firms Converge on Ottawa

    If Airbus does score this contract, with their two stage proposal, they better deliever on time. I remember what happened when the Italians sent their Hercs to EADS/Airbus for work... that contract was eventually settled with a contractual penalty against EADS, and the Italian government had to...
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    Debate to be held in Parliament over Afghanistan

    Not a lot, even though I am a member. Still worth a try to voice my opinion and express my views on the issue. Quite a few other members of the NDP have similar feelings, but I think we are a silent minority.  :-\ I have another meeting to attend to plus a couple of rallies, but in short...
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    Debate to be held in Parliament over Afghanistan

    And I am busily telling the NDP to let the issue die already and just support the troops and the purpose behind the mission. No sense beating a dead horse in my opinion.
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    Let The Sucking Up Start- Defence Firms Converge on Ottawa

    Personally for me, I would take the Airbus offer for refurbished C-130H's to replace our E's that need replacement, and when Airbus gets around to certifying and flying the A400M, they replace the H's Airbus refubished for us. The remaining C-130's that aren't being replaced can be replaced with...