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    The Nyala is a distant cousin to the Daimler-Benz Unimog truck, and the Unimog was designed for offroading (ie. has portal axles for high ground clearance, which is higher than the Humvee, a flexible frame that allows the tires a wide range of vertical movement to allow the truck to comfortably...
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    PRC/PLA Buildup

    They have been cutting back on the size of their army. Last year alone, they cut over 200,000 soldiers to free up internal funds for more modernization, and are in the middle of reorganizing their armies from the original four-level “group army-division-regiment-battalion” chain of command to a...
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    PRC/PLA Buildup

    Well, according to Jane's, the Chinese are now swelling their ranks with the Type 63A amphibious tank, along with many other amphibious armoured vehicles as well. The Type 63A is an interesting piece of kit. Totally amphibious (designed to swim to shore from a landing ship), and weights a bit...
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    PRC/PLA Buildup

    The Chinese ability to reach out beyond its own borders is acutally fairly limited, as they lack certain important factors for power projection, despite their nuclear capability. The Chinese have had to shift from a land-based power, centered on a vast ground force, to a smaller, mobile...
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    M-32 multi-shot grenade launcher

    The weapon is acutally a subvariant the South African Milkor MGL-140 grenade launcher... which is a modified version of that company's Milkor MGL Mk.1 (the changes are longer cylinder, Picatinny type accessory rails, and a M4 inspired butt). The USMC gave the company a contract for 9000 of them...
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    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    1. I wasn't even born yet in the 1970's, and I was too young to vote in the 1990's.  ::) 2. The new BC chapter is more strongly centralist than before. The selection of Carole James and her policy of modernization of the BC NDP's ideology and internal structures has moved the party firmly...
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    Dutch Apaches

    I was just stating that if we wanted Apaches, the Dutch ones in Afghanistan are probally not the best place to go looking for them. The AH-1 Cobra would probally be our best bet, as it is fairly cheap, and fires weapons that we are familiar with already (TOW).
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    Should help with servicability with the jets... I've been told that serviceability with the C-5 fleet is a total nightmare.
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    AIP Sub Problem - 110 days on patrol - Never detected

    The Stirling AIP system has been tested on a shore rig, but the primary reason for the lack of fitting of AIP is due to the fact that in all, the Collins class submarines, have had massive problems with software intergration (the ship systems simply doesn't want to talk to each other, which was...
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    Dutch Apaches

    I don't think we want the Dutch Apache's currently in Afghanistan... I recieved word that recently, a Apache was turned over by the jet exhaust of a nearby Ilyushin 76, severely damaging it. The Dutch apparantly are sending a replacement to replace the damaged Apache...
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    The Sgt. Paisley Merged Thread

    http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2006/05/19/desertercharges-fri.html Mixed feelings about this... what do you think? I don't think he will remain in the military for long, probally will be discharged eventually.
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    AIP Sub Problem - 110 days on patrol - Never detected

    There is also the option of sending our Vic's to Germany's Nordseewerke shipyards for their closed cycle diesel propulsion refitting, which will take the most minimal of changes to the submarines, which mostly involves the installation of an liquid oxygen/argon tank...
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    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    The Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies recently published a commentary on Darfur and the possibility that if Canadians are deployed to Sudan, they may face Al-Qaeda: http://www.ciss.ca/Comment_African_Jihad.htm The most important part of the commentary is here:
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    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    An update on JSF progress this year: http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/2006/05/f35-joint-strike-fighter-sdd-contracts-events-fy-2006/index.php#more I think this is the major kicker here:
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    Two Canadian soldiers hurt in Afghan attack

    Glad to hear they are ok. I seen pictures of the South African mine resistant vehicles in action during the Angolan War, mainly Casspir's and have seen how well they stood up against AT mine blasts. Good choice of equipment, I say for this mission.
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    Aussies considering cancelling Seasprite project

    http://www.smh.com.au/news/NATIONAL/Govt-to-blame-for-chopper-problems-ALP/2006/05/15/1147545231093.html Wow, this sounds worst than the much maligned Victoria subs we have. Wonder who was the bright lightbulb in Australia to buy ex-US Navy Seasprites and refurbish them, as the New Zealanders...
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    UK Sea Kings redux?

    RN Sea Kings also have a bit more power than our Sea Kings. The Rolls Royce Gnome gives over 200 more shp each compared to the General Electric T58-100's in our Sea Kings.
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    Future Armour

    Looks like a scaled down variant of the German IRIS-T Sidewinder replacement missile... of which we used to participate in the development of...
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    HMCS Chicoutimi {MERGED}

    More trouble with the Victoria's... but this time it is partially a human screw up, not entirely the ship's fault: http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2006/05/13/sub-060513.html Cost spent to resolve the issue: $200,000, for parts that mirrors the original equipment found on the sub.
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    Mexican Navy picks Sukhoi's for “strategic surveillance”

    http://www.flightglobal.com/Articles/2006/05/09/Navigation/177/206478/Mexico+selects+Sukhoi+Su-27+for+strategic+surveillance.html Looks like the Americans will have Russian-built fighters in the backyard of another neighbour. Anyways, nice surveillance aircraft.  :o