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  1. slowmode


      From people I know who work at DND it took them A LONG time to get reply back. A couple of them even getting a reply two years after applying. I say keep up the hard work your doing and keep calling and asking :).
  2. slowmode

    Is there some kind of pre-BMQ course?

    I have heard of Reservists having pre-unit BMQ training. As for Reg force I know there is a fitness program for those who do not pass the fitness test. The fitness test is the bare minimum that is required in the forces. If you cant complete that I believe you go on a 90 day course. If you do...
  3. slowmode

    Hate Springs Yet Again

    Karma has a way of hitting people back. I can see her eventually getting something back due to Karma. The point is that this is just unacceptable and until you address it to people it wont fully "stop".  I'm a very layed back person so I dont go all boggled up on trying to "get revenge". Instead...
  4. slowmode

    Hate Springs Yet Again

    Awesome replies guys. It doesn't matter if it was a female or male, all the same in my mind. I posted it on facebook because you cant let stuff like that be tolerated. By posting it on facebook and showing it to many people I found it a great way to express my anger. I've never had any...
  5. slowmode

    Hate Springs Yet Again

    Exactly why I did not put the name. But its great to expose topics like this from time to time to inform the public.
  6. slowmode

    Hate Springs Yet Again

    Thankfully the LADY who told me this is not part of army.ca. I posted this first on my facebook profile on a note; knowing she would read it.
  7. slowmode

    Hate Springs Yet Again

    I'm not going to put much of a intro to this topic due to the fact what I wrote speaks for its self. I always like to inform people of the hate going around. Its sad that some people dont see it so this is why you have to always show them stories like this. This happend to me in the morning...
  8. slowmode

    Penticton Reservist (?): "It's time to end Afghanistan war"

    This man does not deserve to wear the uniform. I've been reading posts in this thread and I agree with everyone on the fact that this "man" should be punished. This brings me to my first question, What type of charges can be laid against him if he truly is in the CF. Call me dumb but sorry I'm...
  9. slowmode

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    I think every ad serves its purpose. The CF seem to be working since there is huge recruitment levels, at least from what I see.  Although the british ads are very interesting
  10. slowmode

    Paid parking DND property

    Busing would honestly be the cheapest method there, or someone droping and picking you up. If you are looking for parking I found the best place to park is Slater, right across from the recruiting center. Also the underground parking near city hall is great
  11. slowmode

    marines recruiting canadians

    Thats a great idea, good find
  12. slowmode

    marines recruiting canadians

    Theater of ops...canada has those, the stories you hear about the marines going is probably over glamorized. Brotherhood- I'm pretty sure you can get that in the Canadian forces....we dont hate each other..this brotherhood idea is something your getting out of the movie weapons.......canada...
  13. slowmode

    marines recruiting canadians

    Why not join the Canadian Forces. the marines are glamorized to much by movies..when I assure you it will be nothing like it. Just stick with the Canadians
  14. slowmode

    WTF? Another Monument Desecration?

    I read this in the news paper yesterday. After reading it man I would volunteer to guard this monument. Or any monument in Ottawa representing our soldiers and vets. I wish they allowed you to do this.
  15. slowmode

    Two Soldier Brothers Killed in Quebec Highway Crash- Éric and Jonathan Leduc

    I must say some people have no respect RIP Boys  :salute: Come On people, this is a topic for mourning and remembering these two great guys. No disrespect please.
  16. slowmode

    How to talk military??

    Grats on joining soon. Anyway What I can honestly tell you is you will pick up everything in time. The great thing is its OKAY to make mistakes because chances are you wont repeat them again when you have someone yelling at you. Sure its good to research all the terms here and use them but I...
  17. slowmode

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    I think Iran is just doing this to show it has "power". I dont believe they will attack .. they know they could not win a war so why would they risk it? Lets hope nothing is aimed at our soldiers down in Afghanistan
  18. slowmode

    CT and release from unit

    Its all about going to your OR and reminding them about it. THey have a lot of work so you have to constantly tell them.
  19. slowmode

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    As a reservist its your responsability to get training in. This means you will only go as far as the time you put in. Most reserve units Parade one night a week, some do it twice. Also you will usually have one weekend EX per month going from Friday - Sunday night. During course you will go...
  20. slowmode

    BMQ / BMOQ: Travel Orders

    This is not somthing we can give you authority on. Your BMQ joining instructions will have all the information, and if you cant find it there I would inform your chain of command..or the OR at your unit. Personally Im thinking that if you dont even have enough time to put on your uniform your...