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  1. putz

    Primary Leadership Qualification Course (PLQ) Mega thread

    So what would happen if you passed your PLQ and couldn't pass the army portion?  Forced element remuster???  Maybe I'm just being difficult but I don't see the need for an add on.  If any thing they should create a separate PLQ for combat arms trades and the other for the whole of the CF.  I say...
  2. putz

    Primary Leadership Qualification Course (PLQ) Mega thread

    Going to play Devils advocate (and I'm sure the unpopular one on this discussion) but it seems people are more pissed about the change to mod 4 as a "I've done it so should they" instead of looking at the bigger picture.  A lot of the "purple trades" attached to army bases or units did CFS PLQ...
  3. putz

    Sailor who doubled in size wins disability benefits

    Just playing devils advocate here.  The claim wasn't for his weight it was for the Hypertension.  That being said I've put on weight since joining the CF and have had my BP go up, but I wouldn't think for a minute to blame it on the CAF or put a VA claim in.
  4. putz

    Working at guardhouse AND base duty

    I am looking for the reference, if it is still around, that states while employed in a policing function MP are not to be tasked to work as members of base duty (Base Duty O/WO/Sgt etc).  I remember seeing something years ago but cannot locate anything now.  Thanks!
  5. putz

    CF MP Academy Updates

    Can you take some pictures of it when your there?  I've heard its pretty impressive
  6. putz

    Supreme Court on constitutionality of NDA 130

    More eloquently put then I did and along what I was thinking (but adding in the ability to charge as well).  MCG yes sarcasm but I understand know the point you are putting forward and more so your perspective on things  ;) It`s been my experince the CM process is not faster and, in a number...
  7. putz

    Supreme Court on constitutionality of NDA 130

    Really we were starting to go down that path.... I don't see it.  I guess I'll just reflect on your past posts and how they relate to your experiences conducting investigations, going to court martial or having matters decided by a CO to not proceed with.  Thank you though for your actual input...
  8. putz

    Supreme Court on constitutionality of NDA 130

    Really?  Your going to turn this into a let the civilian police handle it argument... I'm talking about the judicial side and your going down the policing side.  My "want to lay charges" is not only mine it's  a common thought and obviously thought by more then myself.  What is the need to...
  9. putz

    Supreme Court on constitutionality of NDA 130

    IMO the main reason that NDA 130 should not be used in Canada is, unless your with CFNIS, MP cannot lay the charge.  I have had cases where I recommend NDA 130 and the unit CO has taken it upon themselves to not proceed, without consulting local JAG/AJAG for opinion.  This has happened on more...
  10. putz

    Supreme Court on constitutionality of NDA 130

    I'm aware of this and I know that myself and a majority of MP are optimistic things will head this way.  I was looking at getting some input from JAG and Snr MP.  Seems to me, from what I've heard, JAG are optimistic that 130 will stand.
  11. putz

    Supreme Court on constitutionality of NDA 130

    With the SCC decision looming what are the potential changes that could come out of this?  Both for the MP and JAG branches.
  12. putz

    MP PEP Checklist

    Somewhere in the deep dark realms of my Detachment we have a copy.  I was looking at it about 6 months ago while devising a SOP for our newbies.  I can try to find it for you when I get back.  I'm out of province until mid/end Aug.  PM me your info and I'll try to get some that's there to send...
  13. putz

    Brain Injury Pension Decisions

    I am closely following this.  I was treated for a TBI and left on medication for 2 years longer then I was supposed to be.  I am now experincing some of the affects of long term use of this medication. 
  14. putz

    Civilian Police to Military Police

    Simplest away around this is you inclue a Co Ride program as part of the officer qualification. 6 months or so on the road.  Some experince is better then none at all.
  15. putz

    Civilian Police to Military Police

    Maybe where you are posted
  16. putz

    Posting Policy-Restricted (IR) & Prohibited moves [MERGED]

    I know this has been beaten to death but has anything come down the pipes regarding changes to PLD or a current list of PLD rates?
  17. putz

    Why aren't Civilian Justice and Mil Justice tied together closer

    Yep. still don't see where I said anything about MP laying charges.  I said that MP get told to proceed with CSD instead of Criminal Code.  Last time I checked when you write a GO you include the CSD offences in it.