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  1. Welshy

    Req : Possible Griffon Replacement

    I believe there is something in the works to beef up the firepower on the griffon for this role. Someone correct me if I am wrong or elaborate further in that.
  2. Welshy

    Req : Possible Griffon Replacement

    I think this is getting away from the bigger issue. We don't have enough pilots even if we wanted to spend money on more airframes. We already mothballed a bunch of griffons (now going to be used on BHT). It's not a simple matter of throwing money at the problem, we have personnel issues than...
  3. Welshy

    Image of RMC in the eyes of CF members

    From my experience, the general sense at RMC these days is one of disdain for the entire institution. I think the culture of ring knockers may be dying out, but then again i could be wrong. They seem pretty fed up with the direction the institution seems to be heading, but I realise OCDTs love...
  4. Welshy


    I thought my first post was very clear how to become part of the network, but i guess not. :brickwall:
  5. Welshy


    Hence the part where I said forward it to a civie email and open it at home.
  6. Welshy


    I'm no facebook addict, its just a good way to see what people are up to. I actually don't use it that much. BTW I should be coming back when the Base Commander sends me the approval.
  7. Welshy


    You won't be able to join the forces network but you can still add them as you friends and see their profiles. Its hard enough for current members to get on it because you need to send a confirmation to your forces account and then forward it to a civilian email address so you can access the...
  8. Welshy

    Griffon Porn - 400 "City of Toronto" Squadron 75th Anniversary Formation Flight

    5 a/c in the air!!! Last time I tried to get 3 a/c out of 400 they just laughed at me. If you want some flying time LM, I may be able to hook you up if we have additional a/c in the area. Not to many Ocdt who can say that.
  9. Welshy

    Peaceniks Try Direct Mail on Vandoos Destined for AFG

    This stems from the ever more prevalent thought of "I don't let things like facts and statistics get in the way of my opinion." I can't understand why increasing numbers of people are so quick to abandon others like the Afghanis and then claim that it is for the best.
  10. Welshy

    END of an ERA (the wedge)

    It may be because I'm young and have a sense of style (just kidding), but wearing the beret with the flight suit looks way better than the wedge. I for one refuse to wear the wedge unless its absolutely required.
  11. Welshy

    Griffon Porn - 400 "City of Toronto" Squadron 75th Anniversary Formation Flight

    I never thought I would see both "porn" and "griffon" in the same sentence. Great pictures though.
  12. Welshy

    CH-146 Griffon

    Bringing all the Sqn to one location would not save money nor be practical. Think of all the new infrastructure that would have to be built to house all the additional aircraft and personnel. In no way would this save money. The people who have been commenting here know what they are talking...
  13. Welshy

    CH-146 Griffon

    I forgot to mention that 17 Chinooks will hardly be enough to replace or severely reduce the Griffin fleet
  14. Welshy

    CH-146 Griffon

    Your estimates seem a little extreme. Right now there are 67 aircraft under 1 wing doing tac hel. I really couldn't see them getting rid of any of those aircraft any time soon, because they are heavily used as it is. There will be a need for griffins as they perform as different role than the...
  15. Welshy

    No such thing as a stupid question...

    We had this not so bright fellow on our IAP who walks into a room holding a pair of boots and asks: "Is it more efficient to put on the right boot first or the left one." He also woke up one of the guys in the middle the night and asked him where the light switch was at in his room. He had been...
  16. Welshy

    Performance enhancing drugs for the soldier?

    The investigation done by the Canadian Board of Inquiry. It is not unusual for them to take "go" pills on the long missions. I read about it in the book call Friendly Fire. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarnak_Farm_incident As with the German army thing, I cannot remember. It was so long ago.
  17. Welshy

    Performance enhancing drugs for the soldier?

    I remember reading somwhere that the German army during WW2 gave there soldiers methamphetamines  during the use of blitzkrieg. Also pilots in the US are given "go" and "stop" pills. Everyone remembers the Friendly Fire incident back during the first bit of A-stan, those guys where on "go" pills...
  18. Welshy

    Warning for Kingstonians

    Ya caught some guy looking around outside my place, just north of princess. He took off real fast when I showed up. ;D
  19. Welshy

    Completing High School After Enrolment, was "Just a quick question."

    If I may add on being in the forces and doing school. If you join the forces while you are going to a civilian University or College for that matter, the forces will pay for you to continue going to school and you will only have to train during the summer. Currently I'm ROTP at Queen's...