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  1. Trooper Hale

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Thanks very much for saying it. All my old outer city stomping grounds are gone now but none of the family lost anything big. I flew home the Tuesday after Black Saturday, the scale of it is unbelieveble, when all you can see from a cruising 737 is black bushland then you know the fires are...
  2. Trooper Hale

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Its around 0100, I'm in the Guard house, watching the screens, making sure no bikies are stealing the ASLAV's and i'm bored out of my brain. I've also just realised that our silly Army has blocked Army.ca BUT NOT milnet.ca! I'm listening to late night radio (Apparently there's a new way out for...
  3. Trooper Hale

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Corp - "Rightio lads, i want the whole troop's radio and comsec gear accounted for and numbers checked and i want the list on my desk in an hour" Me - "Ah, corp, i did all that on monday" Corp - "Yep Hales, realise that, but i need another copy" Me - "Couldnt you just copy the original copy?"...
  4. Trooper Hale

    Israel defends use of phosphorus - BBC News

    I always get told off when we head down to the Arty simulator and i call for regimental fire to "mark" the infantry target with Willy Pete.  8) I really have a deep admiration for Isreal. They've got the balls to stand up for what they believe in and defend themselves from agression. They fight...
  5. Trooper Hale

    Krispy Kreme or Tim Hortons?

    Just reading through this is giving me massive donut withdrawl's! I'd prefer Tim Hortons (this is corny) for the memories of Canada but Krispy Kremes may have to suffice, if i can find it. I NEED A DONUT THOUGH!
  6. Trooper Hale

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    BTR 2? BRDM 70? BMP10? Looks Russian to me. ::) Its definately not a Leopard...
  7. Trooper Hale

    Armoured Soldier Questions

    You've got to say it in your 1920's English accent, then its fine. "You there, enlisted man, Clean my socks and make sure these tan desert boots are shining! ... I say, careful there Captain, some of these men are working class! I think that one's a damned Bolshy" Ah, i really think i missed my...
  8. Trooper Hale

    Armoured Soldier Questions

    BAM! He walked right into that one! Officers are Crew Commanders. They control the actions and directions of the vehicles in the troop and the actions of their crews. Inside their vehicles they have a driver and a gunner plus the surv op or GIB. All these chaps are enlisted men, meaning the...
  9. Trooper Hale

    does steven harper have a secret plan for the military?

    Please come back, please come back, please come back!  :'(
  10. Trooper Hale

    Afghanistan Is The New Iraq

    Obviously the opinions of the average Joe are affected by what the media says and shows. In the exact same way the Tet Offensive became a victory for the North Vietnamese, the war in Afghanistan can go from being a justified, "Popular" (terrible word but the only one that i can find that fits...
  11. Trooper Hale

    Afghanistan Is The New Iraq

    I hate these articles. Afghanistan is the new Iraq, Georgia and Russia is the new Kashmir, Quebec and Ontario are the new Russian/Japanese border, East Timor is the new Nazi Germany. You could really say anything you like, throw in some vaguely relevant/irrelevant details, a comparison ("East...
  12. Trooper Hale

    Trooper Brian Good RCD - 3 Injured in Afghanistan - 7 Jan 09

    Bad luck old boy. Its a tragedy anytime a soldier is killed but knowing its a Dragoon makes it even harder for me. Rest In Peace mate. Well done
  13. Trooper Hale

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Haha, that sounds fantastic. I'll be on the next plane over! I just need to find my hat... Maybe your right about the North American mentality. It is a slow game and requires a lot of patience. I used to coach a team of under 12's and it was great to see the transition in the fielding through...
  14. Trooper Hale

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Sorry, i was exaggerating. It just blew me away watching what i thought was the final of the hockey a few years ago, I saw Edmonton lose and assumed that was that. No one else seemed upset though and i asked why, "Dont worry" They said, "It's best of 7!". In a Test Series, we play best of three...
  15. Trooper Hale

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    I dont bag your sports, you shouldnt bag mine. Personally, i find ice hockey really interesting, its the bit where they play best of 47 to see who wins that bores me. Cricket is an absolutely brilliant game, how could anything where a team scores over 400 runs be boring? And have you ever seen...
  16. Trooper Hale

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    I'm sitting at home on a beautiful 28degree day, watching the cricket. And its looking good, Australia made a good total and the Sydney pitch is notorious for not being a good batting pitch. Hopefully South Africa do ok though, i'm keen for this to last the full 5 days.
  17. Trooper Hale

    Happy New Year From Australia

    Well, here we are at the end of another year (At least in this time zone). And unfortunately i'm not out on the town as i'm not feeling very well and cant leave the house (Dont fear those who know me, i did try and i have at least got a couple of beers in with mates before the "darkness"...
  18. Trooper Hale

    AVGP Grizzly in 1/35 scale

    This vehicle, and the Cougar, have fascinated me since i first saw a Grizzly across the road from the RCD hangers (Forgotten who it belongs too) and saw a cougar in the Ottawa Museum. Your models are absolutely fantastic. Just as an aside though, the reason the turret on the Aus M113 FSV is...
  19. Trooper Hale

    Pte. Michael Freeman - 3 RCR - 26 Dec 2008 - 3 wounded

    Even though i'm a world away and even though i've never met the majority of these blokes, it still hurts every time i hear another member of the CF has copped it. Yours is a great military and every single man and woman in it should be proud of what this man has sacrificed in the name of Canada...
  20. Trooper Hale

    Canada's purchase of the Leopard 2 MBT

    :D Nope, if anyone asks, from now on i'm a pilot!