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  1. Pencil Tech

    Honourary (or honorary if QR&O 3.06 & 3.07 are to be believed) colonels

    Hate to be a spelling snob but it's honorary because "honourary" doesn't exist as a word in Canadian/British usage. It's like honorarium or neighborhood.  :)
  2. Pencil Tech

    LCdr. Wafa Dabbagh (first woman to wear hijab in CF) Dies of Cancer

    Very sad. I didn't know her personally but shared an elevator at Pearkes with her several times. I really nice lady. Condolences to her family.  :salute:
  3. Pencil Tech

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Call me hopelessly naive but why not one squadron of F-35's and then something more modest to escort Russian Bears? I know, because the RCAF doesn't want more than one platform.
  4. Pencil Tech

    NATO apologizes after U.S. soldier opens fire on Afghan civilians

    I'm more concerned for the safety of our troops with this "training mission" than I was when they were in combat.
  5. Pencil Tech

    Tea Party Wins

    I think the cheerleading here for the Tea Party and American rightwing anti-government agitating in general while rhapsodizing about the glories of unfettered capitalism is rich coming from a bunch of people who have spent their entire careers in the employ of the state, paid from the public...
  6. Pencil Tech

    Challenger/"VIP" Jet/CF Chopper Use (CDS, others) [merged]

    Well this isn't the first time that Fife has gone after a CDS and I'm glad to see that this is blowing up in his face now. I remember a few years he came out with 'inside information" that Gen. Hillier was going to get the can, which turned out not to be true.
  7. Pencil Tech

    Challenger/"VIP" Jet/CF Chopper Use (CDS, others) [merged]

    From what I've seen today, press and public opinion are turning strongly in support of the CDS. The whole flap was a stupid media creation and now the media is turning it around. I think the PM jumped the gun a bit saying that the CDS should reimburse any of those flights.
  8. Pencil Tech

    London Riots

    I have friends, not just white, who live in Hackney, East London, where a  lot of the violence has happened over the last couple of days and nobody thinks this insanity is about any particular social issue at all. It's just a bunch of louts causing trouble and it's becoming a fad. Britain has...
  9. Pencil Tech

    Military Inspired Logo for the Winnipeg Jets

    It's a bitchin' logo and most people like it.
  10. Pencil Tech

    Beret badge now wearing on side?

    Gen. Vance does that on the side thing too. The reason Brits do it, and they don't all do it either, is they like to form their berets so they look like "flat caps".
  11. Pencil Tech

    Osama Bin Laden Dead

    Love it! Thank you.
  12. Pencil Tech

    Election 2011

    That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! Actually I do know something about it. TBS is answerable to cabinet and the chairman is a government minister and if Harper wants to find money somewhere, he will find it. Hope you don't live in Victoria or Toronto.
  13. Pencil Tech

    Election 2011

    I can't wait to hear what some of the Harper cheerleaders around here have to say when he scraps the PLD.
  14. Pencil Tech

    How Safe Are You Facebooking....

    I think Facebook is evil _ Big Brother Is Watching You. I deleted my account.
  15. Pencil Tech

    Last convoy of fighting forces leaving Iraq today

    They Came, They Saw, They Left
  16. Pencil Tech

    NATO wanted more troops - CP

    "The NDP destroyed any possibility moderate Arab nations might contribute against extremeists." OK, is "NDP" an acronym for something other than, you know, the NDP, and I'm just too ignorant to know what it is, or google it properly? Or does "Taliban Jack" have some kind of amazing...
  17. Pencil Tech

    Operation Nanook 2010

    From the terrain you can see in those pics, CADPAT AR might actually work.
  18. Pencil Tech

    Capt. Robert Semrau Charged With Murder in Afghanistan

    That is good news. I hope the sentencing is lenient.
  19. Pencil Tech

    Naval Officers Once Again to Wear the Executive Curl

    I work in NDHQ and today (Monday 14 June) there are executive curls on shoulder boards and slip-ons all over the place already. I must say, it does look classy. It looks like they used better gold thread than on the old ones so they're very shiny.