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  1. Pencil Tech

    Election 2015

    It's not the same thing. Banked Public Service sick days have no cash value.
  2. Pencil Tech

    Election 2015

    Well I would have thought that your second paragraph described the names in your first paragraph but OK. Look, if anything can be learned from the Harper demise it's this: Canadians don't scare anywhere near as easily as Americans, so don't keep going down that Tea Party, Fox News path because...
  3. Pencil Tech

    Election 2015

    You need to purge your party of the toxic Harperites and bring back the Progressive Conservative Party (not with Peter Mackay). Then this country will have found its traditional balance again.]
  4. Pencil Tech

    Election 2015

  5. Pencil Tech

    Election 2015

  6. Pencil Tech

    Election 2015

    They should reinstate the voter subsidy.
  7. Pencil Tech

    Election 2015

    I rest my case.
  8. Pencil Tech

    Election 2015

    It's nice to read somebody stating the truth on here but you're wasting your time. Most of the people following this discussion would vote for the Conservatives if they disbanded the military entirely, and then they would still find a way to say that it would be worse for the military with one...
  9. Pencil Tech

    Election 2015

    Dear Mr. Campbell, You are flagellating a deceased equine. Stephen Harper is done. I was active in politics for years and a riding association president for several. It's pretty obvious when a campaign has the smell of death around it. From the bottom of my heart, it's over.
  10. Pencil Tech

    Election 2015

    They're leaving because they don't think their party can win the election.
  11. Pencil Tech

    The Next Conservative Leader

    Hmmm, just heard James Moore's not seeking re-election. Baird, MacKay, Moore...they think they're going to lose the election.
  12. Pencil Tech

    Op IMPACT: CAF in the Iraq & Syria crisis

    Mr. Campbell, I get your point. It may be that supporting the US is ultimately in our stategic interests, to the point that it overrides all other concerns, but what if the US were completely isolationist, and non-interventionist with regard to anything happening in the world? Would that mean...
  13. Pencil Tech

    Op IMPACT: CAF in the Iraq & Syria crisis

    Sorry folks, I've totally lost my religion where this mission is concerned. I'm not in the military anymore so I don't feel I have to be silent where government policy is concerned. Western intervention in the Middle East has caused nothing but chaos in Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. and this goes...
  14. Pencil Tech

    Would you prefer to work in a Unionized or Non Unionized work place?

    To respond to the OP's original question, unionised, no question. Unions can be a pain in the pants, but still.
  15. Pencil Tech

    Uniform Tailoring

    If that is your first issue of DEU you should nevertheless have a Logistik Unicorp account now and I found that if I entered my measurements online with them I got DEU that fit pretty darned well and they were delivered in a matter of days. Why not give that a try and then take back what they...
  16. Pencil Tech

    Foreign Minister Baird: we'll protect the North by force if needed

    Well Canadians liked it OK up to the levels it was at before the government started cutting it again. I never heard many people saying defence spending is too high. Harper and Baird should keep their mouths shut about Russia, and anything else, because we're not going to do anything about it...
  17. Pencil Tech

    Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

    I have some in-laws who are JEH and I don't think that could ever happen because they have a thing against uniforms of any kind, even Girl Guides, so they would never join the military.
  18. Pencil Tech

    Justin Trudeau - Timelines

    Oldgateboatdriver, full on respect to your experience and knowledge, and I wasn't sure about the MCDVs, but then given that, my point was really how many hulls has Stephen Harper cut? Or likely to in the future, honestly? And how's that deepwater Arctic port coming along? I mean actually how...
  19. Pencil Tech

    Justin Trudeau - Timelines

    I don't think it's a given that Trudeau's Liberals will be worse than Harper's Conservatives for the military. Trudeau's father is always demonised of course, but in his day defence spending was 2% of GDP compared to the 1% it is now (the lowest since WW2). Almost the entire Royal Canadian Navy...