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  1. R

    Lump Sum Disability awards and ethical use of funds.

    Divefree1- Stay strong buddy, Canada will forever be indebted for your service and you should be proud.
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    Re-establishing a Canadian Armoured Brigade in Europe

    Not sure Canada has the shoulder roll to compete with Money but you're right we can be a contender.
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    Some Weird Swerve About Deployments [from the Coronavirus thread]

    The solution is the “Journey”. Boom, Easy peasy.
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    Major Brian Shul, USAF, SR-71 Pilot

    Love that story, check this out. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8AyHH9G9et0
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    Medical Release ( merged )

    Keep hearing about this “journey”, it sounds great. Where do I find anything official on it? Is there impacts on remuneration?  Seems the deployable/postable group are the only ones giving a commander real flexibility to do a military task, no?  Still sounds great for when I’m ready to hang up...
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    Equitas' Walk for Veterans

    Thought I would ask this question here as it's related to CAF members' participation in protests and political activity. There's a bit of a debate at my work right now on whether a member is allowed to attend the following event (walk for veterans); ...
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    USS LITTLE ROCK frozen in at Montreal

    Geez, the USN get stuck in Montreal and you still manage to slag the RCAF.  Bravo, that’s advanced Air Force axe grinding.
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    New IRP / Move policy-effective Dec 01, 2017 [Merged]

    There's a space for secondary email adresses that you can use your civvy email. Edited to add: if this is to add a TIN for dependants you need to put customer service as the primary email adress then your civvy as secondary email address. Customer service will have to manually activate your...
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    New IRP / Move policy-effective Dec 01, 2017 [Merged]

    Thanks for asking, I actually sent a query through the BGRS portal on the 8th business day and received a response (reasonably quickly to their credit) saying that they process the relocard after PRA completion within 5 business days but that the delivery is then dependant on Canada Post.  I’m...
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    New IRP / Move policy-effective Dec 01, 2017 [Merged]

    Not to brag but I registered 2 March and still waiting.
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    Medical diagnosis difficulties while serving

    Even if you don’t get along with your chain of command you can request an assisting officer through them, doing it in writing might be wise.  Also, the assisting officer doesn’t need to be from your chain of command. 
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    Medical diagnosis difficulties while serving

    DARTAGNAN, I’m sorry that your experience in the CAF has been a negative one but it sounds to me you require assistance.  I would suggest asking for an assisting officer (of your choice preferably) to your chain of command to guide you though the admin processes. This forum may confuse things...
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    USAF Woes

    I agree with a lot of what you're saying but we can't have 100% of our TES in cockpits either.  You need pilots in the HQ's just like you need Infantry and MARS otherwise the tail starts wagging the dog.  As far as numbers in HQ's I've never been but I've heard some fat could be cut.  Again, I...
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    USAF Woes

    Like many occupations, pilots are required in command and admin positions.  That's just the cost of doing business in the military.  I wouldn't want to see pilots get any less operationally driven than they are right now during training.  I think we've maxed out the benefits of civilian...
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    USAF Woes

    What trade do you suggest? Training output is fine, retention on the other hand...
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    Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

    You were getting paid to go to school full-time on class B? I always thought there was some sort of pay protection so this is surprising to me.  I thought this was the main reason (along with pension considerations) to go CT/OT (internal competition) versus releasing and re-applying (external...
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    Release after CTing from Pres to Reg Force

    I agree that it would turn into a gong show if it were too easy to release after taking all the training.  Some of the reasoning is suspect though.  Discretion should be used as you say but you hope that the one using discretion is smart.
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    Release after CTing from Pres to Reg Force

    This sounds believable and likely, probably even more dependant on the mood/competence of the particular CM.  You would think that all CM's regardless of trade, environment, officer or ncm would be managed by a leader that would dictate a policy that's consistent and follows a published order. ...
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    Release after CTing from Pres to Reg Force

    Interesting because a member can Voluntary release quite easily for a good portion of the initial three years of their contract during BMQ and Occupational training.  Does the release authority change once a member reaches OFP?  Did D Mil C give a reason? CFAO 15-2 seems like a dated...