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Search results

  1. Fiver

    Word association (just for fun)

  2. Fiver

    Wife Handcuffs self to ex husband while he's sleeping

    No, she obviously didn't think he would run into her arms :p Sometimes, the only way to engage and maintain a serious discussion with someone who won't talk to you is to compel them to do so, although the use of handcuffs is taking the idea of constraining someone to speak a bit too literal...
  3. Fiver

    Word association (just for fun)

  4. Fiver

    How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries

    God I hate these groups... "Look at me, I'm contributing to [world peace / saving the rain forests / fighting poverty] because I joined a facebook group! What do you mean, I'm not doing anything in the real world? I participated in a march just 2 months ago! A march!!! For peace!!!"
  5. Fiver

    US Economy

  6. Fiver

    Word association (just for fun)

  7. Fiver

    How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries

    /offtopic Oddball, of course Youtube's commentary section attracts mostly retarded users. Look up fred's amount of subscribers, then watch one of his videos. In my online gaming and board experience, Canadians with a medium to strong anti-american bias are a loud ~20% minority, except in places...
  8. Fiver

    Word association (just for fun)

  9. Fiver

    Je veux rejoindre les forces

    N'ai pas peur d'aller demander ce genre d'information au centre de rec. J'irai pas jusqu'à dire qu'ils sont tes amis, mais ils ne te veulent pas de mal personellement. Douce ironie :) Je blague!
  10. Fiver

    Métier...oui mais lequel ?

    Heh, un peu comme moi! Ces 3 métiers m'interessaient, mais j'avais finalement choisi sappeur et infantrie lors de mon application. Maintenant je penche pour l'infantry comme premier choix...
  11. Fiver

    Word association (just for fun)

  12. Fiver

    How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries

    What are you talking aboot?  ;)
  13. Fiver

    Word association (just for fun)

  14. Fiver

    Word association (just for fun)

  15. Fiver

    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    Well then, thanks. I was looking up prescription to fraction to category conversions on this thread here and I guess I'm just too much of a pessimist! There is such a gap between -2.00 and -2.50, and both are (estimated to be) equivalent to 6/60 which in turns qualifies for V3, I don't know...
  16. Fiver

    Word association (just for fun)

  17. Fiver

    Je m'enrôle !

    Merci, ns! J'essai de scheduler plusieurs rendez-vous pendant ma journée off pour le médical. Je vais me donner 1 heure et demi - 2 heures pour l'examen des Forces pour pas prendre de chances.
  18. Fiver

    What PC Video Game Are You Playing Now?

    To any and all serious FPS gamers out there, Left 4 Dead is the best teamwork game I've played yet, at least when playing with friends vs other "prepared" teams. It's easy to set up games through forums and IRC. Playing with "pubs" (public games) is a blast too, and its there that you'll meet...
  19. Fiver

    US Economy

    Stop with the bonuses already, its what made the recipients stay with the company through the shit and reduce AIG`s financial derivatives from 2.7 trillions to 1.6 trillion. I think most people think they are performance bonuses, while they are not. 
  20. Fiver

    Besoin d'un Programe D'entrainement

    Personellement, 3-4 fois par semaine pendant que j'écoute un film ou de la T.V. (Surtout House le lundi, en anglais à 20h00 et en français à 21h00), Je fais des rotation genre 25 push ups, 30 sit-ups, 25 squats avec un tube élastique (les bras vers l'avant, les pieds écartés pour régler la...