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  1. Fiver

    Is Your Ab Workout Hurting Your Back?

    Here's a paper on the US army sit-up tests. The conclusion (page 4) is the same; crunches are better, sit-ups are bad for the back.
  2. Fiver

    QMB le 15 juin

    Le 22 mai, avec l'assermentation le 10 juin. @joe: dekesséééééééé? :p
  3. Fiver

    QMB le 15 juin

    Si on t'as dit début juillet, mon QMB commence le 6 juillet. Mais j'ai dû attendre trois semaines après que mon médical soit rendu à Ottawa pour être "merit listed", et puis 3 semaines encore pour mon offre... Bonne chance, mais si j'étais toi je viserais mi- ou fin-juillet. Ce n'est pas la...
  4. Fiver

    Pourquoi Choisir L'infantrie

    :o C'est comme dire que je veux être fantassin à cause de Rambo!
  5. Fiver

    What Do Canadians Have To Be Proud Of ?

    Haha, real smooth ExSarge! But I was really beginning to like mediocre1, he had just started spouting out his fanatical drivel... Not forgiving is worse than murder, yeah, indeed, mediocre1. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone...
  6. Fiver

    If America adopts Canada's health care system

    Oh em gee, conflicting informations on 'teh intarwebz', which will you believe? http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2006/03/03/2003295475 Though I don`t blindly trust that article either, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T69TOuqaqXI, which applies to more than science vs...
  7. Fiver

    L'armée des souverainistes

    Le problème n'est pas tant le manque de vocabulaire ou de pratique que le manque d'effort. Toi, par exemple, même après 5 années à communiquer principalement en anglais, tu t'efforces toujours de bien parler 'la langue de Molière'. Par contre, la plupart des jeunes (et moins jeunes) qui se...
  8. Fiver

    If America adopts Canada's health care system

    Uh, what? Eating a lot of peanut butter causes cancer? That sounds a lot like the kind of misinformation spread on the internet like the factoid that we eat 8 spiders in our sleep during a year that was made up in '94. It is not the diet high in fats in itself that is cancerous, it's the lack of...
  9. Fiver

    L'armée des souverainistes

    C'est très désolant en effet; j'ai l'impression de voir considérablement plus de fautes de grammaires et d'orthographe dans la portion francophone de army.ca que sur le reste du site... La plupart des erreurs faites en anglais ne sont que des fautes de frappe.
  10. Fiver

    Every westerner should see this

    You should be ashamed of having made such a mistake, Michael. It is, after all, well documented and known that the human mind is very simple and we all think the same. It's because of those magical barriers around each regions of the world making everyone born inside a particular region think...
  11. Fiver

    Every westerner should see this

    Heh, about the guy in question: http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Alnafisi_Abdulla_101260580.aspx http://www.tsrn.us/blog/2009/03/20/following-memri-tv-clip-arab-liberals-denounce-kuwaiti-islamist-abdallah-al-nafisi/...
  12. Fiver

    Every westerner should see this

    Well, the translation was made by MEMRI, and there's a lot of controversy about this "research institute"... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East_Media_Research_Institute Where the excerpt came from: http://memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=SD224709 Also, the video was mostly spread through...
  13. Fiver

    Your Favorite Military Video Game

    Crysis. I am planning to buy the expansion (it's a parallel story, it follows what happened to a missing soldier while we were playing Newman in the main story), and you can bet I'll buy the 2 other games of the planned trilogy. First, the graphics and the physics and awesome, Call of Duty 4...
  14. Fiver

    Canada Expresses Outrage over Afghan Women's law

    Thanks, I'm not really good with words, much less in languages other than my mother's one.
  15. Fiver

    URINE Questions

    Well, apparently there is no BMQ in May.
  16. Fiver

    A Scary Bedtime Short Story

    I'm not sure, but perhaps those three words are "Allah Uh Akbar"?
  17. Fiver

    A Scary Bedtime Short Story

    I like this bit!
  18. Fiver

    Canada Expresses Outrage over Afghan Women's law

    That's not cynicism, it's being realistic :p. Also, to clarify my previous posts, the Western world shouldn't shove their democracy and beliefs down other people's throats. The only things that need to be done are to remove regimes oppressing populations, and to make sure that those...
  19. Fiver

    Canada Expresses Outrage over Afghan Women's law

    Well, screw the world then. You convinced me. After all, it is a proven fact that unquestionable faith only grows stronger as each generations expand their knowledge of the world. We are still burning witches and executing people questioning the Bible. Not to mention that we keep building new...
  20. Fiver

    Canada Expresses Outrage over Afghan Women's law

    A cynic is not merely one who reads bitter lessons from the past, he is one who is prematurely disappointed in the future.