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  1. B

    "Smitherman: Firefighters should swallow EMS"

    A lot of rural services do that and it works for them because it gives them the combined manpower to get the job done. Not all firefighters and EMS personnel want to work in a rural area so it can be tougher to get people to work out there. In the larger metropolitan areas, it's just redundant...
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    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I think it is the difference between BC and Alberta that is confusing here. I was writing ACP for my EMR course which, as I heard from a BC guy at ACP last weekend, you guys don't have to do? Otherwise you're correct, I wouldn't be able to write my EMT ACP test without having done the course or...
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    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Got the call! Recruiting Center- CFRC Calgary Regular/Reserve- Regular Officer/NCM- NCM (SEP) Trade Choice 1- Med Tech Trade Choice 2- Trade Choice 3- Application Date- March 11 First Contact - March 29 CFAT- April 6 Interview- April 6 Medical- April 14 Back Check- No idea References...
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    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Got everything booked today! Hopefully it all goes well, might start a thread with my story and process if I ever get a little bit of spare time.  ;D Recruiting Center- CFRC Calgary Regular/Reserve- Regular Officer/NCM- NCM (SEP) Trade Choice 1- Med Tech Trade Choice 2- Trade Choice 3-...
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    Medical Technician Career

    Another thing to keep in mind if you're considering Med Tech is that you need your full driver's license. Your profile doesn't note where you're from and I know it's different everywhere, but if you're in highschool I would suggest that you make sure that you are able to take the advanced...
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    Sleep Issues on course [MERGED]

    Just curious, but several people already (the chronic insomniacs) have mentioned getting up and doing stuff when they can't sleep. Do none of you find that doing that makes it worse? I can't ever remember a time when I've slept properly, but I find (especially during really bad stretches) that...
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    Promoting NCM-SEP for Med Tech?

    Thanks everyone for answering my question. Definitely helps me see why they would suggest that people take that route. As mariomike said, I am from Alberta...from Calgary. So if I took the SEP route (I won't be, I'm just curious) would I be getting my EMT or my EMT-P? I guess my question is...
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    Promoting NCM-SEP for Med Tech?

    Just a quick question. I'm planning on applying as a Med Tech and I was at the recruiting centre a few days ago. The recruiter I talked to there was really pushing the idea of staying in my city and completing an EMT program there rather than joining and going through the training that they...
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    Calgary family negotiates "no homework" agreement with school

    Well, I can't speak for the younger grades as I was homeschooled from Grade 3 onwards, but in high school we (people in my class) had homework. Some of it was projects and assignments (which I believe are perfectly acceptable as homework; they help you build study skills and time management...
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    Help with final project

    Have you tried searching for "SAR Tech"? There's an ongoing thread somewhere with quite a bit of information. You might also try PM'ing kj_gully...he's very active in the SAR Tech thread and seems quite willing to answer questions for anyone that's interested in becoming a SAR Tech.
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    Swine Flu argument.

    Meh...I didn't get the shot, got the flu, and I'm still alive and kicking. All they play in the news are the people that are dying from H1N1 (not that they aren't important) but there's no airtime for the people like me who just get a week off to catch up on sleep and try not to infect anyone...
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    The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

    Perhaps this is not the correct place to post this question, if not, Mods please direct me elsewhere. As I was watching the Remembrance Day ceremony on Global this morning, I noticed that there were several people wearing two poppies. From what I could see, they appeared to be the same poppies...
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    Int Op trade tell me more and more reg force please

    Hmmm, maybe you talked to the same guy I talked to  ;D Would you mind PM'ing me his name? I'm curious now...
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    Mandatory H1N1 shots for soldiers could violate Charter - CTV News

    From the Health Canada page that PMedMoe posted - emphasis added: "Prior to market authorization of a new vaccine, the manufacturer must file a submission with scientific and clinical evidence that demonstrates that the vaccine’s health benefits outweigh the risks and that the vaccine is...
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    Mandatory H1N1 shots for soldiers could violate Charter - CTV News

    Although I'm not a soldier living on a base, for me, and probably for a lot of those soldiers that you are speaking of, it's not about being a rebel. It's simply about a lack of information and testing. Right now, with the amount of information that I don't have, I wouldn't feel comfortable...
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    "Worst Movie Of All Time"

    In order: 1. Blindness (at least the first 30 minutes or so, that was as much as I could handle of that disgusting movie - where's that throwing up smiley when you need it?) 2. Orphan (came out not that long ago, I believe it was supposed to be a horror movie. The fact that my friend and I were...
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    Int Op trade tell me more and more reg force please

    Thanks, George. That's the impression that I was under to begin with and I was a little surprised when the recruiter told me that it was still open. I'm not really sure how he made the mistake though, I specified twice that I was referring to a civilian with no military experience applying for...
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    Int Op trade tell me more and more reg force please

    I'm assuming that my previous post wasn't answered because nobody knew, so, if anyone else is interested, I just talked to an online recruiter who told me that they are still recruiting civilians for the trade and there are still spots available. Seems a bit odd to me, I assumed that even if...
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    Wow, what a setback :( and just when you were getting back in it again. Still, judging from your previous posts, I'm sure you're tough (or stubborn ;D) enough to make it though this too! Hope you heal quickly; but for now enjoy the rest and the time you get to spend with your family. Jules
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    Int Op trade tell me more and more reg force please

    Does anyone know what the status is on the direct entry Int Op trial? Is the trial still going on? I got the impression that it was temporarily shut down, but have been unable to find any information on if it was starting again any time in the future. I'd hate to be sitting here thinking that...