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  1. J

    WESTERN STANDARD " The Voice of Western Canada"

    No surprise that their is a cultural "split" between urban and rural voters, and I must point out that the Western Standard is a conservative publication which espouses conservative values, and contains articles by authors and contributors who are, well; "conservative". It does not speak for...
  2. J

    Lost in Afghanistan, Ott, Citizen Opinion Article

    In general, Canadian media is no friend to the Canadian Forces. Having said that, the US publication which we have been getting for decades, is the Armed Forces Journal. Founded in 1863, it was formerly known as the "Infantry Journal" and the most comprehensive source of military information in...
  3. J

    Good news for CSE (= good news for CF)

    If 9/11 had not taken place. CSIS would have vanished. It was created because some fools in the RCMP were burning barns in Quebec ( and perhaps Ontario) CSIS is considered laughable in the political world of the Liberal government. But the Joint Task Force Two is highly rated and justifiably so...
  4. J

    Good news for CSE (= good news for CF)

    Does one have to be fluently bilingual (English-French) to be considered for JTF-2 or CSIS - just asking? If not why not?, (followed by peels of laughter). MacLeod
  5. J

    War Museum Controversy and Follow-up Thread [merged]

    My associates and I spent much time in many Museums in the UK, US and Germany. The reason we undertook this activity was to determine funding processes for a number of private sector Museums in Canada. We discovered a great deal of significant information about how Museums operate. Our main...
  6. J

    War Museum Controversy and Follow-up Thread [merged]

    I cannot understand how a diaorama, (an expensive diaorama) of an event that never occured could under any circumstance be justified in a Museum's budget. The new Canadian War Museum is going to evolve into something not intended as it matures, and the Veteran's of World War II and Korea pass...
  7. J

    War Museum Controversy and Follow-up Thread [merged]

    The Halifax Citadel Museum is one of the best, albeit small Military Museums anywhere, under the control of Heritage Canada. It features an expensive highly detailed diaorama of an attack on the Citadel Fortress, by post civil war Union troops. The troops wear the uniform of the Irish Brigade...
  8. J

    War Museum Controversy and Follow-up Thread [merged]

    Everything in the Sussex 11 post is substantillay correct, and we are well aware of how the CWM was financed - we have experience in funding the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Mount Hope ON, and HMCS Sackville a Town class corvette from World War II. Sussex 11 is missing the point - the...
  9. J

    Harper's long walk off a short pier?

    When Hon Pierre E. Trudeau was PM he created a Ministry of Urban Affairs. The first Minister responsible for the new agency was Hon. Barnet Danson MP, Toronto. The plan was for the urban areas of Canada (the big cities for the most part) to deal directly with the Federal government. In other...
  10. J

    Lost in Afghanistan, Ott, Citizen Opinion Article

    We will send a letter to Senator Colin Kenny, Senate of Canada, Defence and Security Committee whom we know from his perspective on Canadian airports in the National Airport System. I will point out to him however that I do not know enough about Canadian Army operations in Afghanistan to submit...
  11. J

    War Museum Controversy and Follow-up Thread [merged]

    I have not visited the new War Museum, but my associates and I have undertaken business plans and feasibility studies focused on several Museums in Canada, and we know the bureaucratic system which is responsible for the various facilities in Canada very well. Most of the bureaucrats in...
  12. J

    USA - On this Memorial Day

    On July 15, 2005 PBS USA will screen a film biography on the career of famous Hollywood Director George Stevens ("Shane" - "Giant"  "Diary of Anne Frank") During World War II George Stevens was the Commanding Officer of the US Army's First Motion Picture Unit (1 MOPEC) which landed in Europe...
  13. J

    Lost in Afghanistan, Ott, Citizen Opinion Article

    Edward Campbell's post should be required reading for the Minister of National Defence and senior military people like the CDS and Members of the Defence Committee, House of Commons. As far as we know, Kenny is a political friend to the CF, but the preception that Ottawa based media have an...
  14. J

    Harper's long walk off a short pier?

    Our associates here (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick) and Ottawa are very much aware that there have been three mjor, high profile Studies on universival health care (Medicare) on behalf of the Federal government - familier with one, which advocates the introduction of two-tier medical services for...
  15. J

    Harper's long walk off a short pier?

    Talked to a long time friend and veteran of the political wars - he agreed that Harper would make an "excellent PM, and take the country in a vitally needed new direction" - but the media, plus advice from some of the fools around him has done him in. He will not "beat" the Liberals. We agreed...
  16. J

    Harper's long walk off a short pier?

    Layton as Prime Minister? You are kidding, right? Layton's Father I think was a Conservative MLA in the Davis government - maybe he is a "conservative socialist" - MacLeod
  17. J

    War Museum Controversy and Follow-up Thread [merged]

    The operative word in changing and securing the Canadian War Museum to truly reflect the impressive and established history of the Canadian military, is "pressure". Letters to Journalists like Peter Worthington, Toronto Sun, and local "Letters To the Editor" is a start - letters to Federal...
  18. J

    Decide Foriegn Policy

    Canada is in fact shallow - probably coould not avoid it. The Canada I see out the front door was created for the most part in the media - both previous posts are substantillay correct in most areas and agreed - but I must take exception to the preception to PM Pierre E Trudeau - a close friend...
  19. J

    Harper's long walk off a short pier?

    Conversation over coffee this morning - feeling in Moncton NB is that neither Harper or Martin will survive at Party leaders - Martin made an enormous error in judgement by introducing Judge Gomery to Canada - in the Liberal Party, Former PM Chretien is well liked and admired - as he says, he...
  20. J

    Decide Foriegn Policy

    Canadian politicians, particulary the for life natural governing Party, define "policy" by what appears in Canadian media. The Liberal Party, with the notable exception of the Trudeau years has no real intellectual depth, nor does the rank and file yearn for anything but election victory - but...