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  1. J

    War Museum Controversy and Follow-up Thread [merged]

    Once more citizens of this Country visit the "new" War Museum they will notice the level of mediocrity which permeates the facility - it is not good enough in theĀ  National scheme of focus on Canadian military history, period. The arrogance of members of the staff of a public resource also is...
  2. J

    Canadian Global Airlift Reserve (CGAR), Cdn Air Force Auxiliary (CAFA)

    Canadian Senate formed a Committee in 1986-87 to examine Canadian Forces airlift capacity - there were a number of submissions from ex CF-RAF-USAF aircrews offering to provide heavy lift support through contracted services (aircraft was the C-130 series). All aircrews were then commercial...
  3. J

    War Museum Controversy and Follow-up Thread [merged]

    The Canadian Human Rights Commission will decide the issue. The paintings should be removed or better still, destroyed. They will be the subject of controversy as long as they are displayed -I agree with Mr. Chadderton and Mr. Worthington. If the Canadian Human Rights Commission decides...
  4. J

    Terrorism in London England: What would we do if something like this happened in Toronto?

    Citizens from Alberta were kind enough to inflict a former Nova Scotian on an unsuspecting Canadian electorate, Federal Minister Anne MacLellan MP - thanks so much. This silly lady is responsible for a great deal of the security for the nation's harbours, airports and borders - MacLellan would...
  5. J

    Why we need humvs.

    Vehicles for the Canadian Army are not selected by the Canadian Army - they are selected by Ottawa based bureaucrats who have absolutey no knowledge, or the desire for knowledge about the Canadian Army. They are picked for their jobs primarily because they are "bi-lingual" - what has the...
  6. J

    Why we need humvs.

    Right. We do not think the G-wagen is the ultimate answer, and the search should continue for a suitable replacement - many of the vehicles noted on this post are very impressive. My own opinion is that if the US Army had it to do over again, they would not have bought the Humvee -saw litierally...
  7. J

    War Museum Controversy and Follow-up Thread [merged]

    Our associates and I have commenced the procedure to submit a formal complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission Ottawa, focused on the paintings of two former Canadian soldiers who are Aboriginal Canadians. We feel that both paintings reflect discredit on all Aboriginal Canadians who have...
  8. J

    Why we need humvs.

    Public Works and Government Services Canada (PW&GSC) seriously considered purchasing the AM General HMMWV (Hummer or Humvee) to replace the Iltis fleet, but had to opt out because the Humvee is produced exclusively in the United States, and no Industrial Regional Benefits (IRB's) would be...
  9. J

    Fort York Armoury to be given up by 2031

    Sorry to hear that Fort York Armoury is on the chopping block - have fond memories of the famous building. Had the same problem in ancient Halifax NS, when Ottawa based bureaucrats decided to dispose of the Halifax Armouries, Royal Artillery Park (RA Park) and the famous Cambridge Library until...
  10. J

    Medium/Heavy Lift Helos

    I was aked to provide my opinion focused on a new Medium/Heavy Lift Rotary Wing aircraft for the CF - nothing I have read since my post changes my opinion. My point is however focused on the process of acquisition. No professional company could operate like NDHQ because they would be bankrupt...
  11. J

    Medium/Heavy Lift Helos

    EH101 Merlin is reviewed in some detail on the CASR DND 101 site (Stephen Priestly). The Merlin is in our opinion the best choice - it is in fact an operational aircraft, currently in front line service with the RAF and RN. The Sikorsky SH-92 "Cyclone" (Sikorsky wanted to call it the Hawk II)...
  12. J

    Question of the Hour

    Here is an interesting question - DND PR report that "five American's serving in the Canadian Army won the Victoria Cross" - can this be correct? Further details on the DND site today 5 July 2005 MacLeod
  13. J

    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    Ottawa Bureaucrats in DND & Public Works GSC should be talking to SR Techs and Aircrews about the fixed-wing replacement aircraft, before establishing a procurement policy - no question they are focused on the "Spartan", but as of two weeks ago, the DASH 8 will be included in the spec and bid...
  14. J

    Medium/Heavy Lift Helos

    The "maze" is very complex - we have been working, off and on for the MHP and NSAP etc. for about 18 years. The bureaucrats awarded a contract to UT Sikorsky, but the EH 101 people got permission to sue the Canadian government over the award process. In fact, the SH-92 "Cyclone" which Canada...
  15. J

    All eyes on Ignatieff

    What I said is that there is resentment in the Liberal Party over Gomery - not a question of right or wrong, Liberal focus is on politics, and a carefully orchestrated attack on the former PM which was politically driven - no one can say, until Gomery reports, who and what was right or wrong -...
  16. J

    Medium/Heavy Lift Helos

    We would advise him to approve the purchase of about 20 EH101 Merlin helicopters in the latest Mark/Model, which would fit neatly into the EH101 Cormorant operational and maintenance sector,provide some commonality of parts, commonality for training (aircrews and groundcrews) all based on common...
  17. J

    All eyes on Ignatieff

    A "power base" will be created for Ignatieff by the Liberal insiders who have encouraged and appraoched him to run - most will be from the Chretien people - some disgruntled members throughout the country, and practical Liberals who are always focused on the future in any event. My mother's...
  18. J

    All eyes on Ignatieff

    Canadian Ambassador Hon Frank McKenna was quoted in the National Canadian media today that he would not seek leadership of the Federal Liberal Party, would not be a leadership contender - the general feeling in the Atlantic Canada wing of the Party is that if Ignatieff runs, he will easily win -...
  19. J

    Medium/Heavy Lift Helos

    Our Ottawa based associates and our Atlantic Canada company is working on the Industrial Regional Benefits associated with e the MHP Contract to UT Sikorsky for the SH-92. We have been in business for about thirty years, have worked on the MHP and it's previous designated Project, which selected...
  20. J

    All eyes on Ignatieff

    Dr. Ignatieff has family links in Nova Scotia with the distinguished academic Grant family. He will not seek a Nova Scotia seat howver, will focus on Toronto, with many of it's Liberal constituency organizations dominated by homosexuals (Ignatieff is considered an expert on Human Rights). If he...