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  1. H

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    There should be alot of factors considered in a new recruiting add... I mean it cant be all blow stuff up... or jets zipping by, or something like that... there should also be some mention of educational benefits as well... Not to mention... it might be better to have someone in the comercial...
  2. H

    yarmouth artillery

    Im in the same boat as Devin actully... and do you do the weekday work while your on BMQ too? And could you tell me what kinda stuff does get done? It would be GREAT for any help... Thanks all  :salute:
  3. H

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    Its true... the only memorable thing in our Forces Commercials is a guy who looks like hes having the worst time of his life, being really pissed off sitting in a tank... I mean... then tank didnt even blow somethin up  :blotto: Jokin... but in all honesty... i know alot of people around who...
  4. H

    Coolest shows on tv.

    I dunnnno... The new Family Guys are pretty funny... but i do have to admit i think SG1 is pretty cool  :blotto:
  5. H

    M203 operator

    Ugh... sorry forgot about that... thanks for the link though  ;D
  6. H

    CADPAT Sniper suits/smocks myth or reality?

    Informative video! I like the boom boom stick  :blotto:
  7. H

    Future Armour

    Just one question that has more to do with opinion of people who know armour a little better than me... Could the new direct fire support system really work again a stronger tank system? Is the idea that the MMEV, and Tow Under Armour will have superior range, making regular tanks useless at...
  8. H

    Police Issued Weapons, Training and Equipment

    Ive actually seen a couple of officers have holstered Remingtons in the front of their cars... I didnt know what to think of that when i first saw it here in Halifax(Being the ripe old age of 12 at the time)
  9. H

    M203 operator

    One quick question... Can you use time detonated charges in the M2o3, or are they all impact detonated?
  10. H

    M203 operator

    M2o3... $2500 20rds of 40mm HE amunition... $900 Having to carry sed amunition and M2o3 for days strait... priceless (a.k.a... Pain in the ***)
  11. H

    M203 operator

    'Nades for all dudes  :blotto:
  12. H

    Re: Editorial: Carolyn Parrish on Afghanistan

    Great job Edward... Im really glad someone said what had to be said  :salute: On another note, in an article on Rick Hillier in the Globe and Mail, Saturday July 30th, Ms. Parrish said "...we are not about to throw away a noble reputation in the world because of a testosterone filled General...
  13. H

    M203 operator

    Ive gotten into the habit of saying nade from Halo, and Counter strike... but i would really really not recomend calling it a nade on course  :salute:
  14. H

    M203 operator

    Does anyone have an expierience carrying the M203 mounted on the c-7a2? With butt size reduction, is it any harder to fire/control/hold etc?
  15. H

    Disappointed with Liberals/Government

    Personally, i havent heard any recruiting slogans on the radio, and it has been a good 2-4 months since i have seen an add on TV regarding the military...Infact, the only advertising ive seen around Halifax and Bedford was in the CFRC... which didnt really help much, considering by then you...
  16. H

    Ilitis Story, I did like my ride

    Hmm... lately ive been walking/driving around bedford... and ive been suprised to see a number or Itlis being driven by Civvies... (Long hair, Civvie cloths.. etc..) Can anyone tell me why this is? Has the Cf been selling them off or is it possible to buy them directly from the manufacturer...
  17. H

    Has anyone seen...

    Realistic... uhh... probly not so much... but an excuse to blow lots of stuff up... you know it :D ;)
  18. H

    All Things Vegetarian/Vegan (merged)

    Actually... the best source of omega 3 is fish oil... you can get bottles of it at the grocery store, pharmacy's, or if your really picky... even from the manufacturer directly :)
  19. H

    caffeine pills on BOTC??

    The only problem with that... Spermaside... wish i was joking... but aparently not :P
  20. H


    Personally, it took a full 7 months to get my application done, but that was due to bad medical afetr bad medical and delayed tests and so on and so forth... so no worries... 9 months sounds a little too much for me -Hugo