We are a distinctly obese military compared to almost any other military. Sometimes to the point of embarrassment, it was the same thing in 2017 on the EFP. Doesn't matter that fat person 1 might be excellent in their role it is something we were judged on by the rest of the the BG for right or wrong.
In 2017 both the Spanish and the Italians on Roto 0 were pretty disgusted that field exercises lasted days but the Spanish quickly built a bridge and got over it. The Polish were just happy and did whatever whenever! In a funny twist the Italians on the next roto being mountain light infantry guys (cause no armoured vehs used in winter right) were awesome when it came to going to the field
It also highlighted how different we operated when the first time we sent out hayboxes to the field the Italian NSE Comd came to the Canadian LSG (pre NSE days) and asked why his ppl were eating like savages as there were no plates or utensils sent with the meals. We are use to an intermediary support org like a RQ/CQ giving that sort of support not the NSE/garrison services. We gained some credibility though as we had a ready stock of everything and ensured that the Italians could eat like proper home sapiens at the next meal!