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What can I do to be good enough for RMC?


Jr. Member
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To give background information, I am a grade 12 student who is 17 years old my goal is to get into RMC. I failed my CFAT, I had to redo it; my interview was before my medical but all the jobs I choose required very good vision so I had to switch trade choices and redo the interview (as you can see all these processes took a lot of time haha). By the time I made it to the competition list which was a week ago (started application in October) all major selections for RMC were over. I also incorrectly answered one part of the supplementry application incorrectly by mistake as I was wayyyyy too excited to submit it as fast as possible.

I noticed many other applicants had a lot of volunteer experience and sport experience compared to me. What can I do to improve my stats during my gap year to have a good shot at going into RMC?

I want to go into the Arts and Humanities*

Age: 17
Height: 5'11
Sex: Male
Mass: 194 lbs

Physical Capabilites (critique it hard, tell me which ones I should focus on the most, how can I improve, what should I do )

Bench Press: 165 lbs
Barbell Sqaut: 225 lbs
Deadlift: 315 lbs
Pullups: 9
Pushups: 21
2.5 km run: 14 minutes
Beep Test/20 m shuttle run: Level 6.1

Grades (What course should I retake in the summer?)
PLF4M1 (Leadership) 91%
HSB4UE (Social Science) 93%
MHF4UE (Advanced Functions) 85%
ENGU4U1 (English) 95%
HFA4U1 (Nutrition) 90%
SBI4U1 (Biology) 77%
SCH4U1 (Chemistry) 60%
PAF4OM (Gym) 97%
PSK4U1 (Kinesiology) 90%
Took french in grade 9 got a 80%

Never played any sports, managed a few games though

I forgot to mention I have work experience at a call centre/customer service representative for a year*

Lifting Club (1 hr per week)
Environment Club (1 hr per week)
Long term care home (2 hr per week)

So for this upcoming summer or even these months what should I do to maximize my chances of getting into RMC?

Thank you to all who reply and provide feedback, I can't wait to work with you all in the CAF in the near future. Your advice truly means a lot to this 17 year old finding his way through life!

Thank you!
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Your grades are really good! However, the one you need to improve on depends on what program you plan on applying to. If you plan on going to Arts and Humanities, you are definitely set since your top 6 would have an average of around 90%. However, if you were to go into engineering or science, I would recommend working on that chemistry mark. When it comes to extracurricular, they want people who engaged in leadership activities, these can range from being a supervisor at a restaurant, to being a youth leader at a church. When it comes to physical fitness, what weights the most is your cardio (stamina) and ability to do push-ups. However, make sure your entire body is solid to a career in the military. Good luck and I’m positive I’ll see you at RMC next year!!
Your grades are really good! However, the one you need to improve on depends on what program you plan on applying to. If you plan on going to Arts and Humanities, you are definitely set since your top 6 would have an average of around 90%. However, if you were to go into engineering or science, I would recommend working on that chemistry mark. When it comes to extracurricular, they want people who engaged in leadership activities, these can range from being a supervisor at a restaurant, to being a youth leader at a church. When it comes to physical fitness, what weights the most is your cardio (stamina) and ability to do push-ups. However, make sure your entire body is solid to a career in the military. Good luck and I’m positive I’ll see you at RMC next year!!
Do you have any recommended leadership oppurtunities I can easily get into at this time? Thank you for your response!
Do you have any recommended leadership oppurtunities I can easily get into at this time? Thank you for your response!
You said you have managed sports before, that is a nice leadership experience to have. I was a Youth Leader at my church. However, im pretty sure that once you make it to the competition list, your leadership experience is not a huge factor assessed. Once on the list, what weights the most are the CFAT score, High School average and trade-specific test score, if your trades requires it (Mine is NWO, so I had to take the MOST).