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Top "G" tells men not to join the Army

I wouldn't listen to a guy who thinks he has authority over women and was banned from social media.
Putting his reputation and social media drama aside, would anyone venture to debunk his actual arguments?
Is it that you wont or that you can't?
There is nothing to debate especially with someone that has no significant history in ARMY.ca who posts a video of a misogynistic POS and then gets kerfuffled that no ones cares about what they posted. Been around long enough to know that those types of threads go no where fast.

In any case never got past the first 3 seconds of the video as he and his thoughts are not something anyone should care about
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There is nothing to debate especially with someone that has no significant history in ARMY.ca who posts a video of a misogynistic POS and then gets kerfuffled that no ones cares about what they posted. Been around long enough to know that those types of threads go no where fast.

In any case never got past the first 3 seconds of the video as he and his thoughts are not something anyone should care about
Well given that the subject of this forum is recruiting, I thought it would be a pertinent topic. Like it or not, this is what recruiters are up against. Characters who use social media and who are widely influential among young men, the primary recruiting demographic. Recruiting all over the western world is suffering right now, here you have, for lack of a better term, an "influencer", outright telling young men not to join up. Weather it's the British Army or what is not relevant, the message being conveyed is here is clear: Don't join. Now I find it somewhat telling to see insular and emotional reactions to someone that people dislike rather than anyone trying to tackle his arguments or the subject matter at hand, let alone provide any kind of rebuttal. And this is part of the problem at large. No one is talking to young men on a level that resonates. He certainly is. Today it's Tate, tomorrow, someone else. There is no organization, let alone the CAF, that exist in a vacuum. Young men in particular are looking for a route to self-actualization that actually appeals to them and, in my opinion, pertinent to their natural proclivities and inclinations. So maybe a better way of putting a the question is this: lets say you come across a young man, perhaps fresh out of high school, who was considering the military, but decided against it based on what he just heard from Mr. Tate. What would you say to that young man if you were to give him advice?
lets say you come across a young man, perhaps fresh out of high school, who was considering the military, but decided against it based on what he just heard from Mr. Tate. What would you say to that young man if you were to give him advice?
Anyone able to be influenced by Mr Tate would not be a good fit for the military.
You really shit the bed with that one.
Well it seems the point I was trying to make has gone completely over the heads of all of you. And perhaps this is indicative of the Canadian military today. Emotional, reflexive reactions and obfuscation, rather than any clear, methodical reflection and / or reasoned rational argument. Surface level statements, the type of thing that's often indicative of low IQ individuals typically found grazing in the isles of Walmart looking for a good deal. "We don't like this person so Tah-Tah" is essentially all you all have managed to say, and effectively, you've done nothing but give Mr. Tate the last word. From the cringy woke commercials, pronoun policy, and now #Metoo inspired criminal persecutions, I think the best days of the Canadian Military are far behind it. Perhaps Mr. Tate is right. A smart person today, with options, would not join the military. Multiply that exponentially, and you end up with a military that has to make due with second rate recruits in which standards indeed would have to be lowered.
From the cringy woke commercials, pronoun policy, and now #Metoo inspired criminal persecutions, I think the best days of the Canadian Military are far behind it.
Perhaps. I wouldn't bet on it though.

Also, he's talking about the British Army. How many people are going to watch that and say "well that's it - I'm not going to join the CAF" then?

Furthermore, if diversity is what you're thinking that's causing the downfall of the CAF, then I have some news for you - the CAF needs to get more diverse because Canada is becoming more diverse. The "young white guys from the farm" isn't a long-term viable recruiting pool anymore.
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Toss a grenade into the room then insult your audience. I hope you're not in sales.

I won't try to defend CAF recruiting, but I doubt they have enough personnel to chase around every so-called influencer that pops up on social media.