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Hi all,

Just want to start off with some background; I have been actively thinking about joining the CF for the last 2-3 years. Something about the armed forces has always interested me growing up, I don't know if it’s the idea of being part of something bigger than yourself, having a chance to make a difference or some other cliché line people have come up with over the years to justify their desire to join. Anyways bottom line until the last couple years I had my mind 100% made up that I was going to do whatever it took to get into the ROTP and attend RMC (my top choice was to be an Engineering Officer although I would have happily joined another engineering branch e.g. Construction or Naval Combat Systems). If that wasn't in the cards I planned to get my degree at a civy university and apply for my desired career afterwards. In accordance with that plan I have sent off my application and am just waiting for an interview and to do the various tests.

Now recently I have begun to doubt my choice, partly because of a conversation I had with a former member who had nothing but bad things to say about his experience and partly because of some discussions I have read on this forum. I understand that in any job field there are disgruntled employees and people who couldn't cut it. Not to mention people love to complain. That said (really hoping not to step on any toes here); I get the feeling that the CF is an underfunded, undersized and ill equipped military force. Now that is not to say it is made up of "sub-par" individuals by any means. I have nothing but respect for the men and women who have chosen to serve this great country. But let’s face it, this is Canada not the US and we do not go around pretending we're the world’s police force and play big brother in the international arena. We tend to be more of a peace keeping nation with our ultimate focus on protecting our own sovereignty.  Personally I am happy this is the case and I couldn't think of any country I would rather call home, but I’m not sure this is still for me.

Deep down I still feel inclined to join and give my very best. I realize none of you know me personally and it is foolish to ask people who you have never met if they think you would be a good fit for something. However seeing as I have no family or friends who have served plus this is a big commitment and not something I think should be taken lightly. Any advice or personal experiences the community is willing to share would be greatly appreciated. I believe the more information someone has the better a decision they can make and hearing multiple sides to a story can never be a bad thing.

Thanks in advance.
- Josh
You're absolutely right, we are undersized, underfunded, and under-equipped......yet we still manage to get the job done.  This should tell you something.  I worked quite a bit with the Americans in Afghanistan and I'll just say this.....having state of the art kit and equipment and tons of funding doesn't mean a military is full of good soldiers.  As this is a public board I'll leave my opinion at that...take it as you will.

There are going to be disgruntled guys in any job...hell, had you have asked me like last week if I recommended the army as a career I would have laughed at you.  You're going to have good days and bad in the CF.....you'll remember the good and forget about the bad when you look back.
Agree with RCDCpl on his first paragraph.  Doing your job with less than the best equipment is not only realistic, it forces you to become creative and innovative. 

I'm not going to sugar-coat it and say that the CF is the be-all and end-all of job choices.  However, if you do join and serve, there will be times in your career that you will have a (smug?) sensation that you have done something for Canada and the world that most won't in their lifetime. 

If the idea of jumping head-first into it as a career starts to scare you, I'll say what I say to everyone:  Join the Reserves.  If you're ready to go through Civ Uni for Engineering anyway, there are Reservist Engineering positions. 
To begin, I would like to thank everyone on this site for their on-going information and support.

I initially began my application to the regular force in December 2010 for then Sig Op / LCIS Tech, later changed to ACISS. My processing time was understandably longer then most candidates as I have former service, so med docs and a VFS had to be performed. I was contacted for my initial interview in March of 2011, with my medical the same day. My medical was then cancelled as my med docs could not be located, and were lost in transit from archives. My medical was later completed in August of 2011. Unfortunately at that time there were very few trades open at the time, and nothing I had applied for initially was open.

After speaking with a number of friends, and site members regarding elements, trades, training etc I made a major adjustment to my application and revised it to NES Op and NCI Op. I just recieved word today - 21 February 2012 that as of today I am officially on the merit list for this year for both of these trades.

I hope this can show to some that while the process can be very long, it is well worth it. Based of former service I am fortunate that I will be skipping BMQ and moving directly to PAT to await a slot on an NETP course. Thanks again for everything everyone here has provided. I understand my existing name will be confusing now, given that I am now going into a Naval trade.
