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..just met some of you guys last week.. you guys rock!! :salute: super-trouper shape, handle all the psychological weight as well, never get tired, always alert n prepared,  AND: when it´s time to party, you can seriously do it like animals ;D i just love you guys! :cdn: ps. ..soldier, gimme 200 right now!!! :salute:  ;D -A
Alright!! who turned her world upside down?  ::)  ;D
enough. A civvie comes on here, expressing a positive attitude towards the CF, and ya'll dog-pile her.

Good show.

Really helps foster the right image.

Thanks, Anna. Your support is truly appreciated.
paracowboy said:
Really helps foster the right image.

I don't know para

a bunch of adult acting like children... 

Sounds like the army to me sometimes!!  :D
paracowboy said:
enough. A civvie comes on here, expressing a positive attitude towards the CF, and ya'll dog-pile her.
Good show.
Really helps foster the right image.
Thanks, Anna. Your support is truly appreciated.

Hey, wait a minute...nobody dogpiled her...we were just wondering who the lucky sod was to enlighten her about the CF!!

Now if the lass had partied with Marines, I could understand the enthusiasm, but that not being the case, I really had to query the issue.  ;D
Oh oh! Please do! We're all for a stories and tales!

I'd love to see who/what/how/where/when/WTF made you love us so much?!?!

..a certain bunch kickin some serious butt in the competition in Europe n elsewhere!
Always good to know we're winning. Welcome to the site.

Okay, I know this might be a shocker and all...

But you lost me....  ;)

I'm not up to date on what competitions are going on over there right now... Not much of a sports nut myself...

Spit it out! C'mon!!! Something involving afterparty and alcohol I bet...
I think it's the One-Legged Butt Kicking World Cup.  We've won silver the last few years, but this time around our team has really put a lot of effort into training.
thanks! no as far as i can remember (from all the vodka-redbulls... ;D)i think the guys lost to germans, but they beat the yanks, finns, estonians - i guess as well - although they cheated, them naughty naughty boys! :threat:
..so the competition had some sort of a name of course, don´t remember, but at least in estonia the guys had to walk 150km. --and! they still had the energy to party like ME!! =crazed beast basically ;D ..so, gotta appreciate that, huh ;)

you guys´d never guess what happened to me then. okey was in tallin, came back home, went there again. in the old town: we spotted this totally deserted castle with a buddy of mine, and of course, had to check it out. the window up-there happened to be open. i climbed there, about ten meters high, sneaked inside. it was pitch black i mean REALLY - couldn´t see ANYTHING!!! there´s was not too much space for feet either - so what happened was - (you guys guessing already..........?) ........... -> -> -> ->

->.........fell down, and crash landed ON MY _BACK_. remember, we´re talkin about 10 meters here (no idea how many feet but u can figure it out). so what happened next was:

-friend called the ambulance
-rushed into main hospital in tallin
-->concussion, broken wrist, bruises, a serious bang on chest n back.. well, basically everythin u can damage WAS damaged; wait, it gets better:
-there for 1 day, they release me
-say "nothin´s wrong with your spine, ms."

-i _WALK_ back to the harbour, i _SIT_ THE WHOLE WAY on the ferry
-dad picks me up, rushes to the hospital
-->new x-rays
-->all the old stuff, except for doc shoutin "YOU HAVE TO LIE DOWN _NOW_!!!!"
-->i´m like oh man, what´s wrong?!?!?!?!
-->"the thing is that... your spine is cracked as well..  third vertebra from down totally smashed into little pieces......"
-->"...yep, and we gotta operate it before the little pieces of bone slide into your bone marrow............."
-->...well lets hurry up then!!!!!

-2 days waitin for the surgery
-finally, last friday, they did it:
-->now have iron in my back, so basically the vertebras are connected together with some spikes or whatever (-me: not a doc 8))

-after the op: weekend from HELL, NOTHIN helped, not morphine, nothin - jesus christ the pain!!!!

-...AND: here we are now; i´m at home, chattin with you fellas, poppin morphine, praisin CF and - basically feeling OKEY  ;D

...........so: can i be ranked as somekind of a soldier as well???!?!?!??! i´d figure huh!!! ;D

..oy oy, fellas. livin is dangerous sometimes. CARPE DIEM 24/7, ANYWAYS OK?  ;)

:cdn: :salute:!!!!!!!!!! :cdn:
anna-823 said:
blahblahblah poppin morphine, praisin CF blahblahblah

Yhea, usually takes a few hits of morphine for me to be in a good mood, too.

Seriously though, hope your back gets better.  I hurt mine in a similar manner and thought I was done for, but with intensive physio and intensiver medical bills, managed to cure up good.
yea well now it´s 3 months sick leave at first (great :rage:), check-ups all the time of course, then well.. supposed to be as good as new.. maybe just a BIT tougher right ;D =......me, the Iron Woman!!!  ;D

so no sleep for me, at least today... what is the time there anyways? i´m 3:59am, blah :P

We appreciate your enthusiasm, but we have some guidelines here. Might I suggest you take a look at the ones listed here before you go much further.

MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

Army.ca wiki pages - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page.

Welcome to Army.ca
recceguy said:

We appreciate your enthusiasm, but we have some guidelines here. Might I suggest you take a look at the ones listed here

..thanks, I appreciate it really. And _sorry_ about my language :crybaby: Just a bit of frustration with the issue, that´s all.  :salute:
..so, no boot camps for foreigners at the moment, huh? At least that´s what I was told on the phone couple of days ago.
So are we talking about the Nijmegen March here??  Still kinda lost as to (WTF) Anna is on about.  Ref 150KM march?? (thought it was canceled) Would explain allot and it would make her Dutch possibly??  Naturally crazy and bread to love Canucks.

God Bless you honey  :salute:

