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WOW, moving really fast?


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So here is my story, I dropped of my application on the 3rd of this month, on the 15th I got the call saying that my testing (aptitude, interview, and medical) would be on the 24th. I have just spoken with my references and three of my five have already been called. Is this normal for them to call references before the remainder. This just seems kind of odd to me! Thanks for your replys.

Just remember the process isn't over so reserve judgment on how fast things are moving...wait until you're on a course.

Heres my example I was finished interview, medical, reference check and was merit listed within I would say a span of 2-3 weeks. started mid-january and was merit listed first week of february. I found out recently that I probably won't be going on May BMOQ unless they open a new course. This means that I will have to wait until the August BMOQ.

As you can see I thought the process was fast but it slowed down immensely and I may not even join because I have been presented with other very interesting career opportunities. I say this because I graduated in December from University and I just can't see myself waiting until August to start my career. I will have to make some very tough decisions in the next few months.
I signed up around june 2007, i believe it was late june to be exact. This meant I went to my regiment( because im a reservist) filled in the application, gave the proper documentation and left it in their hands. About 3 weeks later was called by the Army Recruitment center on younge street in Toronto, and was given my dates on which i would be doing my cfat, medical, and interview . My cfat was on one day, and my medical and interview was on another. During the 2 week of the cfat and medical/interview phase of the recruitment all of my references were called and on seperate days. I even had one called after my interview and my paper work was on its way to ottawa. Since i had a seperated shoulder my recruitment process was a little longer( i had alot of running around to my physios for proper documentation),  but after i was considered medfit i had to wait for the recruitment center on younge to send my paperwork to my regiment. This took another 2-3 weeks after my interview was done. After weeks of my regiment properly registering me and the other recruits i was to swear in with, the date was finally settled for late october. So in all it took me 3 months from initially walking into the recruitment office, to me being considered a private recruit in the Canadian Forces.

SO lol to answer your question on is it weird that they are already calling your references, i think they do it at random times and during each stage of your recruitment. OR atleast thats what I got out of my process and roughly it could take 3 months or more. Could even take less my friend who went reg force signed up after me, and swore in before my interview was over, and also finished his bmq before i started mine. Everyones process is differant. Ive also heard of people waiting a year so, I hope you have a fast process seems to be going good.

Good Luck on your training and future endeavors,
hope you have a long and fruitful career in the Canadian Forces

logairoff said:
Just remember the process isn't over so reserve judgment on how fast things are moving...wait until you're on a course.

Heres my example I was finished interview, medical, reference check and was merit listed within I would say a span of 2-3 weeks. started mid-january and was merit listed first week of february. I found out recently that I probably won't be going on May BMOQ unless they open a new course. This means that I will have to wait until the August BMOQ.

As you can see I thought the process was fast but it slowed down immensely and I may not even join because I have been presented with other very interesting career opportunities. I say this because I graduated in December from University and I just can't see myself waiting until August to start my career. I will have to make some very tough decisions in the next few months.

If you really are interested in serving in the military why not just pick up another job between now and then to tide you over?  The recruiting process is a pain in the ass, in fact its horrible because the simple fact is NOBODY wants to wait that long for anything.  I am going through the same thing on my end with the CT process.  But, I firmly beleive that once all that crap is finally done and over with and you are in and started on your career, there is no better job out there.  If you wait it out, you will be just as annoyed as the rest of us, but I dont think you will be disapointed in the end.
Thanks for all the responses. As I said I have my CFAT, interview and medical on tuesday, so I guess I will have a better idea of how things will go after all of that. I do already have a job, although it really isn't what I want to do, nor is it the best paying, but it will tide me over until all this is over with.
yeah, I applied for AES op. on the 22 of jan. got a call 2 weeks later, that my medical/interview/test was all in one day. Went there feb 17, kicked some butt. I was really worried about my math, but they said I did really good, thank goodness for multiple choice. Have been told if I don't hear anything by march 17, to call "them" ( yes I have a phone number)

The interviewer was shocked at how fast I was moving through, as the other people there for the testing had applied back in November. Also at least one of my references was contacted the day before my interview.

But the one thing that made me confused. I was the only one of 13 people to have gotten the DND background check form, before the testing day. So everyone else had to fill in theirs on the spot. And of course the DND requires 5 references, the man in charge of helping us fill out the forms said.. "o, well hopefully 3 is enough" and "well better right down 2 more references you've known for 5 years"

For people that move lots, like me, it was hard to get 3, and I had just got my other 2 confirmed 1/2 hour before I initially sent in my paperwork

Just thought that was a bit weak.  My package of information was picked up at an employment center.

I looked and the next intake for AES OP ("off the street") is august 17, so hopefully I'll be able to get into that.
That's great kenyan!


"I looked and the next intake for AES OP ("off the street") is august 17, so hopefully I'll be able to get into that.

Where did you "look"?

I find the wide variety of application times to be pretty interesting.

I myself submitted my information to CFRC Halifax in September of 2008 and didn't have my CFAT, Medical and Interview completed until the end of January. Since then, I've had some running around to get my medical documents completed and just managed to get them in the mail today.

I spoke to my career counselor who said it can take roughly two weeks for that to be reviewed and approved, after which I'm set. (pending medical approval of course)

Back to the game of hurry up and wait. :D
jacob_ns said:
I find the wide variety of application times to be pretty interesting.

I myself submitted my information to CFRC Halifax in September of 2008 and didn't have my CFAT, Medical and Interview completed until the end of January. Since then, I've had some running around to get my medical documents completed and just managed to get them in the mail today.

I spoke to my career counselor who said it can take roughly two weeks for that to be reviewed and approved, after which I'm set. (pending medical approval of course)

Back to the game of hurry up and wait. :D

CFRC Halifax has been pretty good for me so far, I finished the paperwork today, and I have my medical and interview on thursday.

Like you said though, then comes the waiting, have to wait until I graduate in May, then NOAB in June or July, if I'm lucky I won't be on BMOQ until August...
I would personally prefer to do my BMQ in the winter months over the summer months. I am a cold weather person. I don’t expect doing BMQ in the middle of the summer in Quebec will be very enjoyable with 30 degree temps, mud, black flies and mosquitoes. I’d much rather deal with the snow and cold.
You have fun with that.  I'll take the mud, black flies and mosquitoes over frostbite, -30C temps and snow any day. 
Fall was my favourite... the weather was bearable, and we graduated just before it got too cold.
I sent in my package and applied in December around Christmas time. Did my cfat in January and heading to do the medical,interview, and pt this Thursday. Had to wait a bit so I could schedule
them all on the same day because I live a hours drive away from the recruiting office.
So far two of my 3 references were contacted by the backcheck people.

I applied to the Pres as infantry if that helps.

So far it is moving faster then I expected and seems the staff at the recruiting office want to move faster but scheduling seems to be the bottle neck for me.
I got a Question.....Do they even do PT anymore during your application or is it just some RC that do because I didn't have to do one?
You only do PT during your application if you are in the reserves. If you are in the reg force, you do the test your first day of training.
i have a question related to this "fast moving pace" i handed in my application forms in last Tuesday and the recruiter gave me an appointment to do my CFAT, medical and interview this Thursday... is that typical of "out of town" applicants ? and has anyone gone through the process in one day, if so how long and stressful was it ?
You will likely be there for most of the day, and if you think that is stressful, all I got to say is have fun at basic lol