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Wow...for once I agree with something the NDP is saying [ATM's}


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from the CTV website 26 Jan 2007:

NDP calls for end to fees on ATM withdrawals
Updated Thu. Jan. 25 2007 11:35 PM ET

Canadian Press

TORONTO -- Charging people to use automatic teller machines from a bank other than their own in order to access their own cash is a rip-off that should be outlawed, New Democrat Leader Jack Layton said Thursday.
In what Canada's big banks dismissed as little more than a display of ignorant rhetoric, Layton said the $19 billion profits the financial institutions made last year should be enough to waive ATM convenience fees.

"We believe it's gouging when a person comes up and they want $40 or $60 of their cash and a bank is charging them $1.50 or $2, $2.50," Layton said during an election-style announcement on a Toronto street corner.

"That's a rate of payment which is very, very high - and unfair."

New Democrats will bring forward proposed amendments to the Bank Act, which is currently under review, to prevent banks from charging fees to customers who withdraw, deposit or transfer their own money through bank machines, Layton said.

He estimated banks make $420 million from charging people to withdraw cash from ATMs.

"Ordinary families work hard for their money," Layton said as he braved the city's coldest temperatures so far this year to stage a news conference at an outdoor bank machine.

"If they want to take a few dollars out to go to the grocery store, the banks shouldn't be keeping $1.50 or $2 or any of that money."

Layton's comments drew scorn from the banks.

Installing and maintaining ATM networks costs millions of dollars - part of of the $4.4 billion the country's six largest banks spent on technology in 2005, according to figures from the Canadian Bankers Association.

"This is just typical NDP bank bashing and political rhetoric being made without a full understanding of the facts," Raymond Protti, president and CEO of the association, said in a statement.

"He should realize that services are not delivered for free: there is a cost to providing banking services."

The association, which speaks for 54 domestic chartered banks and foreign bank subsidiaries and branches, said customers normally pay no ATM fees if they use their own bank's machines.

Allowing clients from other financial institutions to use the machines is a convenience that a bank's own clients shouldn't have to subsidize, the group said.

Layton wasn't buying that line.

"What's convenient about paying $1.50 when you take $40 of your own money out of their bank?" Layton said.

"They should able to get access to their money without having to pay the banks to do so."

He said British banks did away with the charges six years ago under pressure from consumers, but the Canadian banks countered that the costs are simply recovered in different ways.

Two recent polls suggest popular support for the New Democrats has been bleeding to the Liberals and Green Party.

Asked if the announcement was an attempt to reconnect with "average working family, seniors (and) young people" in light of the slipping support, Layton responded with a curt, "No."

No argument here. They made it free while we all got used to it and then started gouging us. :rage:
Wow is right, I was thinking the same thing today when I saw the newspaper, I have to say I agree also!

I like the online banking. I do all the work, they have no large overhead (tellers, premises, etc), but they charge me every month for it. In essence, I pay for the priviledge of doing their work for them. :P
it took me years to get on the online banking bandwagon but now I wonder how I ever did without it.
Its free here and was something that surprised me about Canada. In my eyes its a blatent rip-off that everyone would agree on and Ol' Jack is cashing in a little bit. Remember though, even those of us an entire world away now that old matey pataty is a complete spanker. Its a cheap trick to get people back to his party.
Of course they are going to choose to press an issue like this, because EVERYBODY who uses the machines will be saving money, so people will support the idea. The NDP just chose an issue like this because they want to be able to say .. "We've got the majority of Canadians backing us on our new ideas." (After making that statement Jack would hop on his bike and start thinking of other cheap ways to gain support by cheating.)
No argument here. They made it free while we all got used to it and then started gouging us. :rage:

When did this change? I moved to the US in 98 and I could have swore Canada had the 'Cirrus' system (if I remember correctly) that allowed you to withdraw money from any of the major bank atms.

They don't do this anymore?  :o
sigpig said:
When did this change? I moved to the US in 98 and I could have swore Canada had the 'Cirrus' system (if I remember correctly) that allowed you to withdraw money from any of the major bank atms.

They don't do this anymore?  :o

If you deal with machines from your own Bank and maintain the 'Minimum Balance' in your account, there are no charges.  If you use another Banks machines, there are fees.  If you use the privately owned machines, there are larger fees.

Now that Merrill Lynch has left 'town' after buying out other Canadian Brokerages, selling everything off to the big Banks, they even charge fees on your Investments if under $10,000.  ($125 annual Maint Fee)  Why would the little guy buy Stocks, Mutual Funds, Bonds, T-Bills, etc., if the fees are more than the 'interest' or dividends?
I remember when I had to go to a branch of my own bank during banking hours, with a passbook in hand, to withdraw cash from my accounts.

One day a friend in high school showed me how he could go to a machine at the door of his bank and withdraw cash at any hour of the day, using a little plastic card which I mistook for a credit card.  Pretty nifty.

A couple more years down the road I had one too, and not only could I withdraw cash outside normal banking hours, I could do so at 7-11s and other locations, and also using competitors' machines.

For whatever selfish reasons, the banks provided increased convenience and service.  Now I see it apparently is their just reward that we demand they provide it for free.  There's an important lesson here to be learned by entrepreneurs.
"For whatever selfish reasons, the banks provided increased convenience and service.  Now I see it apparently is their just reward that we demand they provide it for free.  There's an important lesson here to be learned by entrepreneurs."

and they wonder why we can't save anymore, death by $20.00 bills! Remember the "good ol days" when everyone dashed to the banks on friday to get some cash out for the weekend, if you didn't get there in time, you were forced to scrounge off your friends for the weekend.
10 years ago using the teller had  a service charge for some items but
for the same service from the bank machine was free.

And now it costs money to .... do it more efficiently for the bank and ourselves
for using the bank machine?

Greed.  Pure and simply...  greed on behalf of banks
I work as an ATM tech and had to stand in front of an ATM unit one day, while the operator from the network rebooted his system. During the reboot he noticed that the unit was at a university campus. It was late June at the time and classes were winding down, however the school rented out the dorms to accommodate people attending conferences and the like. There were (and still are) only a few atms on campus, all run by the same network...
At which point the operator upped the service charge from $1.25 to $3.75 per transaction on all the atms. His comment was that the charge was still cheaper than getting a cab to an off campus atm.
If at all possible, use only atms owned by banks/ credit unions. White label (privately owned) atms are nothing but trouble, and often just short of robbery.
I would go without rather than use a "white" ATM....................why not just phone up your local organized crime branch and make a donation that way?

If I go to my bank I use the teller whenever possible and I love when they mention that I could do all this at the ATM so I can use my line of " No thanks, I'd rather try and keep your job for you".
When I was up in Moosenee (James Bay Area) they had one bank that issued a bank card to you but no bank machine ...the only ATM machine was in the gas/convience store and it charged 4% of your withdrawal on top of the fees from the bank...we found out later that that same bank owned the ATM  talk about a rip off
My girlfriend, when negotiating with banks to take her business, asked, "can I have unlimited withdrawals via ATM without charge?", a surprising number of places were willing to do so just to get the business.  If you have ANY leverage, give it a go, even if it's just a moratorium for a year or so...
