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gijesso said:
Totally agreed  on a certain level.

And as said , this forum isnt necessarily JUST for me.. but others who also may have it in their heads. I can deal with it , I know how to deal with it , but if its running through MY head , it has to be running through others... so I figured , hey why not start this forum for people who are a tad worried ..

This forum was originally made for support , not to belittle. Remember folks , not everyone joining has a background of anything military and stepping into it not knowing about... well , anything the military does!!

Feel free to write how you're recruiting experience is going , i'd be very interested to hear about other cities recruiting!

Thanks. Amy.
yes, luv. And the sooner they learn about Army culture, the less of a shock it will be when they walk off the bus, won't it? And the easier they will have of adapting, so the less chance they will have of failing, no?

But, thanks for teaching me about how the site works and how to prepare wannabes for possibly the most demanding experience of their lives.
Yeesh Para.. not my intentions..

But alot of new recruits come here and see.. haha.. the Mcpl  ;) freakin on someone just on the SITE and they think.. holy cr@p.. why would I join? Not everyone  has that experience..  hence why ppl at recruiting are so nice lol , get them in the door.. and then let them handle it when they are in the situation , so no need..  not my intentions here .. to argue and such  :)

And yeah , its good to KNOW what it will be like.. I dont think anyone expects teddy bears and fairies lol..

But this forum.. for support , because I really think people just getting in .. need it. But hey , to each their own. Its not a sissy thing or out of norm to feel this way .. as said , for people new to the whole thing.. they need to know other people are in the same positon. Even myself whos had a logn enough life already in this junk , gettin' worried.. nervous.. scared. HOLY.. OMG? WHAT? WERE HUMAN!!! lol :) We cant all be infantry * rolls eyes and laughs *...  ha!


So many posts and so little new material!  I am in the recruiting process right where you are, and have the same feelings about it's inefficiency.
However, I did not start counting my waiting time until I was merit-listed.  In the meantime, I have coped with waiting by setting other goals. Ex: Can I do 40 push-ups in a row yet?  How long can I hang by one hand?  Can I run 3kms flat out?
If there is a reason for the slowness of the recruiting process, my guess is that half of those enrolled in the army quit after their first contract is up.  Quality before quantity, as they say.
Keep at it, but remember:  The Enemy does not care how much military experience you have, and he will do nothing but belittle you.
gijesso said:
hence why ppl at recruiting are so nice lol

Your argument failed right there. Yes, the people in the recruiting centers are nice because they want to get you in the door. Yes, they do everything to help accommodate you throughout the process. Yes, they do this to get you in the CF.

But do you really think that those nicey nice people from the recruiting center who are all lollipops and ice cream are going to be there to meet you when you get off the bus in St Jean? More likely it is going to be some fire breather who is anything but lollipops and ice cream.

Perhaps someone was just trying to prepare you for that...

Never mind, you knew that ::)
Well.. read my posts again. If you did you would have a different opinion.

I said I KNOW people wont be like that , yeesh! And nor do I , or anyone else expect that. What I am saying is SOME folks seem to think ppl WILL be nice , because you're recruiters were soo so nice to them earlier on. Well , ding ding ding.. thats wrong.

I was agreeing with you , if you took a moment to read my post instead of just argue , you would see I said the exact same thing you did , .. lol.

Also , dont really want to hear ' well thats what people will be like so get use to it '. No , I really dont. This is a forum , this isn't basic , so you dont have to be rude or mean to people here. It's a forum to support people in the process, and to talk to one another.

We know whats coming , we know people will yell at us and all that junk. Hence why this forum was started , to talk about it , not recieve it.

Anyways , back to the initial topic ...

exsemjingo ; thanks for the advice. how long did it take for you since you were merit listed? And when did you get in, get coursed.

People seem to think I will be coursed around august , finish .. go to borden , PRETC , then my Stwd QL3 Jan. 5th. But I think thats a long time to hold someone in PRETC( but hey they neevvver do that , lol )  so.. ? OR... they can put me on in July.. and have me on my Ql3 by Sept 13th , when the course is running .. it sure would be nice if they did that! No waiting around. They dont need more people waiting around in Borden , but if thats what they give me , that I shall take.

This is starting to sound a bit like a twelve step program..."a support group"...(shakes his head)  Recruits these days, they just don't make them like they used to.  My idea of a support program is your recruiter.  This is a good spot for information, but NOT for hand holding.  A support group, what next...  Pass the milk and cookies please.
Wait a second, you started this whole thing by asking for advice and then getting pissy when it was given about how it was given. You asked, someone answered, deal with it. If you do not like the prose or "tone" that the answer was presented in then ask about it before firing away a response!

You accused people of belittling you and I see no such thing, read above.

I never saw you make the same point(s) that I did, kindly point me to where this is. You did say that you don't think anyone is going to be all teddy bears and fairies yet you get all upset about someone answering your question in an unacceptable (to you) way. You then proceed to go on about how the MCpl was "freaking" on someone on this site. You're losing me. You also made a reference to not everyone being Infantry, not really a way to get your point ac cross, usually that statement is followed by "so don't treat me like I am" which starts fights.

Read your posts again and I do not have a different opinion. I do, however, have a new one:

If you want people to read your posts and answer your questions then maybe you should put them out there a little more clearly. There is a spellcheck function here and a little time taken to compose a direct, even paced, properly formatted reply would help people understand what you are asking. No one is perfect but the ones who make an honest effort are rewarded for it.

And thank you for pointing out that you have the same smileys that I do, I really needed help with that one.

Ha ha now you're making fun of my grammar ? Wow , pretty sure my spelling.. is up to par.. but ugh , yah? Okay.

Anywho. Whatever , could careless guys. This isnt for holding hands and all that cr@p , just a place for people to talk about their process. Thats it. You guys really took things out of proportion. This is just more so a headache now.

Anywho... We can be tough as nails but people , not only me , would like a place to talk about things.

This forums been taken way otu fo hand , if a Mod reads this might as well lock ir or delete it and start a fresh new one for newbies to tell about their experiences and steps through the process.

Thanks for the help everyone ..
gijesso said:
Ha ha now you're making fun of my grammer ?

Hard not to when you don't spell it correctly.

If you want to succeed in the CF I'd take advice from the serving members when they point out little things like that to you and future recruits.


Two Mods read and responded, you got what you asked for. I was pointing out some slight errors you made in your responses in this thread, it was as simple as that.

Go back and read my last again I was not making fun of your spelling and grammar and I really do not appreciate you suggesting that I was. I was making a serious point about it, one that could have helped you in the future on this site, too bad, it flew right over your head. I think TMM summed it up rather nicely.

I do..  trust me , I do.

But as said theres no need to be rude about it either.....

( walks over to little hole and stays there  :P )

Now you really lost me.

Whatever, you got a response to your PM, read it.

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