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Worried about potential 1(d)m


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Hello everyone. Im coming to army.ca today for advice. I have an issue. I'm currently doing OJE and loving it. I've gotten great feedback from the NCOs I work with and the environment is great. However, I'm on a MEL. About 3 quarters through basic I injured my knee. The resulting pain has gotten progressively worse. I have no official diagnosis and the MIR doesn't know what it is. Here's the kicker. I injured that same area as a teenager. Let me say I was very honest on my medical about everything. Including this injury in my knee. However, at the time of the medical, it was sort of brushed past as there was never a formal diagnosis and there was no injury present in the testing. Plenty of other things were disclosed including mental health, and I also disclosed injuries I received after the medical before basic knowing they may end up with my file getting closed. It didn't, and now I've passed basic but am dealing with the aftermath of an injury in the same area that basic caused. It had never gotten this bad. I've never had this many issues in my life. However at one of my appointments, the MO noted I hadn't mentioned in on the medical bevause it wasn't bothering me. The thing was I DID, but was, like I said, told not to bother since there was no diagnosed issue?? I'm afraid I'm going to get a 1(d). I want to get better. For myself as much as for my service. I tried to be as honest and open as possible. What do you guys think?

Thanks in advance all
Lots of people hurt themselves in different ways prior to joining. I'm no expert but I would guess the Director of Medical Policies (DMedPol) and Director Military Careers Administration (DMCA) in Ottawa would have a difficult time giving you a fraudulent release item unless they had substantial evidence. Example - an orthopedic surgeon saying your knee was damaged prior to joining.

Depending on your prognosis you could be facing a medical release and it could be a 60 day one due to being untrained.

You need to advocate for yourself and push the CDU to request imaging on your knee so you can understand what you're dealing with. Ask for a specialist referral.
Lots of people hurt themselves in different ways prior to joining. I'm no expert but I would guess the Director of Medical Policies (DMedPol) and Director Military Careers Administration (DMCA) in Ottawa would have a difficult time giving you a fraudulent release item unless they had substantial evidence. Example - an orthopedic surgeon saying your knee was damaged prior to joining.

Depending on your prognosis you could be facing a medical release and it could be a 60 day one due to being untrained.

You need to advocate for yourself and push the CDU to request imaging on your knee so you can understand what you're dealing with. Ask for a specialist referral.
Thank you. That means a lot. When I went to go get it checked by my civfie doctor at the time, it lasted all of 10 minutes and the doc was like "Yeah it might be this. There's no treatment right now." Essentially get fucked.

Never did an MRI, Xray anything. Hell I don't even remember getting painkillers for it. Its why when I went in and mentioned it during the med it was sort of like "eh well theres nothing now, and its not really a diagnosed condition so whatever" sort of thing. It did click a bit here and there but I still played high intensity sports and worked physical labour right up until basic with no issues. But man, now, the pain is seeding into my personal life from what happened in Basic and it's fucking with me like crazy. The St Jean mir basically just assumes whatever she said was true, but they never went any further than "Here's 4000mg of Tylenol daily, try not to get recoursed and do physio at your next unit." (Tbf they couldn't do much) I finally, FINALLY got an MRI to see what it may be. But thank you. It means a lot. I don't want to get released from the forces at all. I love this job so much. I joined to make a difference and Ive been havint a great time with the people I work with. But if I had to, I'd rather it be a med than a fraudulent. Praying it doesn't come to that though.

Thank you again friend, your advice is appreciated.
The CAF hasn't invested very much time, money, or effort into you yet. In my opinion that makes it easier to give you the boot. The CAF is moving away from letting injured recruits chill out our years and years.

Since you injured yourself on basic training you need to complete a CF 98 form (and probably DND 663 form), if you haven't done so. This will record this injury as happening while on duty. Your current chain of command can do it, and while witness statements are nice to have they're not required.

You should also go to medical records and get a record of your visit to the MIR when you injured yourself. Your visit should be in your MELs history in MonitorMass but they don't always get updated. So you need a copy of the medical records for the day/s of your visit. I know of a case where someone who injured their knee 15 years in the past on basic training (and VR'd from basic) get supported by VAC as having a service related injury because they were able to dig up a 15 year old record of the guy getting brought to the MIR to check out his knee. Records are important. Good luck.
The CAF hasn't invested very much time, money, or effort into you yet. In my opinion that makes it easier to give you the boot. The CAF is moving away from letting injured recruits chill out our years and years.

Since you injured yourself on basic training you need to complete a CF 98 form (and probably DND 663 form), if you haven't done so. This will record this injury as happening while on duty. Your current chain of command can do it, and while witness statements are nice to have they're not required.

You should also go to medical records and get a record of your visit to the MIR when you injured yourself. Your visit should be in your MELs history in MonitorMass but they don't always get updated. So you need a copy of the medical records for the day/s of your visit. I know of a case where someone who injured their knee 15 years in the past on basic training (and VR'd from basic) get supported by VAC as having a service related injury because they were able to dig up a 15 year old record of the guy getting brought to the MIR to check out his knee. Records are important. Good luck.
That's great advice! I can't thank you enough. If it comes to a release I have the document (Requested my full medical file) that shows when I went to the MIR in basic after getting fed up and they treated it and it even has the physio referral on there as well. Will have to see about getting a CF98 form I don't know if one has been done but it means a lot. I feel a bit more secure knowing that!