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Work in the nude vice Civies Day


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I read this online elsewhere and with the Indian farmers ploughing nude discussion, I thought this was topical. Would this replace civies day?  ;D

from UPI.com

Office workers asked to go naked

NEWCASTLE, England, July 2 (UPI) -- A British business consultant said he was able to improve a firm's productivity by convincing office staff to work for one day in the nude.

David Taylor, a self-proclaimed "business psychologist," said he was called in to help onebestway, a design and marketing company in Newcastle, England, after the company began losing money and had to fire six workers this spring, The Sun reported Thursday.

"Inviting an organization to go naked is the most extreme technique I've used," Taylor said. "It may seem weird but it works. It's the ultimate expression of trust in yourself and each other."

Managing Director Mike Owen, 40, and his employees said the company has vastly improved since the experiment, which was filmed for cable channel Virgin 1's July 9 special, "Naked Office."

"We're either brave or mad. But I did tell everyone they didn't have to do it -- only if it felt right," Owen said. "As a creative company, we persuade our clients to be brave, and this was about taking on some of the braveness ourselves."

The employees eased in to the challenge, performing tasks such as photocopying parts of their bodies and drawing a nude model. On the big day, all but three went naked, while one man wore a posing pouch and two women drew the line at black underwear.

That left Sam Jackson, 23, as the only woman to take it all off.

"It was brilliant," she said. "Now that we've seen each other naked, there are no barriers."
I can see this one going downhill real quick....

Having said that, there are some co-workers I do not want to see nude.....and some I do!! ;)
OldSoldier said:
I can see this one going downhill real quick....
Allow me to oblige!
We would need a new drill manual for such positions as "attention" and "at ease"

How's that for a start?
Darn it! It's already hard enough trying to figure out what rank some people (read females) without having to stare at "where the rank slip on is" Imagine having to have your slip on, slipped on  ::)  8)  ???
This one is heading for the gutter quick, my apologies to some who will find this thread offesive. 
But a slip on for a male is easy, but where would you put a slip on on a female? ;D
sledge said:
But a slip on for a male is easy, but where would you put a slip on on a female? ;D
You just need a bit of gun-tape and... nevermind... I'll stay away from this one.  8)
We could all get our rank tattooed on, but that would be a b1tch every time you get promoted......    :-[

If there was a come to work nude day, I don't think a whole heck of a lot of work would get done.....  ;D
sledge said:
But a slip on for a male is easy, but where would you put a slip on on a female? ;D

A slip in wouldn't work.

Have I lowered the tone enough yet?

We need a trial, with pictures of course.
How does one velcro the nametape to their chest?

or worse yet, I'm not sticking those tiny pins into my chest with the plastic namt tag.  :nod:
George Wallace said:
There is always Body Painting.........by the numbers.......

Camouflage body paint!!  Disruptive pattern body paint!!  The list goes on....
Roy Harding said:
How did they used to get "pasties" to stay on?

I wouldn't know - I grew up in Montreal, where such things were never required...
I propose three courses of action for rank and names for our non-clothing days:

COA 1:  Magic marker or body paint to write name on upper right chest and rank on centre of chest
ADVANTAGE: Names/ranks in spots where people expect to see them
DISADVANTAGE: Marker/Paint may melt in heat, and those with hairy chests present a unique problem

COA 2:  Names and Ranks scribbles on white paper and guntaped to regular spots as per COA 1.
ADVANTAGE: Names and Ranks would contrast well against the white paper, making them quite visible and noticable.
DISADVANTAGE: See above (re: hairy chests) for removal.  (Ouch!)

COA 3:  No Names/No Ranks.
ADVANTAGE: Would make work that day much like it is in Vegas (what happens on Nude Day, stayes on Nude Day)
DISADVANTAGE:  Would make work that day much like it is in Vegas (what happens on Nude Day, stayes on Nude Day)

All three COAs supportable

I will conduct a COA Comparison wargame on these this weekend ;D  Decision brief to follow!
PMedMoe said:
Camouflage body paint!!  Disruptive pattern body paint!!  The list goes on....
Speaking of body paint, I saw in the news the other day that an airline in New Zealand videoed some of their staff who instead of uniforms, were wearing body paint for the safety video.

I would recommend that Air Canada NOT do this.

Shall we begin to spiral.......??? >:D
OldSoldier said:
I can see this one going downhill real quick....

Having said that, there are some co-workers I do not want to see nude.....and some I do!! ;)

Phewwww...no kidding bud. There are some co-workers that shouldn't even be wearing cadpats. For me personally, females in trousers is just a big turn off. What happened to the old nurses in gown, cops in skirts like they still have in Europe?
ruckmarch said:
Phewwww...no kidding bud. There are some co-workers that shouldn't even be wearing cadpats. For me personally, females in trousers is just a big turn off. What happened to the old nurses in gown, cops in skirts like they still have in Europe?
Most female police officers I know could pull the nude work day off, all they would need is the badge and gunbelt.... >:D
And don't get me started on nurses!! ;)