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Woo!! It's over! It's finally over!


Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
Well, I've finally written my last University exam.. I am finally done.. I am finally done! woo!!!!

And in the process, I did indeed pass through every single one of The Four Stages of Exams
yeah yeah yeah gloat why don't ya.  I still have an essay and exam left.  :crybaby:

Although i did recgonize myself in that cartoon...

One more, 12 hours from now. i'm currently on stage 4. Been through all the stages though. lol.
Grats!! I was in your shoes a year ago and man is it an awesome feeling. =D
Well, you could go into retail, too.  "Do you have Air Miles, sir?"

I hear UPS practically demands a university degree...comes in handy when learning to drive on the runway at the airport...

Dr. Buzzkill
Now all of your relatives are going to ask you to wire their basements, so they can say they had it done by an Engineer! ;D
heh  ;D

That's always the first thing people ask upon hearing that I was studying EE.. "So... Do you wire houses?"
What's better than writing your last exam ...... having your son write his last exam. And his line is "no, I can't fix your computer, but I can design you a new one."
now reality hits............what am I going to do now....no more university, I have to start...*gulp* being an adult...

I wish I never had to grow up, but then that evil man in neverland touched me in the mummy daddy button and then i knew my childhood was over.........  :-[
Just wait until september rolls around...you'll still feel like buying penicls, looseleaf and binders...when you realize you don't have to you'll start to twitch...I did! It's called the school withdrawal syndrome.
Or you could do what i'm doing, and go to grad school once you finish you BSc.

update, I just wrote my last exam, I'm not sure how I did but thanks to some kick ass essays eariler in the year all I needed to get was a 54.4% on the exam to get an A in the class.  I also handed in 2 essays (well an essay and a takehome exam which was basically an essay) and a presentation outline.  Of course I think they were crap and i'm seriously considering asking the prof if I could redo them if he agress that they were crap... but for the most part 2004/05 is done.  Bring on Summer school and ANTH 312 - Old World Prehistory, Pliestocene to early Holocene.

YES I can finally say I'm done too. As of Wednesday at noon. Yay me!   :)

School's out for the summer.... 8)
I wish I was done. I just started Spring term, so I am stuck in school until the middle of June!! I feel like a High School student..since everyone I have ever known who was in College/University would be off in April, and back home teasing the high school kids for still being in school.

O-well..June will come soon...hopefully.