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"Woman who walked onto highway sues Google Maps"


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"A Utah woman is suing the search engine Google, claiming its maps function gave her walking directions that led her onto a major highway, where she was struck by a car.":

"The driver, Patrick Harwood, is also named in the suit."

Oh FFS.  ::)  Yeah, I can just see the Google instructions now:

"At 300 ft you will approach a road.  Do not look left or right for traffic, just walk straight across."

Edit to add:  More info on this link, including pictures.
Hmmm, big stretch of ashphalt, lots of cars wizzing by.  Yeah, I think I'll just walk here because my Blackberry says to.  ::)
gotta say we have a two lane highway by my house with less room on the side of the road than that during one 300m stretch and I walk that every day, never been hit. There was plenty of space on the side of that road to not get hit
A-yuck, you almost made the Darwin Awards... :crybaby:

Truth is, she'll probably get it only because she's asking for $100,000 and the judge will hand it to her saying..."have a nice day"

Perhaps next time she will win her award.... :piper:

This article has more info on the accident including a screen shot of Google Maps instructions that the women followed with the following caveat:

Walking directions are in beta. Use caution – This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths.

The article also has pictures of the actual road where the accident took place.
She better stay away from DownTown Montreal, she wouldn't stand a chance with our Intersections.

Retired AF Guy said:
This article has more info on the accident including a screen shot of Google Maps instructions that the women followed with the following caveat:

Walking directions are in beta. Use caution – This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths.

The article also has pictures of the actual road where the accident took place.

Yeah, same one I posted.  But, you forgot this part from the author of said article:

That would seem to negate part of the suit’s claim — except that Rosenberg used a Blackberry. The Blackberry version of Google Maps might not have carried this warning. I don’t have a Blackberry so can’t see myself, but I’m checking on this. I know that on the iPhone version, there is no warning.

Stupid people should have warning signs tattooed on their foreheads and they certainly shouldn't be allowed internet access! I mean seriouslly, there is way too many dumb ideas floating around the net for for people devoid of common sense to be accessing without supervision.
It is sad how stupid people can be. I have to walk across a 4 lane highway everyday and I do it wearing an iPod, yet I still manage to remember to LOOK both ways before crossing the road.... I mean it's a tough thing to remember!

..Stupid people should wear large signs as well as the tattoo saying "Beware: Idiot here". May want to make the edges rounded and smooth so they don't hurt themselves..  ::)
Some people.

Hmm, that's like suing the company that manufacturers your gps.  Stupid.
Thats freaking halarious. After reading this I remembered that there was a boy " J walking" accross the street with I-pod in and just about got hit, was screaming and yelling at the girl who just kept driving... whom was on her phone... man oh man. people should learn to live their life like it is their last. cause you only get to live once.
OOoohhh!! But there is so much money to be made the easy way. Blame others for whatever you can get away with.  ::)