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Woman STRIP-SEARCHED at Ottawa Airport plans human rights complaint


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OTTAWA (CBC) - A woman who says she was thrown to the ground and strip-searched at the Ottawa International Airport on her way home from her grandmother's funeral plans to make an official human rights complaint.

Charmaine Archer, 42, was returning from a four-day trip to Jamaica on Tuesday night when customs officials pulled her aside, searched her belongings and told her she would need to be strip searched because traces of heroin had been found on her toothbrush.

Archer told the CBC that border officials threw her to the ground, knelt on her shoulder, then took her into a room to be strip-searched.

"Why did they pull me over in the first place? You know what the reason they say was? Because [of] my ticket. I only was in Jamaica for four days. I bought my ticket last-minute. I can't go to Jamaica for four days? I have to be dealing drugs? No way."

Archer said she doesn't believe that Canada Border Service agents actually found heroin on her toothbrush.

"That toothbrush is a brand-new toothbrush that I brought from Canada and I took it out of the package in Jamaica. I stayed at my brother's house. He is a police officer. I had my own room with an ensuite bathroom. Nobody touched my toothbrush but me."

Roshell Ayre, Charmaine Archer's cousin, travelled to Jamaica for the same funeral and was questioned about her trip upon her return to Canada. She was also sent to be searched.

"Honestly, you don't want to be judgmental, but it's happened so often with people of my colour that you do wonder."

Archer plans to make an official human rights complaint about Tuesday's incident. The Jamaican High Commission in Canada has also asked Archer to write a report on what happened to her.

A spokesman for the Canada Border Services Agency told CBC News that the agency won't discuss what triggers its agents to select people for secondary searches.
I know someone white as the driven snow who spent 4 hours in a back room at Vancouver airport.  His crime?  A passport full of Thailand stamps.

What's the address of your home in Thailand? - A drilling rig at sea?

No - it has nothing to do with race.  Some countries are profiled because they are a big source of drugs. People can be profiled because of unusual travel patterns.  4 days is simply odd.  Someone staying at a tourist destination would cause little suspicion while other destinations might.

My grandfather always said "There are three sides to every story: Theirs, yours and the truth"

I'd like to know what she did that ended up with her being pushed to the ground?
Honestly, you don't want to be judgmental, but it's happened so often with people of my colour that you do wonder."

Ahh, i see ! It is a race issue.  ::)

The Jamaican High Commission in Canada has also asked Archer to write a report on what happened to her.

Sorry Jamaica, this has nothing to do with you....move along.
People with these type of complaints really annoy me, by causing a fuss she is just showing us her lack of common sense.. she clearly doesn't understand the principle of customs and the necessity of secondary/strip searches.  Sure she is probably innocent but nothing positive could ever come out of making a complaint if she is ultimately successful, security will think twice before searching a person of colour?, this story really annoys me and I hope her case is discarded promptly.
I was sort of curious so I googled this up. Not sure sure if this is the thread for it, but here is the latest:

It looks pretty cold!
robbiewho? said:
My grandfather always said "There are three sides to every story: Theirs, yours and the truth"

robbiewho? said:
I'd like to know what she did that ended up with her being pushed to the ground?
A very good question. 

Her being pushed the to ground makes it sound more like a sexual assault done under the cover of a strip search.  I am guessing she was not co-operative about being strip searched and that is what got her pushed to the ground. 

I can certainly understand a woman, who was forced into room by people she doesn't know and with no advocate she knows personally by her side, not wanting to be co-operative about being strip searched... such an act would scare many woman, myself included.  Being forced to expose my body like that would do harm to many woman and on many levels.

Dennis Ruhl said:
4 days is simply odd.
My cousins and others I know have traveled to go on 3 or 4 day long mini vacations at different times.  I don't see what the period of time she was there has to do with it.  Though you did mention "destination" in your post; perhaps that has more to do with it rather than the duration of her trip.

Smity199 said:
People with these type of complaints really annoy me, by causing a fuss she is just showing us her lack of common sense.
You think her being pushed to the ground, then being knelt on, her clothing removed by force and her having a problem with this having happened and that resulting in her feeling the need to complain about the assault and mistreatment, shows lack of common sense on her part?  Does that still make sense to you?  Does the assault and mistreatment she received not show lack of common sense on the part of the authorities involved? 

I wonder if your post would be the same, if the same thing happened to your mother and/or your sister and/or your significant other.

I certainly hope, at the very least, this woman's strip search was done by a woman with no men in the room and no men within view.

"Honestly, you don't want to be judgmental, but it's happened so often with people of my colour that you do wonder."
From what I read thus far, I don't agree w/ her pulling a race card.

Archer plans to make an official human rights complaint about Tuesday's incident. The Jamaican High Commission in Canada has also asked Archer to write a report on what happened to her.
Good, but I doubt it'll do any good.

because traces of heroin had been found on her toothbrush.
I'm not convinced there was traces of anything found on her toothbrush.   
SARgirl said:
From what I read thus far, I don't agree w/ her pulling a race card.

Thats funny. From what you read thus far you dont agree with the "race card" being played, but what you read thus far is enough for you to cast doubt over the findings of the agents

I'm not convinced there was traces of anything found on her toothbrush. 

...and it is more than enough for you to have decided that something wrong has been done.....

SARgirl said:
Good, but I doubt it'll do any good.

Nice logic...... ::)
CDN Aviator said:
Thats funny. From what you read thus far you dont agree with the "race card" being played,
If there is sufficient evidence which surfaces, which shows she was targeted because of her race, then by all means, at that time, pull the race card, but not before.

CDN Aviator said:
but what you read thus far is enough for you to cast doubt over the findings of the agents
Are strip searches not filmed on security cameras?  If so, this would/should prove things one way or the other in short order. 

It doesn't make sense for a woman to make such a claim (pushed the to ground etc...) with security cameras every where because she could so quickly and so easily be proven wrong if she lied.

CDN Aviator said:
...and it is more than enough for you to have decided that something wrong has been done.....
There isn't any proven evidence, other than hearsay.  Just because there was said to be some, doesn't meant there was and even if there legitimately was, do you think that justifies the treatment she claims to have received? 

CDN Aviator said:
Nice logic...... ::)
If the claims she makes are true, then it is good that brings her case to the attention of authorities.  Though it may not do any good this time round (may or may not), eventually, these sorts of cases, as time goes on and as cases are proven, will add up... there will be a case which breaks the camels back and something that matters will come of it, which otherwise may not have, had there not been so may cases before. 

Edited; added to the reply. 
SARgirl said:
There isn't any proven evidence, other than hearsay.

And that was enough for you to decide she was wronged in some way.

Just because there was said to be some, doesn't meant there was and even if there legitimately was,

There you go again. Hearsay seems to be good enough to have decided that the findings are questionable.

do you think that justifies the treatment she claims to have received?

You decided, based on one article , that she was wronged. You said it yourself when you said "i doubt it will do any good" in ref to her HR complaint.

So what you are saying is that hearsay is good to justify one side but not the other.....

Oh i get it......authorities = bad right ?
There are many possible indicators that agents may pick up on, that prompt them to do a secondary search.  Believe it or not, they aren't just going to pull you aside because your black/asian/hispanic, etc, etc. 

Your travel destination & the duration of your visit are two of MANY possible indicators that may prompt agents to take a closer look at you.  Going to a country known (in LEO realms) as being a source of narcotics for a short stay is a possible indicator that agents are going to take a closer look at you.

As for being pushed to the ground, I'm just going to go out on a limb here & say there is more to the story than meets the eye.  CBSA agents don't tend to just tackle women at random.

Basically, my personal opinion on the matter, its a done deal.  When you enter a country, you are subject to search.  Fullstop period.  If you don't like it, go somewhere else.  The CBSA agents are the front line in making sure weapons and drugs aren't smuggled into the country - they have a job to do, and I support them 100%.  Its better to spend 10 minutes and cooperate (especially if you have nothing to hide) then make a big scene about it.
SARgirl said:
If the claims she makes are true, then it is good that brings her case to the attention of authorities.  Though it may not do any good this time round (may or may not), eventually, these sorts of cases, as time goes on and as cases are proven, will add up... there will be a case which breaks the camels back and something that matters will come of it, which otherwise may not have, had there not been so may cases before. 

Edited; added to the reply.

Nice edit but it doesnt fool anyone. In the edit above, you make assumptions.

1- The CBSA agents in this case acted badly;
2- The CBSA agents act badly in repeated fashion;
3- That cases in the past have not been resolved and changes made; and
4- That CBSA agents will continue to act inapropriately.

wow........if you are not a liberal you sure sound like one..........
CDN Aviator said:
And that was enough for you to decide she was wronged in some way.
As I said... with security cameras, it simply doesn't make sense for her to say such an event occurred when it did not because she could be so easily proven wrong... assuming security cameras were in place.

CDN Aviator said:
There you go again. Hearsay seems to be good enough to have decided that the findings are questionable.
Heroin on a toothbrush is questionable yes because it can't be, without a doubt, proven.  Let's say, for sake of argument, a lab says, yes there was heroin on her toothbrush, there is no way to prove those drugs were not planted on her tooth brush to cover up and/or justify the incident. 

However, her claimed story of what happened can be proven without a doubt... again, assuming security cameras caught the incident.

CDN Aviator said:
You decided, based on one article , that she was wronged. You said it yourself when you said "i doubt it will do any good" in ref to her HR complaint.

So what you are saying is that hearsay is good to justify one side but not the other.....
Read above comments, as I think the above reply covers this part as well.

If she was indeed assaulted, then charges should be laid upon those who were involved in the assault.  If however, she lied and she indeed was not assaulted, then authorities should ensure she is the one who is charged for making false claims against authorities.

CDN Aviator said:
Oh i get it......authorities = bad right ?
I'm all for authorities however, there are rules in place about how this or that is to take place, including strip searches.   
SARgirl said:
As I said... with security cameras, it simply doesn't make sense for her to say such an event occurred when it did not because she could be so easily proven wrong.

Spend an hour watching "Cops" and get back to me on what people will say even in the face of undisputable evidence........

there is no way to prove those drugs were not planted on her tooth brush to cover up and/or justify the incident. 

like i said....authorities are automaticaly bad....thats your position. I get it.

However, her claimed story of what happened can be proven without a doubt... again, assuming security cameras caught the incident.
Read above comments, as I think the above reply covers this part as well.

there are rules in place about how this or that is to take place, including strip searches. 

Yup. You default position however, is rather clear.
CDN Aviator said:
Spend an hour watching "Cops" and get back to me on what people will say even in the face of undisputable evidence........
Yes, this is a good point, that some people will lie even when faced with indisputable evidence... just doesn't make sense to is all, espeically when it comes to things like video cameras.

CDN Aviator said:
like i said....authorities are automaticaly bad....thats your position. I get it.
Clearly you don't get it.  I certainly do not have a problem with authorities.

It wouldn't matter if she said the incident happened in an alley by Mr. Xyz... if the claimed incident happened at all, regardless of whether those involved where in the position of authority or not, then the case needs to be handled accordingly.

CDN Aviator said:
Yup. You default position however, is rather clear.
The bottom line is, that since this case was brought about, it now needs to be either proven or dis-proven so appropriate actions can be taken.
SARgirl said:
The bottom line is, that since this case was brought about, it now needs to be either proven or dis-proven so appropriate actions can be taken.

I dont know wether this  ::) , this  :brickwall:    , this  :whiteflag: or this  :rofl:  is more suitable here.

I wonder if those who conducted the search will claim PTSD?
CDN Aviator said:
Nice edit but it doesnt fool anyone.
::)  Wasn't trying to fool anyone, I don't see anything wrong with 'adding' to my reply to give a more complete reply. 

CDN Aviator said:
In the edit above, you make assumptions.

1- The CBSA agents in this case acted badly;
2- The CBSA agents act badly in repeated fashion;
3- That cases in the past have not been resolved and changes made; and
4- That CBSA agents will continue to act inapropriately.
As you will note, I used the word *if* several times and several other words which would indicate there is, at this time, lack of sufficient evidence on both sides.

1 & 2
SARgirl said:
If she was indeed assaulted, then charges should be laid upon those who were involved in the assault.  If however, she lied and she indeed was not assaulted, then authorities should ensure she is the one who is charged for making false claims against authorities.
I'm all for authorities however, there are rules in place about how this or that is to take place, including strip searches.

3- If the cases in the past had been properly resolved with sufficient changes having been made, then such incidences wouldn't happen... assuming that, in this particular case, this incident indeed happened, which it may not have, too early to say for certain.

4- I don't recall saying anything about "CBSA agents will continue to act inappropriately".  I suspect CBSA agents are like any other profession in that, you get some who are good and some who are not.  Not everyone is good, but not everyone is bad either and one being in the position of authority has nothing to do with whether someone is a good person or not.  Some of those in position of authority are good, some are not... I suspect most are probably good.

CDN Aviator said:
wow........if you are not a liberal you sure sound like one..........
I'm most certainly NOT liberal... what an insult. 

I do however feel that an assault should not occur and proven cases of assault should be taken seriously and in this case, the incident has not yet been proven. 

If this case is proven to be true, then actions should be taken on those involved.  If this case is proven to be false and the woman lied, then actions should be taken on the woman for having falsely made claims. 
CDN Aviator said:
I dont know wether this  ::) , this  :brickwall:    , this  :whiteflag: or this  :rofl:  is more suitable here.

All of the above.


If you had ever been involved in a strip search of another human being you would know that it is vile and disgusting for ALL involved and it's the LAST thing an Officer wants to do.

Unfortunately it's part of the job......

[and I doubt very much it's going to be video taped, I believe they call that porn]
