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Will this plan work?


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Hi All
Apologies (feel free to stick the big note below  ;D ) if this has been covered. I've searched for information
but am not sure what the current situation allows.

I am 32 years old, came out of highschool with decent (if not spectacular) grades. Attended a year of University
before dropping out to work full time. (Yes I was a stupid kid, I wanted the money right away). Worked my way up to franchise owner, then this year,decided to sell it as it's not holding my interest.

I would like to apply to the CAF, and have done some preliminary talking with the recruiters. I haven't pursued anything to seriously as I prefer to wait until I'm actually in shape before they open a file on me. Anyway I don't believe I'll qualify for the CEOTP, as the recruiter seemed to think that this was aimed at people a few years junior to me.

Anyway what I'm wondering is-
If I successfully apply to the CAF as a NCM (either Infantry or Aerospace Control Operator) can I complete a correspondence (University) degree and then apply to become an Officer? (I'm one of those guys who thinks he'd like to end up working as an Int Officer).
I believe the basics are sound (ie get in: then figure out how it works) but am curious if I'll likely have enough free time to realistically pursue a degree, or whether acquiring said degree will have any bearing whatsoever on my chances of being promoted from NCM to a commissioned rank. I'll likely pursue the degree regardless, but I'd like to know if it will have any tangible benefit as well.

The recruiter (again in very basic conversation) seemed to think it was a wonderful idea, but he also seemed to think that I have "life experince" that will benefit me greatly for a career in the CAf, and I'm not sure that I do so..

Thanks for any information or direction you can provide.
There are a number of threads linked in the Recruiting FAQ that should provide you a starting point for your research.  After that, as you gain an appreciation for the vocabulary specific to your interests, you will find the search fuinction to be an effective method (note that you can filter searches by which forums they search and how long ago the postings were made).

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search

Many people pursue further education while serving in the forces.  Will you have free time to do this?  Initially probably not as your training will be quite intense for the first year or more depending on your chosen trade.  Once your training is complete you would have more free time.  If you are motivated and disciplined than correspondance courses are a good option.  Keep in mind that operational tempo is very high at this point in time and that will always take priority.
Thanks, but I've used it and have been unable to find the answers (or something that leads me to the answers
entirely possible I'm stupid of course)

I can fins things discussind the CEOTP, that have somewhat reinforced the idea that I'm way to old to use it, and have found stuff on the
UTPNCM program, but I haven't found anything that says if I'll have enough time to work on a correspondence degree or if my time would be better served taking other courses offfered.
As far as working on your degree while working full time, it can certainly be done. BUT. it is a slow process. I was working on my degree part-time, in an operational unit, with tours (2), and I completed 11 credits in 4 years. 10 credits is usually 1 year.

Initially, you will not have any time to do any extra work (See Spring_Bok's comments above). Unles you end up on PAT (pers awaiting training) Platoon for a lengthy period, but you cannot plan on that. Persuing a degree can cetainly be done, but it is a slow road.

PM me if you need any more particulars.
You may also want to have a look at our website here for Distance Learning with RMC


and OPMEs help www.opme.forces.gc.ca

RMC is a part of the Canadian Virtual university - which allows students to take credits for a number of different univeristies and apply them to a degree from one of the participating universities.


- Keep in mind also, that some Universities (ie Athabasca and I believe Uof Manitoba) grant accreditation for non-traditional learning (ie life experiences) if you can prove how they apply to a particular program/credit.

Also - once you have most of a degree under your belt you can apply for UTPNCM and then they will send you to RMC, make you an OCdt and pay for your last year (you could go for that Int O you wanted).


As the guys have said before here - it can be a long process, but it is not impossible.

Didn't even think to look at the RMC site, is there a moc for those of us who miss the blindingly obvious?

Thanks All!
Hexx said:
Thanks, but I've used it and have been unable to find the answers (or something that leads me to the answers
entirely possible I'm stupid of course)

Don't feel bad.  I never have any luck with the search engine either. 

And the rest of you guys are crazy messing with the Spooks.  It's all fun and games until the letter "U" mysteriously appears behind your MOC, and that pesky pers file just doesn't seem to be "around" anymore.  :P