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Widespread systemic racism in Canadian military ‘repulsing’ new recruits: report

New report released about racism is the CAF and DND. Coles notes, we aren't doing good

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Thinking on recent incidents that have originated from the bottom, the part that's systemic in Canada is going to be difficult for DND/CAF alone to address.
Not that it doesn't exist, but the researchers generally have an agenda when they ask questions ('how often do you beat your wife').

Will be interesting to see the actual report, vice the coles notes version kicked out by the MND (usually dumbed down to the point of being somewhat misleading).
I would be curious to see the data used to determine that people are not joining the military due to systemic racism. I assume extensive polling?? And it would have to be people that have not applied to the military, as opposed to people who applied and were rejected. Being closely associated with the education system right now, I can say that 17,18 and 19 year olds are not saying, "I'm not joining the military because its racist." Rather the majority of them are more concerned about what university or college program they are getting into or where can they get a job. So who did the report drafters ask? Just curious really.
Huh, interesting read. Looks like the standard demographic review (with no real suggestions about how to improve recruiting diversity), and suggestions that we need to become 'more data driven' etc with more scorecards for recruiting centers etc.

The demographic one by rank is interesting, but it is a lagging indicator; people that are GOFOs and CWOs were recruited 30 years ago.

I'm all for improving things, but this seems like more of the same tickboxes in using GBA+ everywhere (even when it's not relevant) and the KPIs for recruiting centers etc. I imagine some of the suggestions will get more bang for the buck if implemented. Kind of interesting to see that only 7.8% get an official exit interview on why they left, but maybe they are referring to people completing the optional questionnaire, as that seems really low. Similarly didn't see anything in a quick read through justifying how it's impacting recruiting at all, so that seems to be a rectal pluck.

The systemic racism wasn't something limited to the CAF, they are just basically saying that the general Canadian Government hisortical context includes systematic racism, so the entire GoC (including the CAF) has inherited it, not that the CAF is somehow intentionally perpetuating things as an institution.

Pretty dry report with some pretty 'no shit Sherlock' findings, but the spin is pretty biased to fill the narrative that the CAF is a collection of racist sex pests.
Disappointing. So much of it is this:
1. Historic injustices.
2. ?
3. Disparate outcomes; therefore, systemic causes in the present.

Can't fix problems without knowing the actual causes.

They don't know the actual causes. It's easier to say that the military makes you a racist, a bigot and sexual predator while completely ignoring your childhood and how your parents raised you.
The report

While there is increased awareness and understanding of the human rights of LGBTQ2+ individuals, including through a formal apology issued by Prime Minister Justine Trudeau on 28 November 2017, discrimination based on sexual orientation is still prevalent. In her 2015 report, former Supreme Court Justice Marie Deschamps found that the Canadian Armed Forces maintained a sexualized culture hostile to women and members of the LGBTQ2+ communities.

Good for Justine :ROFLMAO: - serious if they can't get the PM's name right...

Honest that report is awful, half of it deals with issues pre-Confederation and while it needs to be acknowledged in history, attempting to foist the sins of the father onto today Canadian society and the CAF is a little bit of a stretch.

Archives show that during the First World War, over 12,000 Indigenous Canadians volunteered to serve, and approximately 1,250 Black Canadians and 200 Japanese Canadians served as part of the Canadian Expeditionary Force; of those, 130 Japanese Canadians fought at Vimy Ridge. According to records of Canadians’ service during the Second World War, 600 Chinese Canadians volunteered,Footnote 86 as well as 17,000 Jewish Canadians.Footnote 87 It is impossible to know the number of brave LGBTQ2+ Canadian Armed Forces members who had to hide their identity to serve.

The historical account illustrates a pattern of racist and discriminatory practices in Canada that have become institutionalized in laws, regulations, policies and procedures, shaping Canadians’ world view of Indigenous, Black, racialized, LGBTQ2+ people, women and persons with disabilities. National Defence, which is approximately 127,800 people strong, is a microcosm of Canadian society. As such, inequities and discriminatory practices seen in wider Canadian society are also present within the Defence Team.



  • 1.1 The Defence Team, in particular the CPCC, should continue the work of compiling recommendations from previous studies, inquiries and panels.
  • 1.2 The CPCC should oversee the implementation of pertinent recommendations with the involvement of the Defence Advisory Groups (DAGs) and Network(s).
  • 1.3 Progress in the implementation of recommendations should be tracked down to the unit level and collated by the CPCC.
  • 1.4 The MND should be the endorsing authority for the rationale behind those recommendations that will not be implemented.
Serious a Report that has a number 1 recommendation to study other reports?

I really don't understand how hard it is for the CAF/DND to to foster a ethical warrior ethos and deal with those that break it.
Direct claims that the military "makes" people those things aren't in much evidence. On firm ground are claims that the military has inadequately dealt with those kinds of people. The processes and rules mostly already exist, but members have to apply them.
I really don't understand how hard it is for the CAF/DND to to foster a ethical warrior ethos and deal with those that break it.

Already has one:

1. Respect the dignity of all persons
2. Serve Canada before self
3. Obey and support lawful authority

Falling short on #1 is the root of most problems. In the context of "know the standard, follow the standard, enforce the standard, teach the standard", I'd point to "follow" and "enforce" as lacking.
The report

Whoever wrote that, is well steeped in "Correctthought". 90% of it could be tossed with a only relevant bits being ratios of non-white males in higher positions, although white women seem to be doing well. The US army became the place to go where a black male could succeed to command positions, regardless of a rocky start. I bet that CF is likley still a better place than many organisations for visible minorities.
This line lept out at me:

"They miss out on the box-ticking requirements of a streamlined career progression: deployments, courses, exercises, training and other experiences."

Isn't box ticking streamlining the foundation of many of our problems? But if we do it for folks who are not a white-cis-gendered-male it'll work out just fine?
This line lept out at me:

"They miss out on the box-ticking requirements of a streamlined career progression: deployments, courses, exercises, training and other experiences."

Isn't box ticking streamlining the foundation of many of our problems? But if we do it for folks who are not a white-cis-gendered-male it'll work out just fine?
Credentialism has become the metric for success in the CAF, not actually being a competent and effective leader. This is something wrong with the system writ large, not just for diverse members of the CAF.
It's difficult to simultaneously do two or more things that require most of your time, which is why God gave us phasing. Phasing unfortunately takes more elapsed time. People who don't phase their lives hit certain gates sooner.

One I found amusing:

"11.2 Ensure that ALL CAF fathers take PATA leave.

It is the Advisory Panel's opinion that the participation of men in childcare is a contributing factor to improving workplace gender equality. As such, it must be normalized, first artificially, then naturally."

"Artificially"? Obviously one way to slow down the men is to force them to take time out, too.
One I found amusing:

"11.2 Ensure that ALL CAF fathers take PATA leave.

It is the Advisory Panel's opinion that the participation of men in childcare is a contributing factor to improving workplace gender equality. As such, it must be normalized, first artificially, then naturally."

"Artificially"? Obviously one way to slow down the men is to force them to take time out, too.
I... what? How the hell could they possibly enforce that? The only reason the CAF knows that our female members are having children is because they are their medical care providers.
Another issue I see quite a bit with the Cadets, is that we are quickly becoming a immigrant society. Many of these people have given up a lot to come here and invest heavily in their kids both in time and money with expectations of them succeeding in high paying jobs. Many of them come from countries where the militaries are considered corrupt, sadistic, or a place for the lazy and incompetent. So if a kid join Cadets, enjoys it and comes home saying "I want to join the Army/Navy/Air Force they likely get a slap across the head and major talking to, such as: "WTF, do you think we gave up so much so you can waste your life in the military!!!!!!"
So even before you address this claimed issue in our military, you need to jump the perceived hurdles that exist in the minds of your potentiel recruiting pool.
I don't know about "enforce", but a heckuva nudge is certainly possible. Eg:

"Additionally, the analysis showed that in Quebec, where a five-week paternity leave could not be transferred to the partner, men were more likely to take the five weeks of leave than were those in other provinces."

Obviously a use-it-or-lose-it partially funded leave will get some takers.
The lecture we got on racism took about 30 seconds.

You come to us from a society with many prejudices. We won't try to change your beliefs. But, if you treat anyone with disrespect, we will change your employment.

See also,

17 pages.