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Why the distrust

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LAV is God

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Bitter and Twisted, thats how I was described.  Allow me  to respond.
1.  Why iis wrong for combat veterans to think they deserve someting special for doing something special.
2.  Why is the recuuring attitude in this forum one of distrust and non belief of the points raised by modern combat vets of afghanistan.
3.  Why is it that as soon as a contoversila topic is enetered it is locked and the author insulted?  Do you not realise the intent of the author.  Create controversy = recieve a response = creates dialougue = discuss solutions to problem =  all happy.

This is a good site with good info mfrom lots of sources.  But its refusal to see any other view than the staff is limiting its potential for problem solving.  It has become just another outlet for those politically correct people who try to save the world from reality.
I dont have a beef or a stake in anything you are saying....but you are spaming the board and that is against the rules......
That is why i am locking this one up.  keep it up and you will be gone.

army.ca staff
LAV is God said:
Bitter and Twisted, thats how I was described.  Allow me  to respond.
1.  Why iis wrong for combat veterans to think they deserve someting special for doing something special.

Are you?  Your profile says nothing.  You could be a Troll.  What are we to take as proof of your credentials.  Some story you read in a paper?

LAV is God said:
2.  Why is the recuuring attitude in this forum one of distrust and non belief of the points raised by modern combat vets of afghanistan.

There is no distrust or disbelief of points put forward by modern combat vets from Afghanistan, who are legitimate.  Trolls ranting on this site with empty profiles are another story.

LAV is God said:
3.  Why is it that as soon as a contoversila topic is enetered it is locked and the author insulted?  Do you not realise the intent of the author.  Create controversy = recieve a response = creates dialougue = discuss solutions to problem =  all happy.

When a 'Troll' comes on this site and rants, slandering others, they are closed down quickly.  Is that what you are?

LAV is God said:
This is a good site with good info mfrom lots of sources.  But its refusal to see any other view than the staff is limiting its potential for problem solving.  It has become just another outlet for those politically correct people who try to save the world from reality.

The opinions of people who want to cause trouble, slander others, and not follow the Rules of Conduct for this site, are dealt with by the Staff.  If you want to be a Troll, there are other sites better suited for your posting style.
For the record:  I have been an advocate with the mods for "cutting some slack" to those of you just returning home from Afghanistan.

For LAV is God:  you portray yourself as a little man - I believe you've been cut enough slack here, and I hope you got some kind of satisfaction in attempting to sully your fellow soldiers service - I'm going to write it off to too much beer, and too much unsupervised access to the internet - please feel free to return when you've either sobered up, or grown up.

Roy Harding said:
For the record:  I have been an advocate with the mods for "cutting some slack" to those of you just returning home from Afghanistan.

For LAV is God:  you portray yourself as a little man - I believe you've been cut enough slack here, and I hope you got some kind of satisfaction in attempting to sully your fellow soldiers service - I'm going to write it off to too much beer, and too much unsupervised access to the internet - please feel free to return when you've either sobered up, or grown up.


Add please read new members info and how to use the spell check. It makes having a discussion easier. And some profile information would be nice. I would like to know the background of someone I am going to get into an educational debate with. Should I use one word syllables or four? For a cadet one or two works, for a retired Col. I can use four.
Whoa: step back for a moment.

Take a deep breath

You have time, edit your post

As you can see from browsing, you'll find an open minded forum.  But, there are rules, unlike most places, and, remember, nobody is perfect...

We appreciate input from people who have "been there", but we are not a place for internet arguments.

So, breath in, breath out, and then reconsider.

LAV is God said:
ban me then

Thats it?  We challenge you to bring some more to the table, but thats all you give?

I truly hope you find some inner piece. Take care......
Maybe PM Paracowboy.Or another one of the many PPCLI per's on the site.Maybe then they can verify your stories/identity as veracious.
LAV is God said:
ban me then

[Edited for inappropriate content]


Pm me, you don't want to burn out this way.  You obvioulsy dig the site, and have alot to offer.  I just think yer misreading some of the characters here.

Maybe I can help, trust me you may be surprised.



cdnaviator said:
I dont have a beef or a stake in anything you are saying....but you are spaming the board and that is against the rules......
That is why i am locking this one up.  keep it up and you will be gone.

army.ca staff
Define spamming, I fail to see your point.  Please enlightn us.
SamIAm said:
Nice signature block, pal.  (Liquor and whores).  Charming.

"Liquor and Whores" is a song sang by Bubbles, a character from The Trailer Park Boys. Perhaps this is what he is referring to...don't take everything to be as crass as it appears on the surface.


LAV is God said:
Bitter and Twisted, thats how I was described.  Allow me  to respond.
1.  Why iis wrong for combat veterans to think they deserve someting special for doing something special.
2.  Why is the recuuring attitude in this forum one of distrust and non belief of the points raised by modern combat vets of afghanistan.
3.  Why is it that as soon as a contoversila topic is enetered it is locked and the author insulted?  Do you not realise the intent of the author.  Create controversy = recieve a response = creates dialougue = discuss solutions to problem =  all happy.

This is a good site with good info mfrom lots of sources.  But its refusal to see any other view than the staff is limiting its potential for problem solving.  It has become just another outlet for those politically correct people who try to save the world from reality.
Is this a response to something said in another thread?  You have the middle of an arguement with no start or end.  
You should have added that so as to not confuse the rest of us.
I suggest you reread your post before hitting the post button, it would end a lot of prattling on.
My 0.02.   :)
I think it speaks volumes for this site that LAV is God hasn't been banned. I've been following this off and on today.

This forum is different in that it's monitored closely, but fairly. The mods gave LAV time to come back on and redeem himself (or not) and seem to have decided that he's not a spammer. Kudos for your patience and I hope that LAV is God becomes a contributing member to the forums. I look forward to his input to the site and I'm sure he can be a mentor to many young soldiers who land here looking for advice, comraderie and a reality check. I also hope he finds the same here with men and women who've been there/done that and don't mind sharing it with others.

Apologies if I've strayed out of my lane :)
LAV is God said:
Bitter and Twisted, thats how I was described.  Allow me  to respond.
1.  Why iis wrong for combat veterans to think they deserve someting special for doing something special.

I will engage the MCpl infanteer from 1 PPCLI on this point.

Why do people, esp infantry, expect that once they actually get to do the job that they were hired and PAID WELL for, that they now deserve some sort of special badge or other recognition? Is not the job of the infantry to close with and destroy the enemy?...Did people fail to tell you that in the course of completing that task, the enemy may not want to be destroyed, and may actually shoot back? Was not the extra money for risk and hardship, PLUS finally the chance to do the job as you were trained to do enough?

Now unless you mean "special" as in deserving of honours and awards for acts bravery and heroics...then by all means they deserve every kudos they get and it is professionally prudent for their CoC to ensure they receive the accolades each soldier deserves.

But if its another "my dick is bigger cause I was in the shit" badge because you were there, then no we don't need it.
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
I will engage the MCpl infanteer from 1 PPCLI on this point.

Why do people, esp infantry, expect that once they actually get to do the job that they were hired and PAID WELL for, that they now deserve some sort of special badge or other recognition? Is not the job of the infantry to close with and destroy the enemy?...Did people fail to tell you that in the course of completing that task, the enemy may not want to be destroyed, and may actually shoot back? Was not the extra money for risk and hardship, PLUS finally the chance to do the job as you were trained to do enough?

Now unless you mean "special" as in deserving of honours and awards for acts bravery and heroics...then by all means they deserve every kudos they get and it is professionally prudent for their CoC to ensure they receive the accolades each soldier deserves.

But if its another "my dick is bigger cause I was in the crap" badge because you were there, then no we don't need it.

Hey St. Micheals Medical Team 

Why do people, esp infantry, expect that once they actually get to do the job that they were hired and PAID WELL for, that they now deserve some sort of special badge or other recognition?

Esp infantry? We all know you medical folks are the selfless types that are never looking for any form of recognition, sum up and stop generalizing clown, just so you know, every infantryman isn't a carbon copy of another!

Was not the extra money for risk and hardship, PLUS finally the chance to do the job as you were trained to do enough?

Lets try not to be misleading here, the extra money for risk and hardship we as infantry received was the same amount EVERYONE in KAF received - We did not receive EXTRA regardless of risks or hardships over and above that of someone not leaving KAF

As to your whole size of dick thing you bring up, honestly I truly don't care about the size of your dick and I'm fairly certain most of the other posters here don't either!

Hey St. Micheals Medical Team

  If by chance a medal is handed out to personnel in combat, don't worry I am sure it will be open to all trades, so I don't see were the recognition problem comes from.
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