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why is it one recruiting center says one thing and another something else?


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yes i know, i performed a search first. I will not rant either. I just stumbled onto this as i am still patiently waiting to restart the process.

After moving from freddy to edmonton, i got my file transfered. Hoping maybe the rules had changed but edmonton said nope. Now i have moved to sydney and again have put in a transfer request. This recruiter was clearly a young guy (was relaxed and not stern in tone), so i told him basically my problem and he said that recent changes have occured. He was going to ask the officers but he believed some rules have eased alittle. He gave me hope anyways. Im hoping when i call to see if the files arrived i will hear good news and not just "sorry come back in 6 months". Oops i guess this was kind of a rant.

anyways i was wondering if anyone has experiencd the same thing. even if its in the same center. You walk in talk to one guy, come back later and talk to a different guy and get a whole different story. Is this workers being misinformed or are they not all kept up to date enough?
Make sure you get the name written down of whoever you talked to so then you can referr to that person if you ever find yourself back at that rc talking to someone totally different.
What rules are you talking about?  The same rules apply at every RC, for every candidate.  It's not like you can be recruited faster in Gander, Nfld than in Victoria, BC.  And have you experienced these discrepancies or are you wondering if you will???  Not really clear.  The only thing I can think of... is that different recruiters may use different terminologies to describe a trade or a process.

As for how long it's taking, "Hurry up and wait"... I've been waiting over a year, so remain patient grasshopper.  And I'm not inferring that your process will take that long.

Good luck,

pylon said:
It's not like you can be recruited faster in Gander, Nfld St. John's or Corner Brook NL
Sorry, no recruiting office in Gander  ;)
And actually you CAN be recruited faster in NF over BC....NF CFRC opens 4 1/2 hours earlier.  ;D
thats good advice brett . not too many would think to write names down. that has bitten me in the butt in many different situations. especially with the government over the phone. live and learn nothing i i guess. :-[

Ive been waiting over 2 years now Kc. its been a long road. ive read other post of people who have admitted to way worse things and they all got through in under a year. im being vague on purpose because although ive aired my personal experience here before, i hate to keep bringing it up. gets a little old. all im hoping is this center will look beyond the note on my file and look into it closer. the rules have changed a bit and im feeling left behind. only 5 months left in either case. i think i just got a "its not fair" feeling. im eager like every new recruit. ive been a patient as can be.
Even if you were to walk into the same Recruiting Centre at a later time and even see the exact same person...it is possible to get a different answer.  The rules and processing requirements have changed recently.

It would seem to me though, that you are talking about your dealings with 3 CFRCs in 3 different places (3 different Provinces even), over what obviously amounts to an extended period of time.  Your file, through no fault of the CFRC, is being transferred from place to place to place as you go. Obviously looking after admin nightmares like that is going to take a lot of work on the part of the Recruiters, and more likely than not, policies and procedures are going to change in the meantime.

I know you stated that you weren't meaning to rant, but your topic title infers that you are getting the run around and are being told one thing by one CFRC and another by a different one.

Well, that, quite simply, must be expected when one moves place to place to place over an extended period of time. Just as you've changed your address (which seemingly isn't a problem), some of the rules have changed in the meantime.

Crap, edited to change my 2s into 3s for the CFRCs and Provinces involved!! Egads!
thats what im hoping on librarian. I recently did that transfer from fredericton to edmonton. they didnt look into it at all. just said if thats what the first place said then your SOL. The guy in sydney seems nice. I am hoping that they will look into it. It was funny i told him about edmonton and he said "they are outta the loop", and that "it shouldnt have been so long a wait".  trying not to get my hopes up but i cant help it.  :)
Mike_Baker said:
Sorry, no recruiting office in Gander  ;)
Minor detail.  :)

airmich said:
And actually you CAN be recruited faster in NF over BC....NF CFRC opens 4 1/2 hours earlier.  ;D
I think you've been starring at the scopes too long.. ;) (Hope its going great!)

The Librarian said:
Even if you were to walk into the same Recruiting Centre at a later time and even see the exact same person...it is possible to get a different answer.  The rules and processing requirements have changed recently.

It would seem to me though, that you are talking about your dealings with 2 CFRCs in 2 different places (2 different Provinces even), over what obviously amounts to an extended period of time.  Your file, through no fault of the CFRC, is being transferred from place to place to place as you go. Obviously looking after admin nightmares like that is going to take a lot of work on the part of the Recruiters, and more likely than not, policies and procedures are going to change in the meantime.

I know you stated that you weren't meaning to rant, but your topic title infers that you are getting the run around and are being told one thing by one CFRC and another by a different one.

Well, that, quite simply, must be expected when one moves place to place to place over an extended period of time. Just as you've changed your address (which seemingly isn't a problem), some of the rules have changed in the meantime.
Yeah, what she said..

ArmyBrat, good on you for still having the desire to continue with this process 2 years later!  Keep it up...

formerarmybrat23 said:
thats what im hoping on librarian. I recently did that transfer from fredericton to edmonton. they didnt look into it at all. just said if thats what the first place said then your SOL. The guy in sydney seems nice. I am hoping that they will look into it. It was funny i told him about edmonton and he said "they are outta the loop", and that "it shouldnt have been so long a wait".  trying not to get my hopes up but i cant help it.  :)

There have been some recent changes to policy so it is possible. It is also possible that Edmonton/Fredericton are not "out of the loop" as Sydney says, but rather that whatever policy/process is applicable to your specific situation has changed in the time period SINCE you've dealt with Freddy and Edmonton.  I'm quite sure the recruiters would have told you what was current and applicable to your sit at the time of your visit to them.

Hopefully, whatever changes have been implemented recently, improve your chances of enrollment. PS...Don't move anymore lest they change the policy again!!  :)
again thanks for the support. Im not planning any moves again. my sudden move from edmonton was not in the game plan. Granted i hated it there but it all came back to finances. i hope im not the first to leave alberta worse off then when they came. it was so much more expensive then i could have imagined. thats a whole other rant though.  anyways ill be calling the center monday they usually express post them so it shouldnt take too long. will keep you updated anyways.
Hopefully you appreciate that when your file goes from one CFRC to another it raises difficulties.  Just one difficulty is that medics will only handle medical files, and RMS clerks the admin files (although at one time I had access to both). 

This means that "paperwork moves at the velocity of the slowest item" (Dave's law #1).  Dave's second law is that "administration is a viscous force (the harder you push it the harder it resists)".

My third law, and this may or may not apply here, is "for each hypothetical situation postulated there will be a separate response."  So unless you posed the exact same situation to all three CFRCs and was understood the same way by all three, you get three different answers.

On the other hand, I used to keep a list of CFRCs I could depend upon, and those that could be.... let's just say less helpful.
hello again,

Got a call this morning from sydney. They havent got my file yet but have access on computer. So they asked me to come down and refresh some of my info. I must say I'm finding it hard not to get excited. I know I still have to pass the medical and physical tests, but I feel so glad someone is listening. 

Edmonton was still saying no chance when i called for the transfer yesturday.  the recruiter here was saying, since so many people are overseas, they need more people. He also said that because they want more recruits they have eased up on the rules a little.  I guess in order to get their numbers up they are willing to take some exceptions! Pretty excited and keeping my fingers crossed.

I guess you can tell now why I was feeling a little confused and started this topic. Seemed strange that one center wouldn't even talk to me and another was ready to get me all setup.

anyways thanks!  ;D
I've had a similar experience... I'm in the process of reapplying (after a Vr during BMQ) and the whole waiting on a VFS and getting old med docs is frustrating, but will be worth it in the long-run... A  few weeks ago the clerk that I had been getting regular updates from told me that my VFS/med docs were all back and that my file was w/ bookings, and that I'm just waiting for a call for med/interview dates(he said that they're under maned and really busy)... I called back last week and another clerk/and the person at the front desk said that my med docs still aren't back yet... this was surprising to me and told them that I was told by Cpl xxx that they were back, they acted surprised by this and said "I' don't know why he told you that".... Today I called back my original clerk I was dealing with (also the one who's been most helpful/understanding, knows me now by first name) and he said that my file is still w/ bookings and that I'm towards the front of the pile (which is good), he also said the bookings department (CFRC Halifax) is like one guy and they're pretty backed up... he said that the reason for the mix-up might be that maybe  my computer log/file hadn't been updated(which is what CFRC look at for general update info). The waiting has been frustrating but hopefully it'll be over soon.