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Why Are Chicks So Selfish?


Army.ca Veteran
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a post I'd put on another site, from a few months back. Made me giggle again, when I stumbled on it.

So, there I am, in some yuppie-plastic-meat-market, with the DJ playing some crap-house-disco-electro-whatever, and no Guinness to be seen. Not a drop. Just weak-ass domestic beer, and coloured drinks with weird straws and umbrella-things in them. Not that it matters, 'cause I'm still medicated up the hoop and can't drink anyway. The males (?) are all walking around, sucking in their flabby civilian guts, wearing all kinds of jewellery, and showing off their dyed/frosted/streaked/whatever-the-metros-are-calling-it-today hair.
I'm in hell.
I mean this is worse than the week before when I was stuck in IKEA and they were playing ABBA on the muzac.
M'dear, darlin' little wife is chatting with my cousin in some booth, and I got real tired of listening to that, so I'm up at the bar being incredibly charming and friendly to the passing plastic-sheeple. Ken and Barbie on parade.
Well, out of nowhere comes uber-hottie! Picture Jessica Simpson. Only hotter! She says something about how I look so grumpy. I ask if she has a boyfriend.
She says "no."
I ask "would you like one?"
I she says, "maybe. (giggle)"
Me: "Well, I'm a great boyfriend. How about me?"
Her: "I guess we could try it. (giggle)"

- And when I put 'giggle' in there, picture the ultimate bimbette giggle. Seriously, when I looked into her eyes, I could actually see the bubbles floating around in there. -

Me: "O.K. lemme go ask my wife. I'll be right back." ('Cause I'm considerate. I wouldn't want to just spring this sort of thing on her. How rude would that be? "Hey honey. Meet my new girlfriend. Can you make her a drink or something?") And off I scoot to m'dear, darlin' little wife.
"Hey, babe," I says. ('Cause I'm a brilliant conversationalist.) "You don't mind sharing, right? Can I have a girlfriend? "
"Who?" Wifey asks. (Cleverly leading me to believe that someday, perhaps, I can actually have a girlfriend. Canny, that wife o' mine.)
"Her." Says I, pointing at ultra-vixen. Who's staring at me with her eyes slightly bulging.
Well, no harm in asking. You never know the answer unless you ask the question, right? But, I am a little shocked. Wifey isn't usually so selfish. She's always lending stuff out to neighbours (usually MY stuff), giving things to charity (see previous), helping out various causes (almost never the "Get-Hubby-Loaded-Fund, however), etc.  Apparently, though, girlfriends are out. Which is totally unfair! I'd let her have a girlfriend. She could even stay with us. (I give and I give. It hurts, and I give more. That's just the kind of guy I am.)

So, I go back to the bar and break the bad news to mega-babe.
"She said no."
Her: "Well, I don't blame her! I didn't know you were married!" And she says this like it's my fault. She's the one who didn't ask. Weirdo.
Me: "You don't blame her?"
"You have a problem with sharing? Didn't you watch Sesame Street? Sharing is important."
Her: "Gross! I don't do that!" And off she flounces. (In a huff, if you can believe that. A real, no-foolin' HUFF! Never seen a huff before.) Leaving me to yell after her:
"You don't do that? Don't do what? You don't share? See, that's why you don't have a boyfriend! You don't share! You're never gonna have a boyfriend unless you learn to share!"
Chicks are so selfish.
Okay, my hackles were up when I read the title -- then I read the post.  That was funny!!  ;D ;D
That's what I miss about the army.  Out here in Toolietown, people just wouldn't see the truth in this....Philistines   ;D
What if niner domestic had said yes? ;)
Well, I would have said sure, but that you had to break up with her before leaving the bar...lol
Springroll said:
Well, I would have said sure, but that you had to break up with her before leaving the bar...
so you'd be all right with me and her doin' it in the bathroom? Or on the dance floor?

Kyle did go to bed, right?
I never said that...any respectable girl would not give it up that easily the first night.  ;)
I think Kyle went outside to play...

Coulda had some rodeo action right there in the bar, ride'm cowboy...

That had to be in Edmonton, cause there is no place here in your old stompin grounds that match the description.

Armymedic said:
That had to be in Edmonton, cause there is no place here in your old stompin grounds that match the description.
what? You don't think I coulda meant Sassy's? Or whatever it's name is this week?
paracowboy said:
what? You don't think I coulda meant Sassy's? Or whatever it's name is this week?

Does this sound like Sassy's?

paracowboy said:
So, there I am, in some yuppie-plastic-meat-market, with the DJ playing some crap-house-disco-electro-whatever, and no Guinness to be seen. Not a drop. Just weak-*** domestic beer, and coloured drinks with weird straws and umbrella-things in them.

Now the Cosmo, or Sweetwaters (or whatever they're called now) in Fredriction, maybe.
Slim said:
Turned it into a country bar last I was there ('96)

Ah crud. All the haunts of my youth are either gone or changed and not for the better.
Slim said:
Turned it into a country bar last I was there ('96)

Actually no, sweetwaters is still there (was there last year) but they share half of their property with the Rockin' Rodeo now!!  ???
whoa whoa whoa,

Sassy's a country bar?  ::)  whoda thunk?

What  ever happened to banana Pete's?

Please don't tell me it's gone!!  (ya I it's probably called Apple Joe's)



no, Sassy's is still the same hole we all know and love to hate. Sweetwater's was supposedly turned into a country bar, but it hasn't really, it's just sharing a building with a country bar.

geez, buy a program, wouldja?