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whos going to st jean on aug 16 for basic?


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I'm heading to St-Jean for basic on the 16 of Aug, and i was wondering who else was going?

I'm going RCR MOC 031, I'm from Nova Scotia

someone gave me the idea to post this, Just to see who else was going so we could all keep in touch

thanks for the idea skinny

cheer, and i hope to see you guys at basic
I am in the same course as you august 16.I am also RCR MOC 031,so we will probibally train together throughout the whole time.Have you got sworn in yet?i get sworn in on the 3rd of august.look foward to meeting you,my name is chris.
yeah i'm getting sworn in on the third as well in halifax,

my names Adam
My name is Shawn and im going RCR 031 on aug  16th.

I live in amherst N.S. Im doing push ups,sit ups and running.just enough to keep fit and be ready for BMQ
Im also 20, what are your guys ages????
i'm 20 as well

and my mom and friends have me running rampant doing this and that....but i do push ups and try and keep active
im 23,im just running running and running more,im also weight training at the gym.get that cardio up boys were going to need it
yeah defiantly,

i spent some time in the reserves while i wa in high school, and it was nothing but running in there as well, but that was part time, this is full time

so what made you guys decide to join anyway?
Hi, I'm starting basic on 16 August as well, I'm PPCLI 031.  I've been doing pushups, situps, some chinups occasionally, running and weight training to prepare, but I am no where near where I want to be, glad I still have a while to improve.  I'll also probably be the youngest in the platoon; I'm only 17, going in straight from high school.
your PPCLI? thats cool

i assume your going to st jean as well lol :)

so where are you from?
I'll be the same BMQ as you guys. I'm 22 from Vancouver and my MOC wil be 434 FCS Tech. As far as training the typical running, push ups, sit ups, and gym.
did any of you guys get any of the paper work in the mail?  like the CF leave request/ authorization or the application hand book they talk about in the joining instructions booklet? or are we gonna get all that stuff when we get to the recruiting centre?
hi, my name's Jesse matthews. I am originally from vancouver but I am living in edmonton right now. I head out for St. Jean with you guys =) I leave august 14th. I wonder what we're gonna do the 2 days before BMQ starts? Its a relief to know that i'm not the only one worried about my level of fitness and whether or not I'll be able to cut it. I'm sure as long as we grit our teeth, and keep our head down we will be able to grind past the tough spots. Anyone else  worried about drinking too much beer before you head out? I only got 5 weeks left until i'm leaving, and all my friends and family want to do is party it up before I leave lol. I'm like *** damn!! I need to train! not drink more beer!!!

So yeah, don't worry guys. We'll make it =) Your not alone!! The things i'm paranoid about are my knees, my pushups, and my calfs while running. But I figure, there are probably people out there in worse shape than me that will make it, so hell if I can't too!!

my trade, PPCLI infantry.
also, if any of you out there have msn my contact is fuzzyfootimperatores@hotmail.com
  y0 dudes..... I just finished my application process about 2 weeks ago. My recruiting officer told me it's more than likely I'll be getting the call to go in 2-3 weeks as I was "merit-listed". I know a guy from work who signed up and is going Aug. 14. So I'm hoping I'll be in the same shipment as you boys. I've talked to a few people who've been through basic and basically they're all in agreement that running is the best way to train for St. Jean. Physical strength is important but if you have no endurance you're going to be at the back of the pack.  :crybaby:    Hope to see you guys there..... Keep training. I'm gonna need some competition so step it up boys!!!  :salute:

Sorry to say, but if you just were merit listed you would be looking at a late september early october BMQ, all the other ones are full.
  Spenco what makes you think I'll be going in late September early October? And how do you know the other BMQ's are full? I've talked to many people about the shipment dates and I've heard from many that it's more than likely that I'll be going in August. And I've heard after August there are no more shipments until January. Just curious to know where you're getting your information from.
I was on the merit list for at least 2 months before I got my call at the beginning of june and I'm leaving on aug 16,you do the math.Every ones story is different but I think mine is pretty average.From the day i walked in to CFRC to the day I will walk in basic will be 8 months.Don't get me wrong I hope you get in with us or their abouts,but if not be patient your time will come.and as far as i heard the only time basic isn't running is for a few weeks in the summer thats it,Don't quote me though I could be wrong.Good luck to you,keep us in touch.
Bradboy, I was merit listed in April or May, selected in June and I don't start BMQ at St. Jean until September 3. If you could make it in August more power to you, but I highly doubt it. 