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Whole Iltis Purchase

Running Iltis down here, they start at around 3500$.
He's got around 20. And 3 from SFOR. A couple of MP Models too.
1985 Iltis, 12,000 miles (20,000 km) in excellent shape.  Doors and roof (also in excellent condition) included.  $6500, 499-1801, Paddy.

NOT mine, NOT advertising just posting what I coped down from the windshield 10 minutes ago.

6500$ for a "runner" with low mileage and comes with doors & Roof.
wonder what 3500$ gets you with that other guy..............
Does anyone know of any one selling an Iltis in Nova Scotia/ New Brunswick?


army surgeon said:
Does anyone know of any one selling an Iltis in Nova Scotia/ New Brunswick?



The one I mentioned above is in Waverley, near the Inn on the Lake exit.

Hey Everyone,
I hope that I am not to late for this, but I am interested in purchasing an Iltis. So I am woundering if there will be any auctions near Montreal Qc or somewhere near by in Ontario. And where can I find out about the auctions etc.
If there are no more auctions coming my way where could I buy one, I mean I checked all the links that you guys posted here but most iltises there are sold out.
Thanks in advance! I realy hope that I can get my hands on one of these lil things hehe. :salute:
There is one or two for sale here in Ottawa,I pass by this guys house when I go to work at one of the bus garages in Ottawa.I'll pass by it tommorrow and see if i can get a phone number for you.He has the 2 of them sitting out in the drive way right at Prince of Wales  before Colonade Drive I'll message you with a number once I get it.
Why would anone want an Iltis? After the CF is done with them they are so beat to ratshit and they cost thousands to fix. Similar to buying an old copcar only 50 time worse. Buy a new jeep and paint it green, it will be cheaper.
chupracabra said:
Why would anone want an Iltis? After the CF is done with them they are so beat to ratshit and they cost thousands to fix. Similar to buying an old copcar only 50 time worse. Buy a new jeep and paint it green, it will be cheaper.

Dunno, ask the BCR about triple 6. Was fine when we had it.

Rumors is, you can re and re an Iltis head in 1.5 hours, with the right tools.

Also, a rabbit, GTI with hot cam, head can be substituted for the original one. I have a Vdub mechanic friend who said the parts where interchangeable...
I don't know... they seem like a nice little POS ;) Personally, if I could find one for a half decent price here in BS (commence laughing) I'd probably jump all over it.  They'd be fun little off road vehicles, and Recce seemed to point out quite a number of ways a backyard mechanic could improve upon them.  Not sure if I'd trade it in for my '89 GMC Jimmy, but it'd still be fun as all heck to drive!

chupracabra said:
Why would anone want an Iltis? After the CF is done with them they are so beat to ratshit and they cost thousands to fix. Similar to buying an old copcar only 50 time worse. Buy a new jeep and paint it green, it will be cheaper.

Probably the same reason guys turn the world upside down to find M-38 parts for their resto jobs.
dimon said:
Hey Everyone,
I hope that I am not to late for this, but I am interested in purchasing an Iltis. So I am woundering if there will be any auctions near Montreal Qc or somewhere near by in Ontario. And where can I find out about the auctions etc.
If there are no more auctions coming my way where could I buy one, I mean I checked all the links that you guys posted here but most iltises there are sold out.
Thanks in advance! I realy hope that I can get my hands on one of these lil things hehe. :salute:

Check on eBay Motors under Other Vehicles/Military vehicles.  There are plenty in the Montreal and Cornwall area listed from time to time.  Be patient.


You can also often find a variety of parts.

There is a guy who has plenty and he is just north of St. Andrew's West on the 138 (just north of Cornwall, ON).  I have no idea of the price.
I guess I had to start somewhere, so this will be my first official post. I want to say that this site is fantastic.  :salute:

I just purchased my first Iltis. It came out of a government auction in Alberta.
Michener Allen Auctioneering (Edmonton) to be exact, back on August 12.
They had 16 of them and half were the medical variation (extended tarp and actual stretcher hardware) very interesting.

I used to drive them with Winnipeg Rifles and I have seen a few around town, so I figured I want to get one.

This particular one is in pretty good shape, runs decent, and everything on it works. I plan to fix it up and get it as complete as possible.

I must say that this site and especially the posts from Recce DG are going to be very helpful for this new project I have embarked on.

I will be looking for a lot more info, and anyone with any Iltis literature please contact me.
So far I managed to procure a operator's manual.


Down here in London Ontario , theres a dealership that has 8 left, i'm going down next week to have a look, i want 2 of them one for parts and a good one that runs to use for hunting and fishing. I've always wanted one and now that there being sold i'm very happy indeed.

I've called MTO and they told me that in order to get it road worthy the cost is approx $500.00. Emmissions test goes on the year it was manufacturered, 1987 was the last year, so if i buy a 86 or older, it doesn't have to have the test because of the 20 year exemption on autos that are 20 years and older.

So to get it registered all i need is a Satety inspection and new Tires, (the uni-directional) tires have to be replaced with conventional offroad or hwy tires.

I drove the Iltis all the way through my career Gagetown, Patawawa just to name some and let me tell you its one very capable little truck, it will go places that and averge 4x4 wouldn't dream off. The rear locking diff will get you out of some seemingly imppossible places with ease, and the cross country gear is great for getting through deep mud and snow or climbing steep hills with a load. The Fording capability is a definate plus if you have to cross shallow streams.

As for parts, well its a VW engine & transmission, the clutch is a cable clutch no rocket science there. Besides i'll have one complete truck just for parts and it won't be daily driver so the wear and tear will be kep to a minimum.



The tires should be the new ones now. I know all the ones out west that were serviceable in the last few years all had the new Micheline X's put on. The ones that were PCC'd may have been used for parts (not that we would ever do such a thing) and not received the new tires, but they were supposed to have all been done. Former Reserve vehicles should also have been done.

The new tires are very good (a little stiff to put on the rims, but maybe I was just out of practice). Either way, new tires should not be a problem. Do not worry too much about the emissions test. The biggest problem you may have will be if your carb is pooched and she's running too rich. Way too many gasoline ppm for the sniffer. You can get rebuild kits, but I would sincerely recommend a whole new carb. She'd go like stink with a new carb and new rubber properly balanced.

Make sure you check the gas tanks and ensure that there is none of that stupid nylon anti-explosion mesh in there (stupid idea, gas eats the plastic). It'll either be blue-ish or orange-ish. If it is still in there, you'll see it just by looking down the feed neck with a flash light. That stuff was supposed to have been removed years ago, but everyonce and awhile I'd see one with it still.

If you have a couple to pick from, see if the rear trunnion mods have been done on them. Not all were. All it is, is a grease nipple on the trunnions themselves. Mind you, they were probably never greased, but they are much better than the sealed units. Good luck shopping.
For roughly a grand and a half (depending on how sophisticated you want to get) you can covert the thing to EFI and toss the carb forever.

Easier starting, no fuel slosh problems, no more flooding, better throttle response.

The only challenge is adapting 12V EFI systems to the Iltis 24V electrical system.

hi, maby you guys can help me out.
i am planning to buy one in the near future and have couple of questions.

what does it take to get an Iltis sertified and registered in ontario? i would guess it needs not the emmisions test(over 20 years), but for the safety part, what do i need to do to make it road worth under the highway trafic act?

also does anyone have an idea how many of these are still left in the military. i mean will i see them in an auction next year. I went to the Innisfil auction and they had 10 on nov 25, and they are selling another 10 on Dec 09, but will they ran out at some point? when would that be?

i got me an iltis fever aswell, so i am definetly planning to own one, but need to get all my ducs in a row before i buy one.
I too am going to NTVA auction on the 9th. Going to be looking at some Ilti (im going to be using this as the plural form of iltis now lol). Only thing thats put me off is the whole iffyness of making them road legal. I'm am not up for trailering the stupid thing everywhere. Going to be interesting to see what they sell for.
As long as it's over 20 YO, I think you get a pass on emisions stuff.  Other than that, a mechanics inspection should do it, it has all the required lights, signals, and warning devices.