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Who here has a Cadet Medal, what is it, and what did you have to do to get it?

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I was just curious to see what types of Cadet Medals you have earned, and how you got them   8)

edited by recceguy to belay any confusion. This is about CADET medals only
Cadet Medal prerequisites are in the CATOs, which are available online or at your local unit.  I'd post you a link but it seems the Cadet website is currently down.
Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence - At least 3 valid references of community service and a CO's recommendation
So what type of service have you done to get that Medal? How many hours?
No set limit: I've personally donated hundreds upon hundreds of hours to our local fire hall for bingo, summer activities, serving dinners, emergency responses for power outages and such for the elderly, things along them lines.

I'd go into all the things I've done, but I honestly do not feel up to typing it all.  :P I'll just say that I am fully confident in myself, without boasting, that I deserved the acclamation.
For my Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence, I helped a youth group band, was a member of a community band, and I worked for some mess functions, and attended all optional cadet activities.

For my Army Cadet Long Service Medal, well I have simply been in cadets for more then 5 years.

There are also medals for topping various aspects of cadets:

- ANAVETs Cadet Medal of Merit - for certain 6 week summer camp courses
- MGen Howard Medal (Army Only) - for getting top standing the NSCE in your province
- Air Force Association Medal (Air Only) - for getting top standing from your province on the Air Cadet SLC course.

Just wondering, If you have been awarded a (Eg: medal in say Sea Cadets, or Air Cadets and transfered into Army Cadets can you wear that medal on a Army Cadet Uniform and vice versa, also are the medals in all elements the same?
Many of the medals are similar and some are different.  I believe if you have earned another cadet recognized medal you are permitted to wear it.  Im not precisely sure let me check with a source.  Wait out.
I know an Army Cadet that transfered to Air Cadets and is not allowed to wear his Army Cadet Long Service Medal.
Like I said.. I would check. Wait out :)
I don't think the Service Medal would be a bad one to give out program-wide, but that's just personal opinion.
November Foxtrot said:
I know an Army Cadet that transfered to Air Cadets and is not allowed to wear his Army Cadet Long Service Medal.
Strikes me that that is likely because it's such a new award. I don't see the point behind that medal anyway, it's nothing more then a hey, that cadet's been in for 5 years, here, let's give them a medal. It seems to me to be nothing more than an excuse to make the uniform shinier...having said that, I've heard some rumors that the Air Cadet League out here in Eastern is thinking of propsing an air cadet version of the same thing......I still disagree with it though......

I'll post a link to that when I get home, expect it in about an hour...
The Army Cadet Service medal is a new medal out for Army Cadets only (so far).  Your CO must nomintae you after you have put in 5 years (i believe) of service.  You then, consequently can be awarded bars on top of that for additional years in.  That is it in a nut shell,  not entirely sure about wearing medals from air in army without doing a tad bit of CATO hmwk. 


condor888000 said:
I'll post a link to that when I get home, expect it in about an hour...

Here's the link.....


Appears I was mistaken, they're holding a contest in case they decide to make one....
I think it's great to see other branches of cadets adopting the Service Medal.
If you read the link you notice that it has not been decided yet. The ACL(Ottawa valley/Quebec) has suggested that we adopt a medal with the same or similar criteria, yet one the is distinct to air cadets.

As I said before, I disagree with the entire idea of a long service medal. For air cadets especially, we already have a proficiency badge which gets bigger every year. If you want to know how long someone's been in, look there, the number of props is the number of levels done, I have 5 props, five years in, in the middle of number six. A long service medal really serves no purpose for us other than to look good......
Good point. :) I can entirely see that from your point of view.
  I have 5 props, five years in, in the middle of number six. A long service medal really serves no purpose for us other than to look good......

Be careful.  The props denote the level(s) completed, not how many years you have been in Air Cadets. Given, usually the two go hand in hand, however you can spend 7 full years in cadets having acheived level 5 complete after 5.


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