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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?


Army.ca Fixture
Reaction score
1) It cannot be a public figure, ideally John Q Public
2) No names no pack drill
I will start:

Civvy to her friend:
"Oh look its only the MPs, you don't have to pull over for them because they are not regarded as real cops"
"are you sure the flag is supposed to be replaced if it is torn and frayed but only on one end?"
"I didn't know you were in the army reserves. That sounds like a great hobby. You get to play soldier, save money on taxes..."
--civie budding in on a conversation with the CSM.

Not today but a couple of days ago I overheard:

Sgt, while trying to loosen up the FNGs on PAT: "Bloggins: how are you making out? How was your run?"
Bloggins: "Great 'Sir'. It was actually very easy. I enjoyed it a lot."
(While discussing my experience in Afghanistan with a gr 11 high school class)

"What's a Fire-fight?  Do you guys use flame-throwers?"

(After the presentation, out in the hall, asked by a student in the class.)

"So... are you in the army or something?"

My answer; "Something like that... yeah."

His reply;  "Oh... that makes sense now."

... I was in uniform.

[Insert Random Name] said:
Today, my friend and I were discussing my employment options. To prevent me from joining, he says:

"Don't join, the Army will send you to Iraq!"

I was speechless.

Obviously then -- you laughed at him then applied?

Nice user name BTW -- I like it.  :)
Me:  "Excuse me....what time does the gym close tonight??"

Front Desk Guy:  "We close at 6pm."

Me:  "But the sign says 9pm??"

Front Desk Guy:  "Oh....yeah.  Ummmmmmmmm, I guess we close at 9pm." 
[Insert Random Name] said:
The applying comes tmmrw :) And I'm glad to see you like the name.

It's original.

What the heck is "tmmrw" --- ??

I already know the answer; we just try to keep away from MSN speak around these parts is all.
[Insert Random Name] said:
Today, my friend and I were discussing my employment options. To prevent me from joining, he says:

"Don't join, the Army will send you to Iraq!"

I was speechless.

Don't be speechless.......answer loud and proud "

COOL !!!!!

Now THAT will shut THEM up
BulletMagnet said:
Dummest thing I heard to today.....

"She drills her own holes"


Was this in passing reference to some female termite or something??
The dumbest thing I heard today?

Pretty much everything at the executive committee meeting this morning.... civilians can't organize twins to double heads even if both had the running trots  :P
Well, last night I had a fever from the flu I have, an mom told dad to feel my forehead to see how hot I was. He then said "Ew gross no way," to which I preceded to say "Oh come on, not like I have any germs-."

He was still laughing into his sleep.
At work today, at Value Village:  'Can I put 27 cents on my debit card?'

Yep, that's what I said, 27 cents.  Paid $57 cash and put the 27 cents on debit.  ::)
"The blueprint can't be wrong it was designed by CAD. Everything will fit as laid out." ::) ::) ::)
Panzer Grenadier said:
"We should take the electric stairs"

... No, I've never said anything like that.  *shifty eyes*
A couple weeks ago Redneck Midget and one of his buddies drive to Halifax from rural Hants county. While in the big mall, buddy walks towards a flight of stairs. My response was "Hell with that, I'm taking the auto-walking stairs!"

Well, last night I had a fever from the flu I have, an mom told dad to feel my forehead to see how hot I was. He then said "Ew gross no way," to which I preceded to say "Oh come on, not like I have any germs-."

He was still laughing into his sleep.

Don't worry there, Mike. There's a new invention called the thermometer thats all the rage. I hear it will be making it's debut in Newfoundland pretty soon.
P.S.. make sure when you buy one, it says "oral" on the package.

uncle-midget-boyd said:
Don't worry there, Mike. There's a new invention called the thermometer thats all the rage. I hear it will be making it's debut in Newfoundland pretty soon.
P.S.. make sure when you buy one, it says "oral" on the package.

::) :D
