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whats jobs and rank can you obtain with only a grade 10?

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There are no shortcuts in life. While you might not like school its the foundation for the rest of your life. Be a sponge and absorb everything you can. Get involved in athletics. Learning to be part of a team is essential if you want a military career or to get ahead in civilian life. A high school diploma is proof that you can stick with something until completion. Its too common today to see kids quit because the going gets too tough or you dont like your boss. Having a well rounded education with variety of extra curricular activities will make you a better person and an attractive military recruit. Stay in school. Have fun. Stay focused.
conqueror said:
this isn't "Ernest Scared Stupid"

No, my son, it isn't - life and a career in the CF are one hell of a lot more serious than that.

Check your PMs, you little idiot.

I have one thing for you to think about, and think about it hard. You have said that you want to quit school and join the forces. Don't expect to become an officer with grade 10. Now, what are your contingency plans for the case that could potentially happen: You quit school with just grade 10 or maybe 11, and the CF won't take you for some unforeseeable  reason, or after joining the CF, you realize the military isn't what you are looking for? You have no education, no job, and will not be able to do anything in life with grade 10. It is even getting to the point where in most areas you won't be able to go anywheres in life with your Grade 12
You have only this one chance to make your life yours. Don't spoil it. School is something that, yes, it can be an almighty pain-in-the-ass as we all know, but it offers so much now. It gives courses that can prepare you for life after school. You will be able to do so much more in life with that extra year or two of school.
Hammond said:
I'll Have to agree with Yrys.... It appears that the school system and "government" have already beat you. If you can't take instruction in a classroom concerning fundamentals, how do you propose you will absorb all the lessons from the military Instructors? During BMQ and progressive courses it appears you'll have at least half if not more of your lessons in a classroom setting, going over more fundamentals and "boring" topics.

It's great that your looking to make a difference in the world and that you want a challenge, but how are you suppose to educate the "uncivilized middle east" if you don't even have a high school diploma. It seems like your trying hard to fit yourself into the role of a sniper only describing yourself using terms most people relate to the occupation of a sniper. "i love the outdoors especially hunting and just observing things, such as a sniper does."

You also seem to contradict yourself quite a bit stating things such as "especially defeat the enemy. earth shouldn't be in war, earth should be in peace." in the same paragraph.

School sucks, everybody has said it multiple times throughout education. Something you just have to suck up.. in the end you'll be a more enlightened and better person. If you can't deal with the stress of school.. how are you suppose to deal with the stress of combat. If you can survive in the S***tiest places... you should be able to survive school for another 2 years. Take courses that interest you, World Politics, History seem as though they'd be right up your ally looking to change the world.

military is interesting like you wouldn't believe. i don't care about drama, music, how to find the square root of 9. in a military classroom i would be the one whos always raising the hand. if i had the opportunity i would love to learn and become skilled in every combat way there is in the cf. and i would dedicate my life and teach it to others.... school right now is just wasting my time. like i wanna go to boot camp right now if i could. its just that my life sucks right now:(  i'm stressed to the point with school, family, friends etc that i just need to get out of this place and cf is the place for me. i'm not good at school but i'm very good in the history of military, anything dealing with surivial, military history i'm good at. math i suck at. essays i suck at. i can write very well, when i take my time. but yea. youths nowadays have it much harder then you guys and women do.
Perhaps while you are finishing school you might join the Cadets ?
Roy Harding said:
No, my son, it isn't - life and a career in the CF are one hell of a lot more serious than that.

Check your PMs, you little idiot.


hmm, idiot eh? lets say i did join the the cf and i was a medic... and i did get my highschool and went on to bigger things like meds, and i became a medic, now how r u suppose to trust an idiot with your life? think about what you say. you know i show adults respect, and as adults they should do that in return.

and btw i can always finish my high school in the army correct?
conqueror said:
military is interesting like you wouldn't believe. i don't care about drama, music, how to find the square root of 9. in a military classroom i would be the one whos always raising the hand. if i had the opportunity i would love to learn and become skilled in every combat way there is in the cf. and i would dedicate my life and teach it to others.... school right now is just wasting my time. like i wanna go to boot camp right now if i could. its just that my life sucks right now:(  i'm stressed to the point with school, family, friends etc that i just need to get out of this place and cf is the place for me. i'm not good at school but i'm very good in the history of military, anything dealing with surivial, military history i'm good at. math i suck at. essays i suck at. i can write very well, when i take my time. but yea. youths nowadays have it much harder then you guys and women do.

How about you start taking your time when posting since you say you write well when you take your time.

The rest of your post......... :rofl:
conqueror said:
military is interesting like you wouldn't believe. i don't care about drama, music, how to find the square root of 9. in a military classroom i would be the one whos always raising the hand. if i had the opportunity i would love to learn and become skilled in every combat way there is in the cf. and i would dedicate my life and teach it to others.... school right now is just wasting my time. like i wanna go to boot camp right now if i could. its just that my life sucks right now:(  i'm stressed to the point with school, family, friends etc that i just need to get out of this place and cf is the place for me. i'm not good at school but i'm very good in the history of military, anything dealing with surivial, military history i'm good at. math i suck at. essays i suck at. i can write very well, when i take my time. but yea. youths nowadays have it much harder then you guys and women do.


How to win friends and................

Do you know how to find what the current Magnetic Declination is and how to apply it to a compass?  I didn't think so.

So far you have failed miserably on this site.  You don't seem to be a Team Player.  You have shown that you can not follow the simplest of directions.  You have shown us that you quit when the going gets tough.  You snub people who have given you advice.  

One more time:  Just for you.  Pay close attention to the following details.

To make a capital "I" all you have to do is HOLD DOWN THE SHIFT KEY AS YOU PRESS THE "I" KEY.    

SIMPLE.  (I went out and bought a "easy" button from Staples, just for times like this......"That was Easy!")
George Wallace said:

How to win friends and................

Do you know how to find what the current Magnetic Declination is and how to apply it to a compass?  I didn't think so.

well of course not, school don't teach you that. i'll learn that in the cf:) thank you very much
conqueror said:
military is interesting like you wouldn't believe.

UH, yeah, we know.

conqueror said:
i don't care about drama, music, how to find the square root of 9.

Although a well rounded education makes you a better soldier by being able to learn a wider variety of subjects, and to approach new cultures and expectations from a broader base of understanding.

conqueror said:
in a military classroom i would be the one whos always raising the hand.

Unfortunately, we don’t necessarily see that as a good thing, generally the people who are always raising their hand fall into two categories: either they weren’t paying attention (maybe because they suck in school) or they are too busy trying to “learn” more than the Army needs them to know for that class and that course.

conqueror said:
if i had the opportunity i would love to learn and become skilled in every combat way there is in the cf. and i would dedicate my life and teach it to others....

Commendable dedication to the cause, but you’ll do much better in execution with a stronger background education and a demonstrated ability to learn (like making capatial letters with one of the shift keys)

conqueror said:
school right now is just wasting my time.

Or perhaps you are wasting the school’s time, in which case I do not believe you’ll do better in a military classroom environment.

conqueror said:
like i wanna go to boot camp right now if i could.

In Canada we call it Basic Training.

conqueror said:
its just that my life sucks right now:(

My condolences, although most teens say the same thing, so many of us old guys get a little sceptical about such comments.

conqueror said:
i'm stressed to the point with school, family, friends etc that i just need to get out of this place and cf is the place for me.

Then maybe you need to talk to someone about your inability to handle life and the stress it causes you.  heading into the military may not be the change you think it will be.

conqueror said:
i'm not good at school but i'm very good in the history of military, anything dealing with surivial, military history i'm good at. math i suck at. essays i suck at. i can write very well, when i take my time.

Being in the Army isn’t all about survival and shooting, we expect a lot more out of our personnel.

conqueror said:
but yea. youths nowadays have it much harder then you guys and women do.


You people take things to seriously, I have not yet nor flamed anyone. So why be so rough on me? I am a good guy, i don't deserve to be treated like a piece of poop.
We have not yet begun to treat you like poop.  Free and truthful advice follows:

school right now is just wasting my time

If you think high school is BS, then you're going to hate BMQ, SQ, and whatever follows for you after that.  If you can't deal with cadets or cadet summer camp forget a career in the CF as well.  Much of what you'll have to do will involve communication including doing some stuff on paper and much of that will have to be handwritten.  If you're frustrated at school, then you're not the only one who's gone through that either.  If this is shown by the attitude you're giving the serving CF members on this forum and you carry it through to your training, your instructors are going to make it job #1 to kick you out.  Trust me, I've instructed on recruit courses and I've done it.  

You can either finish school now, or you can try to do it in your late 20's or into your 30's when you're dealing with real pressure.  You can't even begin most apprenticeships without high school so why should be trusted with any of the army's expensive and lethal equipment, much less a leadership role, if you can't be hired to bend electrical conduit or re-jet a carburetor?    

youths nowadays have it much harder then you guys and women do.

There were guns, drugs, and gangs in my school too.  (Not Martini-Henrys, laudanum, and the Little Rascals just to stave off the inevitable smart-ass)  As for your training, if you get that far we can trade stories on who had it worse.  Good luck and I hope you make the right decision.   

Well, we have seen your ability to use Capitals as well in your [unfathomnable to me] comment "Ernest Scared Stupid"...

 I can only surmise your here to create some tension and heartache, and as such I won't be missing you when the DS give you a Big B for BANNED.
conqueror said:
You people take things to seriously, I have not yet nor flamed anyone. So why be so rough on me? I am a good guy, i don't deserve to be treated like a piece of poop.

Ohhh gawd,

Enough already.

Goodbye troll.

Can I call it or what ;)

Mike Baker said:
Heh, what am I then if finding this thread entertaining is normal.  :D

It's not just you. I've now gotten a couple of PMs from those who are glad to see him gone, but sad the entertainment had to disappear.

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